My Bella is not eating in a morning

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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by chrissy white85 Wed May 15 2013, 10:55

Hi Guys
Hope you can help me

Bella has been on 2-3 weetabix since we got her at 12 weeks due to her being under weight the only thing she would at as a puppy is weetabix.

She is now 11 months and for the past 3-4 days she will not eat or just pick at her weetabix in a morning.

she has been in a routine set 3 meals a day and has always had this, it seems a little strange as she will eat anything lol.

i do not know if us having a new arrival in the house, she is 4 weeks old and she is adjusting?? O yeah can anyone help with introducing them as bella is a little giddy as still a pub.

i will look forward to your advise

thanks guys

chrissy white85
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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by Guest Wed May 15 2013, 11:06

Is she eating her other meals ok? Big Grin


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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by Guest Wed May 15 2013, 11:23

I do not advise you give her weetabix at all. It has no nutritional value to her and probably makes her feel quite bolated and tummy achey. Just give her some of her own dog food in the morning. Also at her age i would not be giving any more than 2 meals a day as she will become fussy. I personally only feed once a day.


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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by Guest Wed May 15 2013, 11:26

Leave out the Weetabix, as already said it isn't doing her any good at all!

At her age two meals a day is normal, so it could be that she's self-regulating. As long as she's eating her other two meals & her weight is good now, then that's fine.

P.S. Sorry, what's 4 weeks old? i dont know


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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by chrissy white85 Wed May 15 2013, 11:42

thanks for all the info guys i will get her off the weetabix, yeah she is eating her other 2 meals a day no problem at all which is good.

sorry my new born baby daughter is 4 weeks old, and was just looking at how to introduce them and whats the best way as bella is hyper and just awants to play

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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by Guest Wed May 15 2013, 11:48

How have you tried introducing them so far? Was Bella given the baby's scent before you brought her home?


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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by Guest Wed May 15 2013, 11:50

I would do it late at night when she is likely to be more calm. When she is, bring her in and let her have a sniff of your babies things firstly, and then have a sniff about her bounce chair or cot (or whereever she is spending the most time) then over the next few days introduce a doll or teddy dressed in your babies (used) clothes and see how she reacts. Lots of CALM praise e.g. soft good girls and a pat but keep it short. If she gets a bit hyper, take her out of the room immediately and leave her to calm down and start again. She will learn that she will get to be with you all when she is calm.


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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by chrissy white85 Wed May 15 2013, 11:57

bella had smelt a few of her newly washed clothes and she also smelt a baby doll with olivias worn baby grow on??

We have a baby gate seperating the living room to the kitchen, when bella has a new toy or treat sometime we give her this over the gate if that makes sence.

I introduced them oven and through the gate, and bella gently went to bite/pull her baby grow as it was loose.

Will this be due to us giving bella toys etc over the gate?? If so we need to re do this in the living room may be??

chrissy white85
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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by Guest Wed May 15 2013, 12:02

I think it would be better if you were in the same room as Bella. That way you have more control over her reactions. Always tell her to sit before you introduce anything new (especially when you introduce the baby herself!) and make sure that everything stops the second she gets up/becomes excitable.

She'll get the hang of it soon enough. Big Grin


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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by chrissy white85 Wed May 15 2013, 12:31

she has been in the room and sniffed all her clothes baby rocker/bouncer when she is nit there and also smelt a doll with her baby grow on that has been worn, the doll was in the bouncer aswell, bella did not really do anything but i am sure she know its a doll??

When olivia has been in the room and moved or let out a dry bellas ears pop up and she know she is there?? I will take the advice and make sure she calm may be take her a long walk???

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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by chrissy white85 Wed May 15 2013, 12:33

thanks so much for all the help guys and girls, everybodu i know staffys are so good with children and they said o bella will grow up as best friends with olivia?/ i hope so

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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by Guest Wed May 15 2013, 12:58

Yes a long walk will help too, just keep everything very calm. Don't shout at her or shout NO if she is being hyper either, it may make her annoyed with loud noises, which a baby makes! Good luck, and feel free to share pics!


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My Bella is not eating in a morning Empty Re: My Bella is not eating in a morning

Post by chrissy white85 Wed May 15 2013, 13:52

thank you gys i will try all this info you hae given me and see how it ges, i hope she picks it up quick as the mrs is getting stressed with the dog being a little giddy and she wont take olicia in the kitchen where bella is

thanks again i will let you know how it goes

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