So fed up with irresponsible people

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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Debs01 Fri Jun 28 2013, 09:43

:xHello everyone, sorry its been ages since i've posted been a little busy Big Grin

Just venting really, went for a walk with Axl across two parks locally and the first park was great, Axl ran around as there were no dogs and he was hopping like a kangaroo thorugh the long grass was hilarious Laughing but.. we got to the second park and a lady was coming towards us with a scotty dog and two little yapping dogs... anyway Axl was on a lead and I moved him over so we could walk past, the lady got one of her dogs on a lead but left the scotty and the other one off, Scotty dog comes bowling up to Axl and jumps on his back growling and snarling and biting, Axl who actually probably could have squashed it wondered what the hell was happening and kept spinning around in circles. I managed to get in between Axl and the Scotty and body blocked it until it backed off but it was quite scary as Axl was starting to get agitated he has the patience of a saint to be honest. Anyway the lady didn't even say sorry and didn't come over to get her dog, she just stood there shouting its name which was doing naff all. In the end my boyfreind grabbed her dog by the collar and dragged it over to her. If Axl had turned and bitten her dog I guarantee that it wouldn't be her dog that's blamed.

We carried on up the road for 5 mins (maybe less) and this guy was walking his staffy off the lead (he wasn't even carrying a lead for his dog). The staffy puffed out its chest and ran straight over jumping on Axl's back and then it really kicked off. Axl was still wound up by the last one and I can't blame him to be honest he retaliated. The guy took what felt like forever to come over I was swearing like crazy and I don't usually swear and Axl was defending himself but the noise was frightening... anyway my boyfriend managed to grab the staffy and I managed to pull Axl away. I can tell you I was absolutely fuming by that point. The guy did say sorry and that his dog was "only playing and he didn't realise Axl was aggressive..." Really?? I put him right, lets just leave it at that lol.

Why can't people stop their dogs running up to a dog on the lead? Why does it take a fight to make them realise and even then why don't they just grab their flaming dogs!

I'm going to stick to woods and open areas in future where I can see right around me so fed up with people letting their dogs jump all over my boy when he's on a lead, most of the time I can body block but not always and I don't think it should be up to me all the time to stop a fight.

I'm proud of my boy who could, if he wanted to, have done some serious damage to both dogs he's a big staffy but he chose not to Love Struck
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Moderator
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Moderator

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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Guest Fri Jun 28 2013, 09:50

I think the human race is becoming less intelligent. I honestly do.


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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Mattylee Fri Jun 28 2013, 10:16

Pretty much guarantee there's a post similar to this daily. Glad for u that nothing serious happened. I wish these people would use their half a brain cell!
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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by jshrew Fri Jun 28 2013, 11:28

Glad Axl is ok, there is a staffy x that we meet in the park a fair bit that is always off lead appearing from around corners etc and always makes a beeline and tries to mount Ledger luckily when Ledger tells it to back off it doesn't respond aggressively and it does have a good recall if I can shout to the owner before hand but I do kinda get fed up with meeting it
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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Kathy Fri Jun 28 2013, 11:38

Debs, I walk Rocky in a dfirrent area now becasue of exactly the issues you have just written about with the dog owner.

I just got so fed up with irresponsible owners allowing their dogs to jump all over Rocky and him getting the blame for things he hadn't done.

Stick to places where you can see all around you, that's what we now do and it's a lot less stressful.
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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Maria90 Fri Jun 28 2013, 12:47

It is insane that these people just clearly don't seem to care about the welfare of their on pet, and other pets/owners. I had Rocky in the car with my window wound half way down and he had his head stuck out a bit, there was another SBT off-leash....ON A MAIN ROAD with the owner waiting to cross. the other SBT saw Rocky and jumped all over my car.....owner didn't say a word, just called him over several times and that was it! If I had accidentally ran him over, or something happened to him he wouldn't be saying nothing then!
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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Guest Fri Jun 28 2013, 14:03

Again don't get me started on this. Too many times its happened to us it drives me insane! hope you are all ok Xx


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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Debs01 Fri Jun 28 2013, 14:45

Thanks for all your nice comments, I've calmed down considerably now but yes I agree with Kathy and from now on I'll stick to places where I know they will be quiet and I can see around me Smile
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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Guest Fri Jun 28 2013, 14:55

I only walk in certain places were I know the owners because of this reason, some people grrrr.


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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Guest Fri Jun 28 2013, 22:30

I glad everything is ok, but your right, it could of turned out really bad. There's a guy in our street, he lets his dog walk with out a lead. She's a cross between a Staff and a pug. We walked out of the front door, and there she was, no lead or collar, nothing happened, but it could of. Why do people put their dogs at risk!!! She came over and sniffed Kenny, who was a gentleman for once lol.


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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by heelshouse Sat Jun 29 2013, 05:46

Hayley wrote:I think the human race is becoming less intelligent. I honestly do.

Less caring...they most certainly are!! Self centered...and self absorbed.

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So fed up with irresponsible people Empty Re: So fed up with irresponsible people

Post by Guest Sat Jun 29 2013, 07:07

Good boy Axl , well controlled , fact of life though that I don't think will ever go away


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