bloody hell lol

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bloody hell lol Empty bloody hell lol

Post by Darylkstaffy Mon Mar 18 2013, 00:33

i was chattin with my neighbours today and they thought i was wrong to be feeding my dog twice a day and that it was too much. they have two jack russells and they are horrible little things and they get fed once a day.

but i did mention the differences between a staffy and a jack russells feeding needs, silly people lol. Laughing
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by StuW Mon Mar 18 2013, 00:38

Theres nothing wrong with feeding twice a day, the majority of people do! My boy is fed once a day and my pup is on 3 a day, but gradually taking out her afternoon feed!

She'll then go onto 1 meal a day at about 10 months or so.
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by Darylkstaffy Mon Mar 18 2013, 00:42

alright man thanks for the advice Smile
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by StuW Mon Mar 18 2013, 00:47

I also find it easier feeding once a day as mine are raw fed and my boy was a bugger to get him to eat new stuff, since changing to once a day he eats near enough everything I put down to him!
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by DragonTheStaffie Mon Mar 18 2013, 00:48

My boy is 2 and gets fed twice a day too and he's not overweight like most staffys you see Laughing as long as you don't over feed your dog it's fine:)
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by DragonTheStaffie Mon Mar 18 2013, 00:51

Stuw, do you just put his 2 meals in 1 meal or?
I have my dog on this thins of dog food as he's to fussy with food and he loves that food, I feed him 2 thins daily which is the recommended for his weight, would you put 2 thins all at once?
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by StuW Mon Mar 18 2013, 00:57

Yeah he should get roughly 380-570g a day and he just gets it all in one meal. I did start giving him a wee bit in the mornings, but then he wouldn't eat everything at next meal!

If you want to change to 1 meal a day do it gradually, take for instance 50g from his morning feed and add that to his later feed so its not a shock to him!
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by DragonTheStaffie Mon Mar 18 2013, 00:59

That's be awesome, because he's funny with the food for example today he left a bit and has been leaving food for a while... What time do you normally feed your dog?
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by StuW Mon Mar 18 2013, 01:02

It's really helped with Bailey, he would usually eat nothing, or half of it, now he eats it all 90% of the time! I usually feed him about 4-5pm-ish!
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by Darylkstaffy Mon Mar 18 2013, 01:04

personally id feed mine around 9-10am and then once again around 6 try your best to feed them around your breakfast / dinner times as it reduces begging Smile
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by Guest Mon Mar 18 2013, 01:04

Doesn't matter how many meals a dog gets, it depends on how much it gets. I mean, in theory you could feed five meals a day to a dog, but if they all add up to the same amount that the dog would get on two meals a day, it's the same thing, really. All that matters is they get the right amount.


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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by DragonTheStaffie Mon Mar 18 2013, 01:23

That's exactly what I tried to say Tara haha!
But I might try to change into one meal and see how he does, it makes sense he'd be more hungry therefor he'd be more likely to eat it all.

I normally feed him at 9 although he only finishes eating everything at like 2 and then I feed him at 6 or 7 and that's when sometimes we go bed and he still hasn't ate it all, like today.

I'm not to worried though I remember when I got him when he was 1 year old and very thin and now he's not thin at all but he ain't fat either he's perfect in my view Smile
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by StuW Mon Mar 18 2013, 01:25

Do you just leave his bowl down all day until its finished? If so I'd stop that and see if it helps first. Put his bowl down in the morning, leave it for 15 minutes then lift it. Don't give any treats or anything during the day if he's not ate. Put his bowl down again at next meal time and lift after 15 minutes!
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by DragonTheStaffie Mon Mar 18 2013, 01:32

Ive been tempted to do that but then he would only have half of what he's meant to eat daily?
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by StuW Mon Mar 18 2013, 01:38

Once he realises he gets his food for 15 minute intervals he will start eating. Leaving the bowls down till he's finished lets him graze! If he only eats half in 15 minutes, lift it and put it back down at the next meal time and add a bit extra to it. If he only gets half his normal amount for a couple of days he'll learn to eat everything he's given!
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by DragonTheStaffie Mon Mar 18 2013, 01:45

I will try that next month after I weigh him and take him to the vets, I'm very excited to see how much he weighs has he's gotten bigger and heavier, no fat though he's all muscles, he only has fat on his neck Laughing

To go to he fields we have to lift him up over this fence and he's getting so heavy Laughing
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Post by rebeccaleanne Mon Mar 18 2013, 08:09

There will always be some one who thinks they know best!! I would recommend twice a day with her still been young Smile
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by Kathy Mon Mar 18 2013, 13:22

Rocky used to eat three meals a day but then he gradually went of his breakfast so we added it to his lunch. So he now has lunch at around 1pm and dinner at around 5pm. He has approx 150 g per day. He usually eats everything up. We also split each meal into 3 lots of approx 20 grams of food, that way he doesn't have so much in the bowl at once and will not eat too quickly. It works for us and him.
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by DragonTheStaffie Mon Mar 18 2013, 13:24

I've started doing the 15 minute thing, Dragon didnt eat everything last night and wouldn't touch his lunch, so I left him in the kitchen for 5 minutes and then I'd go there and tell him to eat, and leave until 15 minutes went by... He didn't eat so I took the food away and going to give it to him at 5 hopefully he will eat.
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Post by Kathy Mon Mar 18 2013, 13:28

I'm pretty sure he wont let himself starve,
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by rescuestaffords Mon Mar 18 2013, 13:42

I feed my dogs twice a day and they have a treat at lunch time.

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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by johneva Mon Mar 18 2013, 13:43

Unfortunately everybody knows best and they love to tell you how wrong your doing things without being asked for advise when it comes to dogs.

Once or twice a day feeding is fine as long as the daily intake is spread over the 2 meals and your not doubling up I don't get what their problem is, but as I say everybody likes to think they know best.

You have 2 options in these cases try and tell them the truths but make sure you have facts and sources to prove your point. (Probably pointless if they feel they know so much they are telling you without any promoting)
Other option just nod your head and agree to what they are saying but ignore what they are saying.
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by Guest Mon Mar 18 2013, 18:40

I only feed once a day (this doesn't include the treats and "sneaky little feed" she usually gets)


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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by VikkiGT4 Tue Mar 19 2013, 10:59

Knox gets fed three times a day and he's not fat - just nice and healthy
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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by Guest Tue Mar 19 2013, 12:55

memphis gets fed once a day around 7ish at night i found this the best time for me as thats the time he starts to settle down into his relaxed nighttime state (lol)and he eats it all first time and no issues of beging through the rest of the day so i dont find the need to fed around our eating times.


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bloody hell lol Empty Re: bloody hell lol

Post by Staffy lover Tue Mar 19 2013, 15:35

Pixee gets fed twice a day. Sometimes she wont eat all of her breakfast, which is fine, as she has always been a fussy one. I make sure she has abit extra with her tea. When we first had her, she was on 3 feeds a day as she was losing weight, now its down to 2 aday which suits us better and she is keeping the weight on lovely now. Plus she does get a few treats here and there. I prefer to feed her after walks. Each to their own so long as their dogs are fed well, it matters not how many a day.
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