Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 19:20

So angry. I spent months socialising Dempsey & watching his body language so that I could be a responsible owner, and what happens? A bloody doberman attacked him! I'd put Dempsey on lead as soon as I saw the dog, because they've had a 'shouting' match before, but the owner's a complete drip, and has no control whatsoever. So the dog comes over & immediately lunges at Dempsey and grabs him by the left ear.

Poor boy couldn't move, couldn't defend himself without ripping his ear off. Luckily my oh was with him & he said the other guy "Sorry, but I've got to do this" and he gave the doberman a left hook to the head that he'll remember for some days. He let go, but poor Dempsey's ear's a mess. My oh got bitten as well, but he's not sure if it was Dempsey or the doberman. There was blood everywhere, oh and Dempsey were absolutely covered. These are after I'd cleaned him up............

Don't look if you're squeemish...............

Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! DSC00344
Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! DSC00345
Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! DSC00346
Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! DSC00348


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by janey Wed May 04 2011, 19:30

Oh my Caryll, poor poor you oh and especially Dempsy, never been in that situation, and never wish too. What a * of an owner especially if its a commen thing. x
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 19:35

I know Dempsey's a pain with other dogs, but that's why I avoid them, and put him on a lead when there are others around.

Got an appointment at the vets at 9:50 tomorrow to make sure there's no infection & maybe get some painkillers. Good job I'm not showing him any more - the dobe took the very tip of his ear off, and a little chunk out of the side. Sad


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by janey Wed May 04 2011, 20:02

Makes my toes curl. You going to say something to the owners of the dobe, you really should, jesus I'd go ballistic, and you do still show him only if very occasionally. I'm sure all wil be fine but what happens to the next dog x
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 20:04

Next time I see them I'll give them the bill!

I don't want to get too ott with them cause the guy's really nice, just totally ineffectual when it comes to his dog!

He was really apologetic etc, but we'll see how apologetic he is when I give him a £40+ vet's bill!


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 20:15

oh poor dempsey - i know how you feel although not as bad. woods had a nip of another dog and the guy was so nice and apologetic i found myself saying " its ok no bother!" i send woodys love and he'll be ok x


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 20:26

poor dempsey

big hugs from me and billy and good luck tomorrow


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 21:07

Poor baby Sad His face in that last picture makes you want to pick him up and give him a cuddle.I hope he recovers soon >Big Grin<


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 21:09

Yes, he looks so sad, doesn't he? My oh said that at the time he was still raring to go even after they were seperated, but when he got home he was all sad, and sore. Sad


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 21:30

Awww poor Dempsey hope he is feeling better soon I bet you were glad your OH was with you Caryll


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Wed May 04 2011, 21:37

Maybe I should go back to having Border Collies?

...................or maybe not! rolling on the floor


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by debbiewaterhouse Wed May 04 2011, 22:08

Aaaawwww poor Dempsey, he looks so sad Sad
Hope everything goes ok at the vets tomorrow and good luck getting the bill paid by the owner of the other dog (sorry or not he definately should pay)...
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 01:17

Oh no!! Poor Dempsey! Hope he heels up well! No amount of training can prepare you for other people's stupidity!!


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 07:28

Lisa &amp; Cairo wrote:Poor baby Sad His face in that last picture makes you want to pick him up and give him a cuddle.I hope he recovers soon >Big Grin<

Poor ,poor Dempsey. You do the right thing and still end up paying the price ( both litterally, and physically )
Hope the Vet assures you that things will be fine after some TLC.
Hope the OH is not too badly injured either ??


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by SkyBlue Thu May 05 2011, 08:17

Ouch poor Demspey, hope he's ok Sad And your OH, hope he wasn't bitten too badley Sad
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 09:08

Dempsey's ear is really swollen today & he's in a lot of discomfort. He's yelping at the slightest touch (very unusual for him) and he's very depressed. The vet appointment is at 9:40 so I'll be leaving in a minute & take a really slow walk there.

I'm willing to bet that it'll be antibiotics, anti inflamatories & pain killers, so another bill of £40+ which I'll present to the dobe's owner next time I see him!


