Night time walks

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Night time walks Empty Night time walks

Post by BetsyBoo Thu Oct 25 2012, 20:40

Hi all!
I'm a fairly new (and totally besotted) doggy owner and as the nights are drawing in, I'm wondering what you do for nightime walks?

I've had Betsy as a rescue for about 6 months now. She's pretty good with her recall in open space, mainly through her ball obsession and love of treats. I've started to become more adventurous with our walks where she's getting to meet more new dogs too. I've followed the advice on here and am going with the 50m lead until I'm 100% confident with recall.
I am a bit worried about off lead (or with 50m lead) night time walks though. This is more about not being able to see other dogs, but also people as she can present herself with a Betsy barge. We had a couple of occassions in her early days where she reacted to other dogs. I am still learning with her and looking back realise that some of that could have been prevented which is easier when it's daytime.

This is only really a problem 3 days a week as the rest I can give her the morning and early afternoon wallks off lead and a short evening on lead. I'm wondering whether on those 3 days to stick to a knackering late morning one, and on lead evening walk with plenty of stimulation or sometimes an on lead run? We've recently started this and it really knackers her out . I'm just conscious that's she's losing out on other doggy pal time.

Any thoughts, or feedback on what you do would really be appreciated
Thanks Sam & Betsy Smile
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Night time walks Empty Re: Night time walks

Post by Guest Thu Oct 25 2012, 20:52

I would stick to lead walks when its dark if you're not so confident . We try and avoid after dark as sometimes I'm away and I don't want the wife or daughter to walk them when it's dark so we get the walks in earlier and its garden time on an evening but as they are 2 tearaways they still get a good runabout off each other


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Night time walks Empty Re: Night time walks

Post by Guest Thu Oct 25 2012, 20:59

I walk alone with the boys ALOT in the dark, chance never goes off lead so that's not a problem, but i will let harvey off at the park if theres no kids or anyone erm unsavoury hanging about but he has really good recall


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Night time walks Empty Re: Night time walks

Post by Guest Thu Oct 25 2012, 21:05

My old boy, Bandit, used to go off lead at night when we lived at the foothills of the Black Mountains. He'd disappear into the bushes & trees & every so often we'd call & he'd pop back into sight before dashing off again. But round there, there was no problem with traffic or bad people!

Dempsey's another matter. As soon as it's dark he's ultra protective - no idea why cause I'm not exactly a shrinking violet & I can take care of myself - so he gets a lead walk at about 10pm up to a local green for his toilet & home again (about 30-35 minutes). His morning & mid afternoon walks are always in the light.


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Night time walks Empty Re: Night time walks

Post by Keith Thu Oct 25 2012, 21:09

I only let my dogs off lead at night where there's lighting - our local park has street lamps.

If one of the dogs bolts for a squirrel or fox, chances are I'll be out all night looking.

Nothing better than a 1am night walk - usually no one else around.
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Night time walks Empty Re: Night time walks

Post by janey Thu Oct 25 2012, 22:02

Our park is pitch black, I used to walk Moo at 5am with a light on her collar so I could see her, just not so keen on doing it now Xx
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Night time walks Empty Re: Night time walks

Post by Rachel33 Thu Oct 25 2012, 22:03

Biscuit is never off lead anyway but all of her walks are in the dark on the days that i'm working as it's dark when I leave for work and get home!! I'm not too fussed about walking around in the dark, she's a little more alert but nothing drastic, she gets to play in the fields then too without loads of dogs doing her head in!!
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