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Post by Mistys Mum Wed Aug 19 2015, 16:30

Hi All,

Just after a bit of advice please. Misty has recently started being a bit funny when meeting other dogs - she has a little sniff then does a sort of jump thing which takes the other dogs by suprise. We have been careful introducing her to other dog recently and have been practising what our dog trainer said- let the dogs have a quick sniff face to face then move away a bit then repeat so far thats been good advice. Misty and I met a beautiful bouncy little Collie pup on Sunday night and she was great, the pup loved her and the lady even said how well behaved Misty was as she just sat next to me and was very polite with the pup. Took her to Bushy park for the first time ever on Monday night and she was really good- right at the end of the walk an off lead dog came over and she was ok then did her jump thing and had a growl at the dog who did nothing. We ended up meeting a little Jack Russell after and they were both very good together- nice little introduction but maybe a bit wary of each other but nothing bad and then a Boxer who wouldnt leave Misty alone- I think she just wanted Misty to play but she followed us for about five minutes! Ive been watching Misty and sometimes especially on walks she does stare at other dogs which Ive read about and its supposed to be VERY bad manners in dog language. I think she only stares at them as she wants to meet but I know this isnt polite behaviour and can cause issues. We went to dog training last night and we did a careful introduction of the little Frenchie she jumped at last week and she was absoutly fine- the Frenchie was a bit nervous of her as last week Misty did jump in the air when they had a sniff. Im taking her for a street walk tonight with my friends Lab who she has met before and gets on well with and I have no worries whatsoever with them meeting. My question is this- Ive found a group walk for dogs on Saturday that I would love to attend so Misty can socalise with lots of other dogs and there will be trainers there too. Not all dogs will go off lead and if we went she would either be kept on her normal lead or maybe her long line. Do you think I should sign her up for Saturday or am I trying too much too soon with regards to her meeting other dogs as Im fully aware that in that setting we wouldnt be able to do the quick introductions that we have been doing- Im sure the dogs would be quite close to each other and just wander up to other dogs for a sniff etc. I just think the whole social aspect would be great for her but I dont want her to irritate the other dogs or not enjoy it herself and be unsure of being around so many dogs and people. What would you do? Shall I wait or just go for it? I just think she hasnt been taught doggy manners yet and is still learning how to meet dogs.
Mistys Mum
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Post by Rachel33 Wed Aug 19 2015, 16:42

Hello Smile

Personally, even if I had a sociable dog I probably wouldn't allow them to play with multiple different dogs each walk, as there are bound to be dogs that either isn't keen on. Misty is fairly new to socializing and it sounds like she may be a little overwhelmed? I think a handful of regular playmates is enough for a sociable dog, and then practise calm lead manners around unknown dogs that do run up uninvited.

Does the jumping appear to be a play behaviour? Is she jumping away or forward? Staring is bad manners, you are correct, and may be seen as a challenge by another dog. How about teaching Misty to focus on you when she carries out this behaviour?

It's hard to advise when I haven't seen her with other dogs, perhaps you could ask the trainer if the social walks seem like a good idea?
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Post by Mia05 Wed Aug 19 2015, 17:00

I would wait a wee while emma give our misty a wee chance of meeting different dogs tho not a big group and all at the same time im guessing there will be regular big group dog walks and you can go when you and misty feel a bit more confident round different dogs . Sounds as though misty has came on well in leaps and bounds already.

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Post by Mistys Mum Wed Aug 19 2015, 19:02

Thanks Rachel and Crystal, yes I think you may be right- It could be a bit too much too soon. I don't know how many other dogs will be at the walk but it could be a lot for her to take in especially as she has only ever walked with a maximum of two dogs previously.

Rachel- if we let her sniff another dog for a bit too long then she sort of jumps up into them onto their body not their head. It so quick and takes seconds. She never used to do it - only since a huskey came up to her when I was walking her down the river and he had a bit of a go at her then came back again and she was so scared she tried to hide behind my legs the poor thing. It can and does scare some dogs as they are not expecting it and some owners have been really nice when she does it but some don't like it (which I completely understand)

We are trying to teach the Watch Me command and its ok if I see the other dog first while walking etc but if she does then we cant distract her. She was staring at a Guide Dog the other day and hubby was trying to stand in front of her to block her view but she kept sneaking her head round. She is improving as she doesn't stare as hard or as much as she used to but still I wish she didn't do it as much!

