My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Sun Nov 23 2014, 15:55

Yesterday was my first day with my new owner. He came to pick me up from where I was living. I thought I was going for walk but ended up in car sat on a girls knee. The window was down and I loved smelling all the things going past. I was nervous but had the feeling everything would be betterer.

We went to a shop that had a lot of nice smells that I liked, it was a dog shop. I got bought a new bed and bowls and some treats, a collar and a lead.  I did a poo outside to celebrate, heh heh.

We then went to see a nice lady who I think is going to help me with my itching. I itch a lot and my ears are swollen and closed too. It drives my round the twist and I can't stop scratching. Maybe I lose concentration with it. I do not know.

We then went for another drive and went to a house. It is my new home I think. It smell better. I got a new toy and I run round like mad with it. I made a lot of noise banging it into things. Fun. I think I did wrong as I poo'd and wee'd in the house. Maybe I didn't give signal I need to do toilet. Man owner was nearly sick from smell. It was funny to watch but I felt a little sorry. My paws cannot do cleaning so I can't help.

We also went for nice long walk, it was foggy and I kept looking back to make sure new people with me. Mud and wet grass was my favourite and splashing in puddles (not poodles). I think we got lost because of fog.

When we got to new home I had to have a shower. I was smelly dog. It was like it rain in one place but I got man drenched too ha ha ha. Now I smelt betterer.

I had dinner, it was nice. I ate it all and had a lot of water. I think it was chicken. I liked it. Chicken nice. Yum

It been a long day so I needed to sleep. Instead of new bed I sleep in chair. It my chair now as not allowed on fabric island thing. It new. I think I make noise from other end as man owner and friend say it extremely smelly. I carry on ha ha ha. It fun.

I saw man owner yawning, he was tired. He went to bed. I followed ha ha. I not stay on floor, bed nicer. I make sure I take up all bed and man owner sleep on edge. I am a lady so it right thing to do.

Today I wake after man owner wake. Ahhh nice sleep. We have another walk to shop and I see girl who said hello to me last time, she friendly. Small adult come and ask for stroke. He nice but I must not jump on him as it is scary.

We do training too as I not good at it. Now I can sit, stay and come. I get treats when doing right. I think it good to do right as man owner happy and we play. Now I sit by window typing this but have to stop as paws itchy like itchy thing. I type again soon

Woofity woof.
Nita (I am two and half you know)

Last edited by Haizum74 on Sun Nov 23 2014, 19:07; edited 1 time in total
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Sun Nov 23 2014, 16:10

Great typing Nita... Can't wait to hear how you get on with training the Man Wink

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Mon Nov 24 2014, 19:10

Ian, I pretend I no hear command hee hee. I only play with man owner. I do tell when I want something but he not good at the understand of me. We work on it.

Today I have been doing sleep. We had very long walk and man owner let me free for bit. I make sure I come back but sometimes I smell something and I do not make hear. I see dog walk passed and I make strange noise as I like play. But dog running with other man owner and no play.

I have another shower when back as I all dirty. But no foamy stuff, aww.

Then I sleep between man owners leg and bury head between them. I make jump and man owner thought I bite bits.............ooh someone at the door............BBS
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Mon Nov 24 2014, 19:14

Laughing you are not the only Staff to make men jump. Watch where you put those paws when climbing on the man human Crying or Very sad

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Mon Nov 24 2014, 20:51

OK, back. Friend come to help with water thing for my ears.

Yes, it was funny. I bury head further under. Thanky that man owner not have trumpys like me.

When light go we went for another walk. I met dog like me but puppy and man owner stop to talk to stranger. I make happy noises with other dog but man owners thought we fight but we not. Puppy bigger than Nita but I good at holding my own, I think.

We walk in dark park and meet nearly adults. They talk to man owner with not nice voice, man owner do same to them and I growl at them. They stop, hee.

Now I go and sleep as long day. Oh, I also make trump noise when looking outside window. Man owner make laugh very loud. Do man do this when noise made?

I will investigate further.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Tue Nov 25 2014, 00:35

Nita... Find the pub. You'll surely be happy then Big Grin

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Debs01 Tue Nov 25 2014, 11:12

Awww Nita you're a clever girl making funny noises! Get your elbows deep in the ribs when sitting on man, Axl likes to do this a lot it makes man make ouchie noises Big Grin
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Wed Nov 26 2014, 20:42

Grahahahah that I do, maybe. Also what is Pub?

