Need advice if you have experience of this please

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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by Lizzie Sun Jul 24 2011, 12:11

I recently posted about my dog being attacked by my neighbours new rescued collie. Since this happened my Harry has now become aggressive towards other dogs that we meet out walking. He seems to now ‘want to get in first’ and growls and lunges strongly and quite honestly any other dog owner who sees a staffie doing this are really frightened. I have been more strict with Harry, tried lots of training etc and no longer walk him on an extending lead. Have also contacted a very reputable trainer who has helped other dogs, although I appreciate Harry may never be dog friendly, I would at least like him to walk past other dogs without kicking off. Before the incident, he would walk past dogs that growled at him and look at them as if to say ‘don’t be so bl**dy daft’!
Trainer can’t see us for a month because she is so busy. She said Harry and the Collie will hate each other for life and when we see each other to both turn and walk the other way, my neighbour is willing to try this. With other dogs she said I should either turn and walk the other way, or get Harry to sit, feed him high value rewards and let the other dog pass. She also said that as Harry was castrated just 2 weeks after the fight (pure coincidence, he was booked in for op due to large prostate) Harry is feeling vunerable and this contributes to his present behaviour. He was castrated 5 weeks ago. I don’t consider it fear aggression, and the trainer said as Harry has now reached maturity, dog aggression could have been bubbling under the surface and its now come out.
Tried the sitting one this morning when we met a dog on the way home from a fairly long walk and failed miserably. Think it was my fault, I’m sure I sent the wrong signals to Harry because I was worried. He sat, ate the chicken and seemed reasonable until the other lady walked pass with her Lab and then he kicked off. Wish now I had walked on and not shown I was worried.
Don’t know whether he is protecting me as there is just the 2 of us. Would be interested to know if you agree with the “you have to show them your the leader of the pack” theory and if this would help. Willing to try anything as I’m so concerned now, and its taken all the pleasure out of walking my boy which we both so enjoy. Plus I think I’m adding to peoples wrong perception of this lovely breed. Please, please if anyone has already been through something like this and can offer any advice I would appreciate it. Apologies for long post.

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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 12:18

Sorry you are in this situation and it is my biggest fear with Suki. I will be very interested to heat the responses. I think that if I had this issue I would have Suki interact with a dog she has always been aroud and gets along with. I would keep them both leashed at first and gradually reintrouduce them. I would also walk and exercise Suki first so she was more calm and relaxed when they meet. Small interactions at first and then gradually increased.

This being said I would not do any new interactions for awhile and keep her seperated from the dog that bit her. Don't know if this will help and wish you the best of luck.


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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by spuker1 Sun Jul 24 2011, 12:23

I feel so sorry for you... Sad
all things you described are the ones I would advise you to try, don't know about anything else really...
definitely patience and faith in Harry that he will get over the fight and start getting better. you have to believe in him! and I'm sure you do but of course you're worried and he feels it so it makes it all more difficult
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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by janey Sun Jul 24 2011, 12:35

Can't add anything that the trainer hasn't already advised you to do, and its great that you have booked him in to see one. I haven't had to deal with dog aggresion before so haven't got any experience myself. The only thing I will say is that you need to be confident whilst handling him, and don't knock yourself down for him being in this situation. As you said he may never be dog friendly but I am sure with time and training you will be able to get him to a level where he can walk past other dogs, and who knows even further. I do believe that you need to be pack leader, hence confidence and strong/not mixed signals are a must.

Wishing you both all the best with the training Xx
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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 14:20

Firstly, don't beat yourself up - it isn't your fault!

As the trainer says, the aggression could just be a normal part of his make up, or it could be a reaction to being attacked - or a bit of both.

I wouldn't turn & go the other way, as you're just avoiding the problem & nothing will ever change. I'd continue with the sit & distract method, but it may take some time. Use a trigger word when you treat; every time he looks away from the approaching dog you treat & say the trigger word ("leave" or whatever word you choose) at the same time. At other times, try and train your dog to look at you - hold a treat up by your face & say "watch" or something like that, as soon as your dog looks at you, you treat. You do need to get your timing right though - the treat must be given almost as soon as the dog looks at you!

Even if he remains dog aggressive, you should eventually be able to walk him past another dog by either saying "leave" or "watch".


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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 15:25

I don't have anything to add but hope the training goes well!


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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by Lizzie Sun Jul 24 2011, 16:46

Thanks everyone, I guess I was feeling at rock bottom this morning. Caryll, the trainer advised me to walk the opposite way just for now I think, as she can't help us for another month. Have been looking online this afternoon (APDT) to see if I can find someone who will see us sooner, but have confidence in this lady after talking to her. I have to take Harry to her and I think she plans to walk other dogs by him so she can see his reaction for herself and hopefull understand him. Have to take lots of high value treats and his favourite toy.

I really love my dog and want to help him, though must admit he gets over it in seconds whilst it worries me all day afterwards. Just hate the way other dog walkers look at us and judge us, but can sort of understand it! Its the lunging thats more disconcerting than the growl and Harry is superstrong.

Will let you all know what progress I make as it just might help someone else in the future (though I wouldn't wish it on anyone).

Thanks again, Lizzie and Harry

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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 18:02

My old boy Bandit was dog aggressive from about 8 or 9 months old. Nothing I could do would change it. All it meant was training him to ignore, and keeping on the lead if there were other dogs around.

And yes, they get over it in about 2 seconds! Big Grin


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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by Lizzie Sun Jul 24 2011, 20:48

Thanks Caryll and Gem, that has cheered me up no end Smile

Would you mind sharing how you achieved getting your dogs to walk by. I have been trying to get Harry to learn 'walk on' and it works with everything but dogs unfortunately.

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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by gem Sun Jul 24 2011, 20:56

My boy has a comfort zone and with experience I know it, as I said when I see another dog approaching I gather the lead the distance I have control and just before we meet the dog I give a gentle pull on the lead . He looks to me and the dog walks by that works for us Smile
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Need advice if you have experience of this please Empty Re: Need advice if you have experience of this please

Post by bessy Mon Jul 25 2011, 21:39

my staff bess is aggressive with other dogs, although shes much better now than she used to be, shes crisps mad so i take a packet with me when we go out, and when another dog is near by i keep walking past rustle my crisp packet and shes more interested in the crisps than the dog, and before you know it we have passed, then i reward her by giving her some,,,
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