Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 12:53

Check-up and consultation, but you'd think he was going in for major surgery from the way he reacted! Shaking so hard, his back legs were jiggling like jelly! Dove under the chair when we were in there, hiding behind our legs, until the vet went over to see him. We got up, so he was exposed. He then dashed to the door and pressed his nose up against the crack - on the wrong side.

Not so bad on the way home though. He stopped to say hello to a little Yorkshire Terrier. Smile Up on his tip-toes, standing as tall as he could, even though he was already three times her size! Tongues His tail was wagging, but he scared the life out of the poor little thing! She even peed herself!


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 13:05

awww hahahha its not just humans that are prejudice then


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 13:23

The visit was with one of the partners of the vets practice so I could discuss vaccination.

He sat down & discussed it in depth & explained that although titre testing can give you an indicaion of antibodies present, it's only a snapshot of that prticular day & can't tell you the level of immunity.

In that practice they recommend full vaccination every 3 years with an annual health check (free) and an annual leptospirosis jab because of the area we live in - ie several water courses & areas with high rat populations.

On balance, I decided to go ahead with the full vaccinations this year (his last one was 3 years ago), including the lepto.

Dempsey normally kicks up a stink with jabs so I sugested a muzzle (he's fine with them), but this vet is pretty dog savvy & said he'd prefer not to stress him any more than he already was & wanted to vaccinate without the muzzle, with me holding his head.

He was a perfect gentleman - didn't growl, snap or even flinch!


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 13:32

Poor Dempsey. They can smell everything that has happened and who has been in in the Vets, I reckon that is why they get nervous sometimes. I had a similar chat with my Vet and he mentioned the 3 year thing but to get the first annual booster. biggrin 


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 13:35

Yes, the puppy jabs followed by the first annual booster, then every three years for the core vaccines. The lepto one is a bit of a contentious one. Some vets automatically give it, some (like mine) only give it if there's a local problem, and that has to be annually.

Mine doesn't do kennel cough vaccine unless there's a specific reason such as a kennel stay & the kennel's insisting on it.


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 15:36

Aww poor Dempsey, Vinnie hates the vets. A very good boy though it seems with his jab:D 


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 15:43

Dempsey doesn't care who else is in there, tbh. Tongues Poor thing's just had some very bad experiences in vets before.

The lepto jab is one which is almost definitely needed. We live close to the centre of a huge town (minor details keeping it from being a city) with a huge rat population. Lovely! Big Grin


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 16:39

Well done Demps for behaving!


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 16:41

well done dempsey for being a good lad just hope memphis is well behaved tomorrow when he there for his checkup and jab


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by janey Thu Jul 04 2013, 17:19

Another hurdle over Dempsy, well done lad Smile
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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Thu Jul 04 2013, 17:34

Aww very well done Dempsey Big Grin


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Sazzle Thu Jul 04 2013, 21:50

Well done Dempsey thumbs up 
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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 06 2013, 19:15

Well done Dempsey. Poor thing. Big cuddles from Blue


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Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets! Empty Re: Poor Dempsey had to go to the vets!

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