Introducing a new puppy

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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Introducing a new puppy

Post by angelcali Sun Mar 29 2020, 12:17

Hi everyone. I'm looking for some advice. We have a 7yo staffy girl and we have just bought a puppy and our 7yo seems almost scared of her and stand offish and walks away when the puppy tries to play with her. I'm worried that the pup is too rough with her. Is it normal for my older girl to not be overly fussed on the pup or to walk away when she wants to play?? Any reassurance or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Nifty staffy Sun Mar 29 2020, 13:32

Hi & welcome to the forum  wave

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
Nifty staffy
Nifty staffy
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Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
Dog(s) Ages : 15/04/2017 + 25/09/2018 + 02/05/2022
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Nifty staffy Sun Mar 29 2020, 13:43

Hello and welcome.

Congratulations on your new family member.
An adult dog will not attack a puppy so sounds like her only defense is to walk away whilst she gets used to this major change in her household.

For now, I would ensure your adult girl has at least one place where she can retreat to if she doesn’t want to interact with the puppy. Maybe call her to puppy whilst puppy is sleeping. Don’t force interaction between them but ensure you don’t forget your adult girl and have a bit of special time for her too.

How long has new puppy been home ?

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
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Nifty staffy
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Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by angelcali Sun Mar 29 2020, 15:41

Thank you for your reply Smile she has only been home for two days and was getting worried that my older girl just didn't like her but this has reassured me. Do you have any advice for the puppy being too rough with my older girl?
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Nifty staffy Sun Mar 29 2020, 18:54

What I did when Opium came home was to distract her and be ready to act when it got too much for Nifty.
Opium particularly loves to bite Nifty’s ears and she never says anything, bless.

The puppy is also a staffy ?
I personally do not leave my girls together when I’m not at home (at work). They are both in neighbouring play pens but each has their own space. The whole family is together when we’re all at home Smile

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
Nifty staffy
Nifty staffy
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Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Jenc Sun Mar 29 2020, 19:59

Hi from me & Katy Smile congratulations on the new family member. We love photos here & can never have enough Love Struck I expect it's a bit of a surprise for your older girl! As Nifty said, give her somewhere she can escape to, she will accept & love her new sister soon. Just watch them together & if the pup is getting too much distract her attention towards you to give the older one a break. Smile

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by angelcali Sun Mar 29 2020, 23:56

Thank you both so much for your replies, you have really put my mind at ease! ❤

Now to try and tackle toilet training 😂

Thanks again
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Nifty staffy Mon Mar 30 2020, 18:17

Such a pretty face in your avatar, do tell us more about her !

Toilet training is pretty easy but it requires consistency.
Take puppy outside regularly, I took mine out every half hour.
Choose your commands to incite pee/poop.
You cannot give enough praise on delivery.

If it happens indoors, don’t punish but don’t make a fuss.

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
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Nifty staffy
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

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Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by angelcali Mon Mar 30 2020, 20:31

My girl in the avatar is 7yo her name is Angel 😇 our new girl is a blue staffy and her name is Cali. Angel is still walking away from Cali and is not very fussed on being around her. Is it normal to expect this for a while?

Also with toilet training we are taking Cali out every 30 minutes or so. Longer if she's having a nap during that time. However she is still having a few accidents during the day. Is this normal ? Is it just a case of perseverance? Thank you so much for all the advice it has really put my mind at ease!
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Jenc Mon Mar 30 2020, 20:46

Angel is beautiful, I love white obviously Love Struck I expect she's feeling a bit put out with a new baby in the house. Make sure she gets as much attention as Cali & she will come round to liking her Smile You're doing well with the toilet training but I would say take her out 1/2 after food, drinking, play & sleeping & show her much excitement every time she goes outside & not to make a fuss if she messes indoors. Just clean it up without scolding her Smile

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Nifty staffy Mon Mar 30 2020, 21:43

Definitely echo what Jen says.
Your puppy has been home for a few days, she’s just been weaned ? She’ll be about 8-9 weeks old ?
Mine were not 100% no accidents toilet trained until several months old.

As to Angel, give her time to adjust and she will love her little sister. This is just a major overhaul to her habits until now, she needs to find her place in this new organization. Make sure she gets as much fuss as Cali and give her time.

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
Nifty staffy
Nifty staffy
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

Status Status :

Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by angelcali Mon Mar 30 2020, 22:40

Thank you guys! One last question - for taking Cali out to the toilet we are carrying her as it's a bit of a walk from our door to the garden. Is this ok or should I be encouraging her to walk over? Or does this matter? We have been carrying her because when she needs to go she needs to go!!
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Nifty staffy Tue Mar 31 2020, 06:14

Unless there are stairs to be taken, I’d make her walk.
If she needs to go, then you maybe need to anticipate a little more and take her out 5 minutes earlier than you do at the moment.

You’ll see signs that she needs to go, in her behaviour or because it’s a certain time of because she’s just eaten/drunk/woken up, etc.
You’re both learning together Smile

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
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Nifty staffy
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

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Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by lunathestaffy Wed Apr 01 2020, 13:24

When I was 16 we had a chihuahua male that was about 3 years old and my mam got two new puppies then for him to have company. He was the exact same for first few weeks, almost months but then came around to them when they stopped being so small. They would pull at his tail and try to play with him and he just didn’t want any of it. They’re inseparable to this day, just needed to grow up and stop annoying him!

I’m sure it will be the same in your case, your dog just doesn’t know how to react, she knows she can’t hurt the baby but doesn’t want the baby to be at her so her solution is to just remove herself

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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by angelcali Sun Apr 12 2020, 18:11

Hi guys! So a quick update - they are getting on great! Cali loves her big sister and Angel has come around big time. She is so gentle with Cali and now it is difficult to keep them apart! Laughing Thank you all for your advice and reassurance. Smile
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Nifty staffy Sun Apr 12 2020, 18:52

That you so much for the update.
Great to hear that they’re getting on so well.

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
Nifty staffy
Nifty staffy
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

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Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
Dog(s) Ages : 15/04/2017 + 25/09/2018 + 02/05/2022
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by Jenc Sun Apr 12 2020, 20:33

I'm glad to hear that they have bonded, they will be best friends for life Love Struck

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Introducing a new puppy  B110
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Introducing a new puppy  Empty Re: Introducing a new puppy

Post by KITA90 Sun Apr 12 2020, 23:29

Glad to hear they're bonding 😁 remember to post lots of piks in the gallery. If you do, would you mind me using them for our Instagram? Xx
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