Son bitten by Staffy

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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:09

Hi, just wanted some advice really. We love staffies, have a rescue staffy.... She's been with us for 6 months and she is adored by all. My son LOVES them, every one! When he see's one he always says hello. Yesterday a new staffy was being walked by a young couple, my son and his friend went to say hello, the dog loved the attention.... Until he placed his skateboard down on the ground, the dog turned, when mental, tried to destroy his skateboard and bit his leg leaving 2 puncture wounds, a nasty bruise and it looks infected. My son said it was ok, the owners went on to say they'd only had him a week and din't know he had a fear of skateboards. Now... I'm not saying they did, but they then walked off, didn't come and see me to tell me what happened. If that was my dog, the first thing I'd of done was gone and seen the mum or dad of the bitten child. He is only 13 after all. He is seeing the doctor later ( He only told me this morning as he was worried I'd find them and have a go) and I'm worried they may well think it was my dog who'd done it. I don't want to get the dog into trouble as he must of had a * time to bite a child on seeing a skateboard, but I do think I should have a word with the owner, after all.... My 4 year old skateboards and scooters in the same area my son was bitten. She'd of been really really hurt if she'd of been the one. Do you think its fair to say they should of come and told me? I also want to make sure they are careful with their dog from now on.... Muzzle on when around areas with children playing maybe?? It's not a nice thought knowing a dog has issues and another child could get really hurt if there is a next time =(. WHat should I do?? xxxxxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Staffy lover Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:21

Hope all goes well at the Docs, and your son is not the worse for it. This is my view, like you, I agree the owners should have at least asked for a number or address to contact you and not take the childs word that its ok. I can understand why they walked off, staffies have such a bad press, and I suppose they were worried you would demand it be put down, you did say they were a young couple, and could be none the wiser for it. Us staffie owners do stick together. And yes I agree until they know more about why their staffie attacked the skateboard (previous history would be unknown) they should be more careful around those with children about.
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:22

I think if you know where they are or see them again, it's perfectly fine to have a word with them about it. Afterall, it's for children's safety and also the dog's that it be kept under control. Hopefully now that they're aware of it they'll take care, but there's no harm in speaking to them about it.


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:29

Thank you! Yes I can understand why they didn't, but my son did tell them we also had a staffy so not to worry about me calling the police or something silly! It happened less than 100 yards up the road, they really should of come to see me, my son says he's a lovely dog, just got really scared...... I can understand that. When we got ours with very little history we were really really careful with her. Seem's a shame they've let the dog down by exposing him something ( All be it unknowingly) and the dog bit. They are very lucky it wasn't one of the other children in our road.... The police would of been called in right away. I'm going to find out who they were and have a quite word..... They might not be so lucky if it happens again xxxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by otisthestafford Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:34

I'm glad your child is okay... My personal view is this - I would have been more attentive if a child came over to my dog to say hello and if I hadn't had the dog long I more than likely would have politely said that the dog is new to us and it might be better not to say hello for now. I think you should have a word - I would be mortified if my dog had done that and would have been responsible enough to tell the parents and deal with the consequences straight away!
It's nice that you have been so understanding and hopefully the couple will appreciate that.
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:35

I agree that they should certainly have made an effort to come and talk to you & make sure that your son was ok!

Obviously, it isn't the dog's fault, and they may well not have known that it had a fear of skateboards (I know when Dempsey was a pup/adolescent he had a real thing about them & would bark & lunge towards them), but they shouldn't have just walked away!

Hopefully they'll take note for the future & warn anybody with a skateboard to keep their distance - they may even take steps to lessen the fear.

The only thing I can advise regarding your 4 year old is to warn her not to approach a dog whilst she has her skateboard; if she wants to say hello to a dog (hopefully only when you are with her!) then the skateboard should be put down first. Believe it or not, a lot of dogs have a problem with them.

I hope your son gets on ok at the doctors later - I take it he'll have an anti tetanus, *yuk* - and that he hasn't suffered psychologically from what happened.

If it were me, I'd definitely have a calm and polite word with them next time I saw them.


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:46

He's totally fine, wan't to refriend the dog, no skateboard with him and I think he should =D Where they walked him is pretty much our garden, we have a footpath through it, everyone in our row does. Its not often people know about it so we don't often get other dogs walk through, just my staffy and the massive lab 3 doors down, so the little ones are often left to play outside with us looking from the window. She won't say high to a dog unless she's with me, her dad or older brother and sister with her, but as we found out yesterday..... Mistakes are sometimes unwittingly made! I feel for the dog and the owner I really do, but a nudge in the right direction to help keep kids and the dog safe wouldn't go a miss. Last thing I was is another child to be bitten and the dog ( Just because he's a staff) end up being put to sleep. If it was any other dog I'd be just as worried, just the dog would get to live because it's not a staff. Madness they get a bad wrap when just as many other dogs bite when scared! =( xxxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Apr 04 2013, 10:54

So true.

