Amstaff in DNA...

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Amstaff in DNA...

Post by p1ngu Tue Dec 12 2017, 00:28

We recently got a staffy pup. We were told he was a full sbt but wasn't KC reg so we were happy to accept that he most likely wasn't a full sbt.
So to kill my curiosity I had his DNA tested and it came back as 87.5% sbt and 12.5% amstaff. So 1 of his great grandparents was an amstaff and all other full sbt in the last 3 generations.
Are amstaff's legal in the UK? Just wondering if this should cause us any bother in regards to insurance etc as he is currently insured as a sbt.
I have tried searching on Google but it gets a bit blurry on if an amstaff is a pit bull etc and since he's only a small part amstaff does it matter?

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Nifty staffy Tue Dec 12 2017, 05:08

Hello and greetings from us
I can’t help you with your question, just to welcome you aboard Smile

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Mistys Mum Tue Dec 12 2017, 07:05

To be honest I wouldn't go by what DNA tests show. A lot of times with dogs they are so unreliable and that's the reason they aren't used in any BSL cases.

I'd just leave your pup registered as a Staff.

I could well be wrong on this and I'm sure I will be corrected but I think Amstaff is just another word for Sbt ,they are the same dog.

I'd love to see a pic of your little one.

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Guest Tue Dec 12 2017, 07:49

Hi & welcome to the forum wave

Welcome to the Staffordshire bull terrier niceboard. We are pleased you've decided to join us, and hope you enjoy your stay. We hope to see plenty of pictures of your Staffordshire bull terriers or any other breed you may have in your household.

We have several information sheets for those of you looking for help with specific issues. You will find them here:

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by p1ngu Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:00

I hope this works! Here he is, he's only 5 months so probably got a lot of growing to do. Will try and get a better one.

Amstaff in DNA... 20171210

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Guest Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:04

Hi and welcome from me and mine wave

DNA tests have no real bearing on what a dog is for BSL (breed specific legislation). As far as pitbulls are concerned, it's only what a dog looks like that counts, not what its breeding is. To quote DEFRA 'Whether your dog is a banned type depends on what it looks like, rather than its breed or name. If your dog matches many of the characteristics of a Pit Bull Terrier, it may be a banned type.'

If your dog looks like a standard conformation staffie, you shouldn't have a problem. Pitbulls in my experience (and I have a fair bit through rescue) are taller and leaner in build.

For the purposes of insurance, you shouldn't have a problem. Say you have a staffie x (true) and they won't bat an eyelid. The only people who might give you grief are Joe Public Know It Alls, who see anything bull breed as banned and will tell you with a great (lack of) authority that you have a pit. I think most of us on here, with full staffs or staffs or various crosses, have had to put up with this. Don't worry, it's just ignorance.

The main thing is to have a well behaved, well socialised dog that causes no concern to anyone. The rule of thumb is not to let him run up to others you don't know or play too hard with other dogs, especially ones you've only just met.

I hope that reassures you. If you've got any other questions, on BSL, on puppies, on whatever, just ask. We're all been there done that!


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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Guest Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:06

That's a very sweet pup! It's hard to say anything much about whether he might just possibly be pit 'type', a) because you need to see side on to assess the look and b) because young dogs do change as they grow.


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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by p1ngu Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:18

We have had a confirmed full sbt in the past and has lots of negativity, people crossing the street etc so I know too well what people can be like.

The DNA does say this so I'm sure he is fine registered as a sbt Smile

Amstaff in DNA... 20171211

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by p1ngu Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:24

Amstaff in DNA... 20171212

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by p1ngu Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:29

He won't stay still for a side on picture!

Amstaff in DNA... 20171215

Amstaff in DNA... 20171216

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by p1ngu Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:32

Last photo, I promise! lol

Amstaff in DNA... 20171217

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Guest Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:34

Given he'll fill out, I personally don't see you've got anything much to worry about. Other than the idiots in the street who you already know all too well but sadly the law doesn't protect you against them.

As for that last photo.... Love Struck


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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by p1ngu Tue Dec 12 2017, 08:41

Thank you. I was surprised to see the results saying he has a great grand parent who is an amstaff but re reading it all this morning has made me realise it does say he falls within the sbt breed area of DNA.

My husband wanted to know as he has big ears and seems a bit taller than our previous staffy although I can see his shoulders widening now and his height hasn't increased recently. I don't care too much if he is full breed or not. I must say he hasn't got the same personality as our previous staffy. He likes his own space and is not a cuddly dog at all. He's not keen on me unless it suits him, rarely he will sit by me but most often if I pet him he walks away. He loves my husband and my 9yr old, they seem to be his people.

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Last edited by p1ngu on Tue Dec 12 2017, 09:20; edited 1 time in total

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Mistys Mum Tue Dec 12 2017, 09:20

Oh he is stunning!! Those ears and that head tilt Love Struck

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Paris1990 Tue Dec 12 2017, 11:07

post all the photo's you want he is beautiful! Love Struck that last photo is so precious Smile
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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Nifty staffy Tue Dec 12 2017, 12:22

Ooh, he’s lovely !

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Paris1990 Tue Dec 12 2017, 12:36

I have just read your part on you comment about him not being cuddly and walks away from you, Has he been with another family before you?
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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by p1ngu Tue Dec 12 2017, 12:42

We got him at 13 weeks. I think he had mostly been left to play with his brother and do as he pleased. He is coming around but its taking a while. He is very unsure of other dogs too and can get growly if eye contact lasts too long. We take him to puppy training classes to socialise him. Hopefully we will get him to where he realises other dogs are okay. The dog trainer says he is scared and is reacting in the only way he knows, he can't run away when on a lead. There's a couple of other dogs he is completely fine with but 1 in particular he doesn't like at all (a jack russel).

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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by Guest Tue Dec 12 2017, 13:32

I like the sound of your trainer, so many are quick to mistake fear for aggression. Keep up the good work, everyone!


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Amstaff in DNA... Empty Re: Amstaff in DNA...

Post by lexii Tue Dec 26 2017, 02:40

'Whether your dog is a banned type depends on what it looks like, rather than its breed or name. If your dog matches many of the characteristics of a Pit Bull Terrier, it may be a banned type.

This quote makes me balk. I mean.....seriously!? There were literally world wars fought over similar sayings directed to humans.
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