Update on caley

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Update on caley Empty Update on caley

Post by debtom Wed May 29 2013, 10:47

Big Grin as you can see from smiley face we are on the up

She had a relatively good night, we put her in her crate as normal when we went to bed (her crate is beside our bed), she seemed content and didn't sleep too bad, was a bit tossing and turning. This morning there was no leakage from her. She even ate some chicken and drank some water.

Back at the vets we really didn't want them to keep her in again, luckily they were so happy with her progress overnight they agreed, I don't think I have seen a vet and nurse so happy and excited lol. So we are all home armed with two different antibiotic, probiotic and sachets to help plug her up....and we still have no leakage. Have to go back Friday.

Poor thing is still looking sorry for herself, but at least she is heading the right way...she even gnawed on her new stag bar for a little while.

Thank you guys for your support it meant a lot and when I was losing the will it kept me going.

Caryll - I looked up that giardia and it really sounded like what caley had, she is on the antibiotic to treat that, but the vet couldn't get a proper stool sample to check as it was too watery...but I do wonder. Thanks Smile

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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by janey Wed May 29 2013, 10:58

Fantastic news! Made my day that, thanks for the positive update! No more worrying now Smile
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 11:10

That's brilliant news! It does sound like Giardia, doesn't it? Especially as, once they start to recover, it seems to be quite rapid!

Keep her on easily digestible food for a week or so & we were advised to feed little & often so as not to overload the stomach. We were feeding Dempsey 4 or 5 times a day with just small portions.


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 11:23

Thats Fantastic news, put a big smile on my face, I'm so happy caley is on the mend Big Grin keep us updated on her progress Smile


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Lizzie Wed May 29 2013, 11:40

Wonderful news, thats what we were all waiting to hear Smile

My boy had something very similar a year or two ago and was in the Vet
Hospital for nearly a week on a drip. They also wanted to test for Giardia
but couldn't get a stool sample properly to test and he came home with
all the various medicines.

At that time everyone on here was very kind to me especially Caryll who
recognised the symptoms.

So Happy for you!

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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 11:53

So glad for you, she was in my thoughts all day Smile


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 12:20

Brilliant news , hate to hear when one of our kids is ill (any of the few thousand we must have knocking around Smile


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 12:27

So pleased to hear she is doign better Big Grin


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Kell Wed May 29 2013, 12:32

So glad to hear that she is doing much better .. was thinking of both of you today Smile
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Kathy Wed May 29 2013, 12:37

Very pleased to read that Caley is on the mend and doing well. I have been thinking about her this morning while I was out, sending more of these to you both >Big Grin< >Big Grin<
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by KarenGoodall Wed May 29 2013, 12:48

Great news on Caley... here's hoping a speedy recovery x
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Sazzle Wed May 29 2013, 13:14

Yay, that's brilliant news, so pleased she's on the mend Big Grin
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by kelpie Wed May 29 2013, 13:21

Fantastic, Hope she continues to improve rapidly! Smile
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 13:25

I agree that it sounds exactly like Giardia. Very scary though, so I'm glad things are looking up! Smile


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 15:46

So happy for you and little Caley, hope she continues to improve and is back to normal very soon. >Big Grin<


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by stella Wed May 29 2013, 15:59

thats brilliant news Big Grin ,so glad she's on the mend >Big Grin<
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 16:29

Wonderful news, have been thinking of you both >Big Grin<


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 17:35

Phew, glad Caley is on the mend >Big Grin<


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by janey Wed May 29 2013, 17:56

How is she doing Debbie? Smile
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by debtom Wed May 29 2013, 19:04

She is not too bad...very quiet and sleepy...hate seeing her so quiet.

On a good note she is eating her chicken fine, she devours that lol on the bad side I think eating again has triggered off some leaking again not as bad as before but I have to keep putting puppy pads under her don't think she is impressed but compared to the last few days I will try not to moan too much much it still an improvement, guess I hoped it had stopped, that is the worse part it, but at least it doesn't smell no where near as bad as it did.

She's also had a whole day of antibiotic, so I'm hoping for more improvement tomorrow...Thanks again guys for your support...it means as lot.

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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by janey Wed May 29 2013, 19:07

Thats really positive, I guess the vets where happy. Everything crossed here, fingers and paws for a speedy recovery Xx
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 19:14

Poor thing. >Big Grin< Sounds like you're doing everything you can to help her and it sounds like it's paying off. Smile Good luck to you both!


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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Kathy Wed May 29 2013, 20:08

Very pleased to read that Caley is still making quiet progress, Rocky sends her a big Rocky size hug >Big Grin<
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Update on caley Empty Re: Update on caley

Post by Guest Wed May 29 2013, 20:34

Thanks for keeping us updated...we've been worried for you! Glad she's making progress, sounds like your doing everything you can to keep her comfortable Smile

Hugs from me and Shéara >Big Grin<


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