Last edited by Mistys Mum on Wed Aug 19 2015, 19:04; edited 1 time in total

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Post by -Ian- Wed Aug 19 2015, 19:03

Speaking from my own experience I wouldn't go for the big crowd just yet. My Flo doesn't do well when there are lots of dogs about but is fine with just a couple so I wouldn't overwhelm Misty just yet.

I would be concerned that it might be too much too soon especially with how well she is doing with the classes. As mentioned above, missing this event is a shame but there will be loads more in the future and Misty will be more adjusted.

Having said all that, you know Misty best, if you feel she's ready then you could always give it a go and leave if there's any issue Emma Smile

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Post by Mistys Mum Wed Aug 19 2015, 19:05

Thanks Ian- I def think it might be best now to leave it for a while- they will have another walk in October so maybe we can go then Smile

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Mistys Mum
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Post by -Ian- Wed Aug 19 2015, 19:15

Going off topic slightly Emma, is Bushey the park with the big fountain in the middle ?

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Post by Mia05 Wed Aug 19 2015, 19:54

keep practising emma she will come good some issues take longer than others Smile

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Post by Rachel33 Wed Aug 19 2015, 20:44

She's still learning - I'm trying to picture the behaviour. Bug often does an odd behaviour when meeting a new dog, where she will sniff then go into a super fast and over dramatic play bow.. Usually startles them and isn't good manners! I usually just observe and lure away with a treat just before she looks like she's going to do it.

The last thing that you want to be doing right now is over-facing her. Take your time, maybe even get her used to being in a close proximity as other dogs without having to interact. You're doing really well with her!!
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Post by Mistys Mum Wed Aug 19 2015, 20:57

Thanks everyone for being so nice about Misty, your opinions mean a lot to me- Ive learnt so much from you all on here and respect what you say.

Hi Ian, Yes that the one- Its lovely in Bushy Park- used to take my Lab all the time but haven't been able to go there for a few months as the deer have been having their babies and dogs aren't recommended to go.

Rachel- yes its definitely something like a jump and then she wants to do something else but she sort of finishes quickly after the jump and then looks a bit shocked/upset when the other dog looks shocked. Its so quick its over in seconds.

We have just had a wonderful walk with my friends Retriever- they have met twice before but haven't seen each other for about two or three months so I was over the moon they were happy to see each other. My friend was lurking outside my front door so we were ambushed as soon as we opened the door and I thought maybe Misty might bark but no she was really happy to see him. They walked really well next to each other with both having a sniff of one another. When the retriever stopped to jump up and sniff the top of a wall Misty watched him then did it herself! So lovely to see her have a little friend to go for a walk with. Halfway through the walk she did have a little bark at him but there was nothing aggressive about it- she barked then ran away as if to say 'Please please chase me' I just laughed- they are both on leads and we are walking next to a main road so they are not going to be chasing each other anywhere!!

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Post by JStaff Wed Aug 19 2015, 22:08

Rachel33 wrote:Hello Smile

Personally, even if I had a sociable dog I probably wouldn't allow them to play with multiple different dogs each walk, as there are bound to be dogs that either isn't keen on. Misty is fairly new to socializing and it sounds like she may be a little overwhelmed? I think a handful of regular playmates is enough for a sociable dog, and then practise calm lead manners around unknown dogs that do run up uninvited.

Does the jumping appear to be a play behaviour? Is she jumping away or forward? Staring is bad manners, you are correct, and may be seen as a challenge by another dog. How about teaching Misty to focus on you when she carries out this behaviour?

It's hard to advise when I haven't seen her with other dogs, perhaps you could ask the trainer if the social walks seem like a good idea?

I agree regular mates for now but hard to say exactly without being able to observe. Suki was heavily socialized daily with multiple dogs and was great at that age. Recently though she is becoming less tolerant of some dogs. Walking them together is a great idea but should initially be done with dogs she already gets along with.
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Post by -Ian- Wed Aug 19 2015, 23:03

I've never thought about Bushey as its so open but perhaps I should give Flo a history lesson and take her one day Smile

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Post by Mistys Mum Thu Aug 20 2015, 11:12

Thanks all!

Ian, Flo will love it over there. It is very open so we kept Misty on a normal lead as there are a lot of deer roaming around but it's beautiful over there. She spent the whole walk sniffing and we had a lovely run down a lovely dried up river bed thing. You never know we may see you there, if you hear a mad women shouting nomistydontdothatleaveitpleasedonteatit then you know it's me Laughing
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