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by janey Thu May 05 2011, 09:14

Good luck Caryll, hope he is ok at the vets too x
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 09:47

Oh that is terrible... poor Dempsey. I hate to see any doggie that is hurting....Hope he will be okay the precious boy...Give him a gentle hug from me and you take care too! XX


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by burties35 Thu May 05 2011, 10:51

Poor Dempsey and oh, hope they are both ok. x
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 10:57

Another insurance claim. Sad

He wouldn't let the vet touch his ear, but it needed cleaning up so they had to keep him in. Originally it was going to be a mild anaesthetic just to clean it, but theres a long cut right on the edge of the ear flap that needs stitching, so it's a general anaesthetic & a huge bill again.

Poor boy, it took me 10 minutes to get a harness on him this morning because he was in such discomfort. I didn't even try to get his half check collar on him, and the usual 15 minute walk took 35 minutes.

Hoping to pick him up early afternoon.

Peter, my other half, is really upset - he dotes on Dempsey. Pretends he doesn't a lot of the time, but he does. He's really worried, bless him. The bites he got weren't bad, although they're a bit sore - two punctures in a forefinger, a shallow gash on his second finger & a couple of nasty scratches on his arm. He's more concerned about his little baby boy!


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 14:07

Aww i'm so sorry to hear about Dempsey how much planer can it be to people if you are not in control of your dog keep on a lead. Poor dempsey and its a real shame he has to get put under yet again surely this would affect him some how?
You OH should go to the hospital you don't know which dogs it was and for all your know the Dobe just ate something really nasty.


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 16:21

Caryll - ive just seen this. Im so sorry for poor dempsey what a horrible experience! I hope he is feeling a bit happier now, keep us updated please x


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by gem Thu May 05 2011, 19:23

Awww so sorry for dempsey the dobermans owner would have to pay if it was me and mine on the lead. Bless him hope he feels better soon poor lad Sad
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 21:55

Well, he ended up with 7 stitches! And the bill so far is £487, plus I have to take him back on Tuesday for a check up & a few days later for the stitches to come out. Thank God for insurance! In Dempsey's 2 short years he's had over £5000 worth of veterinary treatment!

Poor little b**ger! He's had a short walk to the green near me & he's had his dinner (raw lamb's hearts & green tripe - his favourite......UGH!) and now he's all curled up in his crate asleep!

I will be having a word or two with the dob's owner when I see him next & I will present him with a bill for my Excess charge of £75! I don't expect to get anything back, though, because he's out of work.


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by janey Thu May 05 2011, 22:20

Grrr just wrote you an essay but bloody pc wouldn't send it!! Suppose your safe there now then lol.

I'm so shocked at whats happened to Dempsy, and angry too. Hope he managed at the vets ok, I doubt you'll get any money out of the muppet but he does need to know the damage that the dog can cause. Lots of love to you all x x x
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Thu May 05 2011, 22:28

Thanks everybody for your support, sympathy & wishes over the last 24 hours - it's really good to be able to talk to people who understand!


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by SkyBlue Thu May 05 2011, 23:32

Big hugs to Dempsey, this could've so easily been Sky at the weekend when a dog went for her Sad Lots of kiss for a speedy recovery Smile
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Fri May 06 2011, 08:11

Sorry Caryll been working 24/7 and only just seen this.
So sorry to hear about Dempsey and your OH's hand
A doberman went for Blue at his school. Only breed I don't like.
Blue only had a couple of scratches. Dempsey's ear looks really sore. It's not the money that annoys you it's the fact that you spend ages training your own dog and one thing like this can make them cower or get aggressive next time they see a doberman. Makes me so mad. Hope he is alright, give him my love


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Fri May 06 2011, 08:21

big hugs to dempsey today hipe he is feeling much better


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Fri May 06 2011, 10:47

He's a lot better this morning, but I can't get his half check collar on over the damaged ear! I tried his old flat collar but it doesn't fit any more, so I'm left with a harness. I really don't have the sort of control I like with a harness, but I've no choice. It's either that or nothing at all, and I'm not too sure that Dempsey would walk to heal everywhere we go! Laughing

His ear's obviously sore, but it doesn't seem to be bothering him as much as I thought it would. He's just a bit depressed at the mo.

Just hope he doesn't come across that dobe any time soon..........