Hopefully they'll be reasonable about it and you'll at least get an apology (mind you, if it'd been my dog I'd have been round the child's house to apologise within seconds - I'd have walked the child home so that the parents knew what'd happened!) and they'll be aware of the problem.

Poor dog, it's probably had something really bad happen to it in the past......... Sad


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by pag Thu Apr 04 2013, 11:02

I think a word is in order.. Just to warn them that the next kid he bite's may not be so forgiving.. for warned is for armed. Just offer some good advise about approaching kids etc..
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Apr 04 2013, 11:08

So would I! I know they were most likely worried, but as a dog owner its your job to insure your dog behaves, if it doesn't and someone gets hurt, its your job to make sure you let parents know what's happened! I'm more annoyed they didn't come and see me than I am about the bite! The dog didn't choose to bite, he did it as a reaction, the owners chose to not come and see me! xxxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Apr 04 2013, 11:10

P.S. Just looked at your avatar properly (great pic!) - is that a cat in her bed as well? Laughing


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Apr 04 2013, 11:14

Yes its my cat Mofo! lol. That pic was taken 3 days after Lexi arrived! Now..... Well, the cuddle in front the fire, the cat lick her ears and its all pretty sick at times hahaha. Lexi likes the cat, but the cat LOVES the dog, even the play fighting lol xxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Apr 04 2013, 11:44

Awww, that's so cute! Love Struck


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Apr 04 2013, 11:47

Yeah, they are a bit daft! But we love them none the less for it =D xxxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Apr 04 2013, 13:22

I think your defiantly best having a word just to help them along with some doggy etiquette Big Grin hope your son is ok.


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by tanyayuk Thu Apr 04 2013, 13:37


Really sorry to hear about your son. All of us know how loving Staffies are but we all hear the horror stories to. I think if you or your son see or no who the owners/dog lives is you should have a word as this could happen to anver child/dog.

TBH I personally think the owners should of walked your son home to make sure he got home Ok and that they could explain what had happend after all like you said your son is still a child and in my eyes this makes them quiet irrasponsible dog owners already.

Hope your son gets on Ok at the Doctors


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Apr 04 2013, 13:51

He's going this afternoon, the wound is even more bruised and red, not looking nice but he's gone out to play anyway =) Can't keep the kid down! I don't know who they are but I've asked about, not gone on a witch hunt but I also really feel they need talking too. More more I think about it, the more I know I'm right! As it had of been Lexi I'd of walked the child home. He should of gone to hospital last night, but he wanted to protect them, that makes me think they asked him not to tell me right away. Most people wouldn't blame the dog, I don't and nether does my son, I hope I find out who they are soon and before someone else gets hurt....... With a bit of time the dog will more than likely be a total gem but that all hangs in how responsible the owner are. He may get removed before he has his chance to shine =( xxxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Apr 04 2013, 17:13

Hope you get it all sorted soon , shouldn't be too paranoid about there intentions , they have just made things like that by not doing the right thing and bless your son for not wanting to get a staff in trouble but as others have said , they were lucky it was your son , hopefully only an isolated incident that people are too learn from and be thankful no further harm done


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Fri Apr 05 2013, 07:39

Thank you people! He went to the doctors, the bite is down to the bone so needed a tetnes, antibiotics for a week and a horrible wash out, if he'd of been any younger they'd of taken him to theater. Because it was such a bad bite the doctor was obliged to call the police. Thankfully we don't know who they are so I doubt they'll find them, also they agreed that if they were found was not to take any other action other than to have the owner insure their dog does not make contact with children until his issues have been attended to so the dog can't get into any more trouble! They are so lucky my son has a lovely heart on him.... We keep horses and we've been bitten by them before but don't love them any less, just makes us more respectful xxxxxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 08:03

Ouch! Brave son you have, if it were me I'm sorry to say I'd be complaining about the pain the second it happened. They're very lucky that both you and your son are so understanding and loving towards animals.


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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Bustersmaid Fri Apr 05 2013, 08:49

He's a great kid! I've very lucky with all 3 of them really =D. He's in more pain where he had his jab than where the dog bit him hahaha. Typical boy xxxxx
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Son bitten by Staffy Empty Re: Son bitten by Staffy

Post by Staffy lover Fri Apr 05 2013, 12:26

Thats boys for you Big Grin but bless him for just being him. At least the Doc has seen to his wounds and cleaned them out.
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