Today good day, me went to big house with big room. Me met other dogs and it fun. But one big dog look like cloud did bark at me so I bark back and show teeth. Also there was very very little dog that make noise like not bark. It sound like cat on hot tin roof. Dog came for me, I laugh. Silly small dog.
Also, puppy dog, he friendly but sharp teeth. I play as she only puppy. Then we take turn and walk past dogs sitting. I say Hello to one, How do to next, now then to next, how goes it to next but I ignore very very little dog. Little dog did poo and did wee ha ha ha.
Next I did sit looking at man owner and he gave me my favourite food but he tell me not to have it. I do not know, I like, so I eat.
Haruffhahahaha. I try betterer next time.

Now I go sleep, long day. Tomorrow I go see nice lady who help with itchy body. It feel betterer but man owner say we go to check up or something.

Woofity woof
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Mia05 Wed Nov 26 2014, 20:49

remeber nita the vets a very nice man/lady who will help you with your itching.

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B310
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Wed Nov 26 2014, 23:56

Nita, my Flo says check out a dog friendly pub, lots of loving to be found there from humans.

The check up thing will be fine, possibly a treat opportunity Big Grin

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Tue Dec 02 2014, 11:03


I now been with man owner for week and now me can go on fabric island as treat when i do good. Yesterday I feel bit under cloud and not want do much. Man owner did go to place like vet, I did miss him and wee'd on indoor grass called, funny name. Man owner not angry and clean up. I did wee'd again in room with fabric island. I wee lot yesterday. Today not as much. We went to dog shop and man owner did buy treats and food. I try new food, yummy. Nita like.

My paws very itchy and I bite and lick a lot. I hope medicine help soon. Now I go sleep.

Ooh, we did go to pub and it very nice and warm. I like pub. I will go again if man owner want to.


Me asleep
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Image
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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Dogs Name(s) : Nita
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Tue Dec 02 2014, 22:32

Ha ha... You took Flo's advise.

Pubs can become one of your favourite places Nita, especially in the Summer Big Grin

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Wed Dec 03 2014, 11:12

Ooh, I check for summer Pubs.

Today I did naughty. Man owner cleaning and I did sneak in to front room and eat this food like large crisp in bag. They yummy but man owner found empty bag. He asked what I did. I not tell him but me cannot lie and I had guilty look on face. I not allowed humans foods but they looked very nice and smell nice and taste nice.
Now me not have treats. Sorry man owner :-(
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Debs01 Wed Dec 03 2014, 12:29

Axl said to tell you he blames man owner for leaving it on table and he would have done the same.. once he ate a full fry up while at his dog walker's house. Dog walker left food on low table while he went to get a drink so Axl pounced.... mwhahaha. You snooze you lose!
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Wed Dec 03 2014, 15:40

Ha ha ha, I will tell man owner his fault. Treats for me.......
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Wed Dec 03 2014, 18:29

I think you'll find that any unattended food is rightfully yours Nita. Human should know this rule Wink

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Wed Dec 03 2014, 23:48

Yes, Nita agree. So I ate. Hee.

Tonight I make man owner and friend laugh. Me not sure if funny but human laugh so must be. I ok, I got treats. I see funny side in morning.

"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Wed Dec 03 2014, 23:55

Yup that made me laugh too Laughing Laughing

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Kathy Thu Dec 04 2014, 17:07

Oh dear what happened to bed thing in the air ?? Laughing
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Thu Dec 04 2014, 21:23

Me went with man owner to friends house. She has cat. Cat tipped chair and ran when I sit in it. Cat not like Nita, cat make whine noise. Me like cat. It fit in mouth. Ruffahahahahah
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Sat Dec 06 2014, 15:01

Today I did go for walkies and I did like tennis ball throw. But I also like chewing it and Nita did not listen to man owner.

"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Sat Dec 06 2014, 15:03

I also did a dream about chasing lurcher friend. Quick dog, Nita no catch but fun.

