Update on Caley

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Update on Caley Empty Update on Caley

Post by debtom Fri Aug 30 2013, 10:33

Hello Eveyone

Just thought I would give an update on Caley who is now 16 months (so cannot believe it, where did the time go Surprised )

She is doing amazingly well and I cannot believe how much love she gives and how protective she is off us now.  My parents actually say you can see how much she loves us.  Below is a Pic of her not wanting her dad to go to work lol

Update on Caley Stayhome_zps0f95cf0c

She also has to know at all times where my younger son is, even to the point she will leave her favourite food and watch him when he leaves the house to go to the shop and will not leave her spot on the back of the chair until he returns...bless.

She was also a god send to have recently for me...my OH and older son were away so it was just me, my little boy and Caley, it was gone 10pm at night and Caley was fast asleep beside me on the settee (well I thought she was fast asleep), all of a sudden she charged from where we were sitting to the front room window and was growling, barking and her fur was up, I got up to see what was going on and there was man at my window, he started shouting out he was sorry, he was trying to see what door number I was and he was actually looking for next door - scared the life out of me, but bless Caley for giving him a warning, she received so much praise and kisses and cuddles.

Her lead walks are going well, she is easing up on the pulling but has a horrible habit at the moment of looking in everyones front garden trying to find a cat...drives me mad.

A some of you know, Caley has a very sensitive stomach but I think we have found the balance now, we have learned what she can eat and what she can't.  Amazes me though that pigs ear are one of things that do not upset her stomach and loves them.  She eats very well, she only has one meal a day in the evening and a few treats during the day, she is definitely not a morning a dog lol.  She is currently weighing 19.5kg, her fur is still all silky and soft - really hope it stays like that.  She is sooooooo strong as well.

The other issue we have, which I am now at a loss to know what is causing it is her bum dragging.  She has always done this, but has times where she doesn't...for the last few weeks she has done this loads, we took her to the vets and her anal glands were clear, they gave us some antibiotics but that never worked, we took her back and she gave us more antibiotics as she said sometimes it can take two lots to clear any infection, I am not convinced she has an infection.  She is wormed regularly and has her advocate regularly as well.  Could it just be a habit.  I have looked at her bottom and nothing looks sore or wrong.  so frustrating.

But all in all we all love her to bits and she makes us laugh everyday with her mischeavious behaviour, everyone she meets loves her, she even has a regular trip to the bakers where they come out and give her a marshmellow cone to eat...by the time the lady at the bakers has finished feeding her they are both a sticky mess, but she loves it.

So, as most of you said it just keeps getting better and better. Big Grin here are a couple of recent pics of Caley.

Update on Caley NewCaley3_zps73b9c8d2

Update on Caley NewCaley2_zpsbce0b33b

Update on Caley NewCaley_zpsc5d956a3
(where's the cake gone)

Update on Caley NewCaley1_zpsd80a6ecc
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Update on Caley Top_ra10

Status Status :

Age : 50
Dogs Name(s) : Caley
Dog(s) Ages : Born 2 April 2012
Dog Gender(s) : Female
Join date : 2012-06-14
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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by janey Fri Aug 30 2013, 10:43

Awww thats a great up date! Sorry about the bum surfing I can only put that down to glands so I am not much help Xx
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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by reuben Fri Aug 30 2013, 10:57

Caley has grown into a lovely girl. Is she your first Staff?? If so, like me, you must be finding out what terrific personalities they have. I know what you mean about laughing out loud, just some of Bacchus's expressions when watching me do things around the house are comical.
One of the most enjoyable things is seeing how a lovingly reared Staff can change people's opinion of the breed. Bacchus has converted our whole street.
Hope Caley's bum gets better soon. Bacchus does this occassionally and seems to enjoy it but his mum draws the line at doing it on the rug.
Love the pics.
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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by debtom Fri Aug 30 2013, 11:04

Yes she is our first staff. I never really knew much about them other than the horror stories you read, but my OH was adament about them and I relented...oh boy do I go to town when people moan about staffies now ha ha. We have converted many along the way now..lol
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Update on Caley Top_ra10

Status Status :

Age : 50
Dogs Name(s) : Caley
Dog(s) Ages : Born 2 April 2012
Dog Gender(s) : Female
Join date : 2012-06-14
Support total : 18
Posts : 241

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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by Guest Fri Aug 30 2013, 11:09

Aww such a lovely update on the beautiful caley, thanks for sharing. She looks fab Smile


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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by simoninwales Fri Aug 30 2013, 11:17

What a beautiful girl, I love her colour.

Can't help with the bum surfing. Tedster when I first had him used to sit and rock back and fourth where his boy bits used to be with his lipstick showing. I just told him to stop it and he grew out of the habbit but he does like having his bum scratched and around the base of his tail.

Tedster is the same, likes to know what is going on and where everyone is. When we are at work he lays down on the middle of our winding staircase because he can see out of the front window from there. If we go over to work and my colleague is not there he spends ages looking for him because he knows that is where he should be.

Tedster doesn't pull on his lead but I have to bring him close and lock his lead short when cars and tractors go past us in the Lane. Recently I bought him an EzyDog Classic harness and when he is wearing it with his lead attached to that rather than his coller he doesn't try to chase passing cars, I have no idea why this should be.

Tedster has Pilchards and pasta twists twice a week which he loves and that seems to keep his coat in good condition


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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by Guest Fri Aug 30 2013, 11:29

aww shes so beautiful


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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by reuben Fri Aug 30 2013, 11:32

Luckily Bacchus seems to have a cast iron stomach. I feed him entirely on Eden with a teaspoon of Fish4Dogs Salmon oil at breakfast and the odd bit of table scraps, sardine, egg or gravy from his dried liver treats thrown in for his evening meal. Have you tried putting Caley back on to two smaller meals a day rather than one big one? Mind you if she's 19.5 k and her coat is nice you can't be doing much wrong. Only thing that seems to change his motions is if I give him a whole lamb leg bone so I tend to saw them in half and give him the two halves over the course of the week.
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier Donator

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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by debtom Fri Aug 30 2013, 11:39

We tried the two smaller meals but she would totally ignore the morning one, we were just wasting it. She has her dentastix in the morning and at lunchtime a treat and then her full dinner at 7pm. She seems more than content with this. She only has Sience Plan dry food and maybe a little sprinkle of meat with it, depends what we are eating lol
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Update on Caley Top_ra10

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Age : 50
Dogs Name(s) : Caley
Dog(s) Ages : Born 2 April 2012
Dog Gender(s) : Female
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Support total : 18
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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by Guest Fri Aug 30 2013, 12:18

Great update, she is looking beautiful great pics Love Struck 


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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by Sazzle Fri Aug 30 2013, 17:40

Thanks for the update, she looks great :-)
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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by Ben Fri Aug 30 2013, 18:01

Great update! Love the pics!
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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by Guest Fri Aug 30 2013, 18:27

no need to feed 2 meals if she won't eat the other - i feed once a day as that suits us

Bum dragging can mean blocked or full anal glands, worms or could be a learnt behavior.

She's gorgeous though Smile


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Update on Caley Empty Re: Update on Caley

Post by Maria90 Mon Sep 02 2013, 12:00

Thanks for the update! Sounds like she is doing great, and she is a gorgeous girl!
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