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by janey Fri May 06 2011, 11:09

Thanks for the update Caryll, pleased he is getting over it, cheer up Dempsy, it'll be better soon Smile
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by gem Fri May 06 2011, 20:48

Awww glad hes all stitched up and on the mend, hell need more treats and cuddles now too Smile
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Fri May 06 2011, 21:32

He has to have 3 tablets a day - 1 type is one, once a day, and the other is 1, twice a day. They are both 'palatable'.

Huh! He knows a medicine tablet no matter how they disguise it! Itried him with one this morning & he just wrinkled the side of his nose up & turned away. I wrapped it in some mozerella cheese & squeezed the edges so he couldn't smell it & that went down ok.

The one he has to have this evening has to be taken with food. So I sliced a big chunk of heart, put a little cut in the middle & pushed a tablet in (the same one he had this morning) - no problem, straight down.

Did the same with the other one & gave it to him. He took it straight away, but started chewing it (he NEVER chews raw heart, normally) and all of a sudden, out pops a pill, straight on to the floor! Rat!


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by janey Fri May 06 2011, 21:38

More clever than you think!! Good luck with that Smile
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Fri May 06 2011, 21:51

The vet's said that Dempsey's ear may never stand up properly again. Sad It might always flop over a bit.


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by janey Fri May 06 2011, 22:13

He's still your Dempsy. I can't believe it was so bad (I can just a figure of speech) So unjust, lets hope he makes a full recovery x
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Fri May 06 2011, 22:20

The trouble is there's a deep puncture wound right at the base of the ear, and the vet can't tell at the moment how much damage has been done because it's still a bit swollen. Fingers crossed, but if it flops, it flops - it'll look kinda cute!


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by janey Fri May 06 2011, 22:27

As I said he'll still be your Dempsy. Just a shame cause I know you said you didn't want too again but I liked your posts when he was being shown. Fickle I know, poor baby. He's cute whatever Caryll x
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Fri May 06 2011, 23:38

big hugs to dempsey! hope he's all better soon Smile


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Sat May 07 2011, 00:39

hope he is fine and dandy again soon lots of hugs xx


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Sat May 07 2011, 10:44

He went for two dogs this morning, for no reason whatsoever. Sad

He was on lead, so no damage done (except lead burns on my finger & wrist! Ouch!). I hope it's just a reaction to the dobe incident & that as he gets better he'll ok again.


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Aniemother Sat May 07 2011, 14:49

Aww.. Poor Dempsey, and you too.. Sad I hope he'll feel better soon, and that other dogs won't become a major issue.
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Sat May 07 2011, 14:56

yeah poor boy.. he probably thinks all the other dogs are out to get him...


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Mon May 09 2011, 08:01

Poor thing. He is probably just feeling vunable at the moment with the pain he is in with his ear. Always makes a dog aggressive due to not wanting to get hurt more so they do the big it up thing to warn the other dogs.
Hopefully he will go back to his old self once he has recovered.
How is Dempsey today?


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Bruno311210 Mon May 09 2011, 08:08

Awwww Poor You and Poor Dempsey ! Hope He Gets Better Soon

Hugs From Me And Licks From Bruno Smile
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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Mon May 09 2011, 10:12

Oh gosh I have just seen this... Poor Dempsey... that is just wrong... What an Idiot of an owner... I hope he is ok and heals well.. I hope this doesnt undo the training that you have worked sooooooooo hard on x


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Mon May 09 2011, 12:21

Sorry I didn't get on the forum ysterday - computer virus that we're still working to get rid of (I'm at work at the moment!).

Dempsey was seriously distressed yesterday so we had to go back to the vets (our vets open 7 days a week since March). He has a massive infection in the puncture wound at the base of his ear. The pus was just oozing out (sorry if you've just eaten!) and his forehead was swelling up.

He's on maximum anti-bs & pain killers for now. If that doesn't work then he'll have to go on intravenous anti-bs, but he seems a lot calmer this morning so fingers crossed.


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Mon May 09 2011, 12:27

Awww, poor Dempsey Sad
Hopefully the meds do the trick and he's back to his normal self soon


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by Guest Mon May 09 2011, 13:03

yeah hope all the strong tablets kick in and sort out his infection..poor bugger! Love Struck


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Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow! Empty Re: Dempsey's going to the vets again tomorrow!

Post by burties35 Mon May 09 2011, 13:16

Poor Dempsey hope he's feeling better soon and his wounds heal nicely. x
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