"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Mia05 Sat Dec 06 2014, 18:37


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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B310
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by stella Sat Dec 06 2014, 19:52

hee hee aww Nita has man owner not noticed tennis balls are for ripping up Laughing
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Sat Dec 06 2014, 20:02

Aww Flo noticed that you sleep (& dream) all tucked up behind human legs like she does Nita. As for tennis balls, the human must learn that no tennis ball can live for more than 30 seconds once given to Nita Wink

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Sun Dec 07 2014, 10:43

Yes, friend buy tennis balls. Me love them. Me chew quick. Yesterday when sky light go off we go walk. Man owner buy new toy from doggy shop. It much fun. I see where I go.

"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Sun Dec 07 2014, 18:51

This video made me laugh... The Human voices were just too funny Nita Laughing

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Sun Dec 07 2014, 22:19

Man Owner here. Nita has been banned from using the internet for a day.
Her training has had a bit of a set back. She has decided to ignore any commands when out walking and eat anything she can get her mouth on. So far, three lots of chewing gum (tried to get it out of her mouth), one chicken sandwich someone had dumped on the verge side, two beer caps (managed to get her to drop them) and a bunch of leaves. She also decided to pick up some frozen dog poo (had a frost over night) and carry it in her mouth.

She has also ignored her recall commands and ran off at the park to play with a Yorkshire Terrier cross. Thankfully she is a playful dog unless the other dog has a go at her but she got rather boisterous with the Terrier which the owners didn't seem too happy with. So, back on the lead and to another section of the park that was fenced in. Off the lead and played fetch and was coming back to me when called until the little monkey found a cut away at the top of the field and ran after the Terrier again for another play. 100m sprint for me to catch up to her and away we went back home.

I also think she is suffering with separation anxiety. I went out for 20 mins to the shop to get her some treats etc and came back to find she had wee'd on the carpet, baring in mind in the two weeks I have had her she has only left my side when I went to put the rubbish out.

So, a bit of a set back today and I felt a bit downtrodden as she has been so good so far. However I am sure we all have these off days and I was probably more to blame in letting her off lead when her recall isn't 100% but I have to put some trust in her. More training for us both tomorrow.

Anyway, Nita will be allowed back on the net soon.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Top_ra10

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Sun Dec 07 2014, 23:45

Well we all live and learn. Sometimes our most perfect dogs let themselves down and have a day of madness. We've all been there Rolling Eyes

I think that the fact you've only been together for two weeks and achieved so much so quickly only points to a great partnership full of fun and love. Back to basics and trusting each other is the key.

Nita, let the Human think he has everything under control, that way you'll have far more fun Big Grin

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half B110
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Mon Dec 08 2014, 11:57

Nita back on interdognet. Me not do good yesterday. I excited too much. I sorry I ran from man owner but just much fun to have with other dogs. Today we did another walk and met with lurcher friend. We play lots but I bark to her to slow as Nita got only little legs and me no catch lurcher.

She no listen so I just run after again. Lady owner of lurcher gave me treats as man owner ran out with training Nita to come back.

I also did wee on carpet this morning. I busting for wee. I need to tell man owner more as he on fours like Nita and clean, clean, clean carpet. He speak on phone thing and person coming to clean carpet as muddy at door. I wee there too so smell nice when cleaned.

I also need to learn when man owner go out door. I think he not come back and I wee but he does always. I a little afraid.

I ask man owner if we go in car to dog shop for more treats. Good idea, Nita. Yes hee hee.

Me and man owner asleep on sofa. He no like photo but it nice.

My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half 2014-11-30%2000.43.20
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Sun Dec 21 2014, 22:11

Hi, Nita is here.

This week me has been busy. Man owner have friend to house, they drink something call wine. Man owner sleep in an hour extra so I poo on carpet just to tell him not to. On Friday I did meet man owners friends and I ran around the house like whippet dog. They bought me squeaky toy but I did bite it and broked it. We also went to other friends house same night, they have Jack Russell. He old and did growl at Nita a lot. I try make friends but he not want to so I sat on Man Owners knee. I also was ill that night. I ran to man owner as I not breath and make awful noise. Man owner worried but I then breathed and was ok.
Saturday I was not well and ran into things in house, man owner to me straight to vet and nice vet think I have mini seizure.

I did have needle in me and they stole me some of my blood. I was brave and did not make complain but I left wee for them to clean hee hee hee.

We went back to home and I sleep next to man owner on his jumper on fabric island. I sleep lot. I not want to go for walk. I did not feel like Nita.

Today I better and wanted a walk. We also went to man owners cousins house. There 3 dogs. One Charlie Spaniel, she grumpy with Nita. One goldie retriever who I did play with but I get excited and did barked and she ran away. Also one dog that look like bear. He ok but just say hello and ignore Nita. I play in garden and I smell all new smells and it fun time for Nita.

Now I type while man owner wash pots. Oooh, ooh I got turkey treat as present. Yummy yum yum. Man owner put in Kong, take long time to get out. But tasty wait was good.

Oh man owner got call on glass slab you put to ear and he say blood result was all ok. I know this so why take Nita blood? Maybe they vampiries or something. Hmm, I go bed with garlic (but not eat)
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Sun Dec 21 2014, 22:20

Aww Nita, sorry to hear you haven't been well Sad

Blood tests mean nothing... Milk it girl Big Grin

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Mon Dec 22 2014, 18:57

Today I did do the milk. I pretend I not good and put puppy dog eyes on. Man owner (now Dad) went out to buy me treats and friend take me for walk tonight. Hee, milk worked.
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Mon Dec 22 2014, 19:02

Way hey... Good job Nita thumbs up

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Wed Dec 31 2014, 11:30

Nita's Dad here.
She has been a bit quieter since her mini seizure but glad to report nothing more. She may have to see a dermotologist in a couple of weeks as her demodex isn't improving as much as the vet would like.
Also, Nita decided it would be a good idea to eat half a dairy milk that I stupidly left on the sofa when I nipped to the little boys room. A call to the vets straight away and they said she hadn't eaten enough to make her ill and sure enough she was fine. Good constitution.

So tonight will be our first NY and we are stopping in and having some friends round to welcome in 2015. Treats for Nita will be a go too.
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Wed Dec 31 2014, 15:30

Good news that she hasn't suffered any more seizures Al thumbs up

You did the best thing with regards the chocolate bar, I left a large one like you on the arm of the sofa one night only to find my Flo desperately Ill in the morning. She was rushed to the vets and stayed overnight in a vet hospital having IV's throughout. Dark chocolate which this was is especially bad and it was a very large bar too.

Thankfully by the next evening my Flo was ready to come home and has been fine since but we make sure there are no chocs about when we go to bed these days.

Have a brilliant first New Years together Big Grin

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Wed Dec 31 2014, 18:57

Its bleeding awful isn't it? This had popping candy in it too, god knows what she thought of that.

Have a cracking New Year too.
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by stella Wed Dec 31 2014, 20:46

aww glad she's ok,have a great night Smile
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Sara n Ozzy Sun Jan 04 2015, 19:30

Lovely to hear about her journey, sounds like she is settling down and getting used to her new happy life, glad no more seizures just hope they can sort out her itching
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Tue Feb 17 2015, 09:18

Me not been on for while, I been busy. Here me with friends at park. Nita love play

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Lynn&Pete Wed Feb 18 2015, 15:36

Loving life, nothing better. Great vid Al.
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by -Ian- Wed Feb 18 2015, 18:31

Great vid Al... Looks like Nita has a great time on walks with her friends Big Grin

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Wed Feb 18 2015, 21:01

Dad here. She loves it, she has made some great doggy friends in the 3 months we have been together and really shown people that Staffies, when socialised, are just like any other dog and not vicious or aggressive as they are made out to be. In fact the one dog there that rules the roost is the chihuahua lol.
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Sara n Ozzy Sat Feb 21 2015, 19:33

Lovely stories
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Mon Mar 02 2015, 12:47

Dad bought me toy from pet shop. He talk to lady and they look for toy that strong as me like to chew a lot. We found one and I have it in car on way home.
We got home, Dad had to go back to shop. I chew toy apart heh heh.

Lady was surprised, Dad embarrassed. Heh heh good girl Nita.
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Sun Mar 29 2015, 19:24

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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Sun Mar 29 2015, 19:33

My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Download

My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Download%2B%281%29
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Sara n Ozzy Sun Mar 29 2015, 19:47

Brilliant ha ha ha
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Haizum74 Tue Apr 21 2015, 22:29

Today I did pinch my friends ball and ran off with it and mine.

My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half IMG_20150421_115618

I did got away with it hee hee hee

My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half IMG_20150421_120024
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My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half Empty Re: My Doggy Diary by Nita, aged 2 and a half

Post by Mia05 Tue Apr 21 2015, 22:37

great pics

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