Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:10

More paw trouble.

Every so often on of his back paws gets inflamed, with one or other of the middle toes becoming swollen, red & very sore. Sometimes it clears with bathing (salt water or hibiscrub) and sometimes it doesn't & we need anti-bs. This time was an anti-bs time!

He saw his favourite vet, Ricardo (italian - good looking, young & sexy & WAY too young for me to notice that sort of thing! Rolling Eyes ) who isn't at all phased by Dempsey, even when he growls! Seems he has 'sensitive' skin between his toes, so the slightest scratch etc could cause an infection. So, anti inflams & anti-bs for a week.

Last time, it cost me £86. This time, Ricardo said that, as we're 'regulars' he would only charge a token consultation fee & it cost £55. Nice guy!


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:12

Caryll wrote:More paw trouble.

He saw his favourite vet, Ricardo (italian - good looking, young & sexy & WAY too young for me to notice that sort of thing! Rolling Eyes ) who isn't at all phased by Dempsey, even when he growls! Seems he has 'sensitive' skin between his toes, so the slightest scratch etc could cause an infection. So, anti inflams & anti-bs for a week.

Dempsey's favourite vet ??? Yeh whatever :-$


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:14

Dave, he's seen every vet in the *&$%£ practice over the last 3 years! Ricardo's the one he will actually let touch him without trying to rip his throat out! Laughing


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by janey Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:15

Sounds like a rather yummy vet to me Big Grin

Poor old Demps with his sensitive paws, such a girl tee hee!

Hope it heals quick Xx
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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:17

This vet thinks Dempsey's a wimp! Even called him that once when he yelped!

This vet practice is the best I've seen in 40 years. They actually like animals. I know that sounds weird, but so many vets do the job cause it pays well (and we all know how well it pays!), but even the receptionists there like the animals that come in & often make a fuss of them.


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:19

Caryll wrote:This vet thinks Dempsey's a wimp! Even called him that once when he yelped!

This vet practice is the best I've seen in 40 years. They actually like animals. I know that sounds weird, but so many vets do the job cause it pays well (and we all know how well it pays!), but even the receptionists there like the animals that come in & often make a fuss of them.

Our vet is like that so I'm pretty happy with them


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by janey Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:19

Agree, my vets is great, but there is always the fit one you prefer to see, wink wink Caryll Wink
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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Kathy Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:20

Ahhhhh poor Dempsey, hope he is soon back to his usual self, you''ll have to get him some of these Caryll:

Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Funny-dog-3
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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:21

I would, Kathy, but he'd eat them. Rolling Eyes


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:31

Caryll wrote:This vet thinks Dempsey's a wimp! Even called him that once when he yelped!

This vet practice is the best I've seen in 40 years. They actually like animals. I know that sounds weird, but so many vets do the job cause it pays well (and we all know how well it pays!), but even the receptionists there like the animals that come in & often make a fuss of them.

Same with the one I've taken Loki to, it's great when you can feel how much they actually care Smile

Anyway, hope Dempsey's paw troubles get better soon!


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:32

Looks like it'll always be a problem.

I think I'll have to start washing his feet every time he comes in from a walk!


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:36

Awww poor Dempsey. I actually think that he injures himself deliberately in hope that you get to see the nice good looking vet, he's only thinking of you Caryll!


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:38

If you saw the state he gets into when we get into the vets you wouldn't even think it! Big strong, brave bully? Not a bit of it - he hunches up, wags his tail furiously & pants as though there's no tomorrow. Terrified.

Poor little fella. Sad


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 20:41

Aw bless him. They really are big wusses at heart Big Grin


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Thu Oct 04 2012, 22:13

Hope he gets better soon. Suki hates the vet as well


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 05 2012, 10:27

Poor Dempsey. Hope he's feeling better soon >Big Grin<
Caryll wrote:If you saw the state he gets into when we get into the vets you wouldn't even think it! Big strong, brave bully? Not a bit of it - he hunches up, wags his tail furiously & pants as though there's no tomorrow. Terrified.

Poor little fella. Sad
I think this is what has surprised me most since getting Bella just how sensitive they are.


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 05 2012, 12:02

hugs to dempsey x


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Taz Fri Oct 05 2012, 20:30

Ooh I like the sound of your vet - might have to move your way (jk)
nice £31 reduction!!

Hope it all sorts soon! Big Grin
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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Kathy Fri Oct 05 2012, 20:57

How is Dempsey today with his poorly paw ??? >Big Grin<
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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 05 2012, 20:59

The toes seem to be improving a little already. They don't seem quite as swollen & red.

I've started washing his feet after walks, now - he isn't impressed! Laughing


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Kathy Fri Oct 05 2012, 21:00

Ahhhh bless him, it's for the greater good
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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by gem Fri Oct 05 2012, 22:10

Aww get well soon dempsey >Big Grin<
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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 05 2012, 22:28

Caryll wrote:The toes seem to be improving a little already. They don't seem quite as swollen & red.

I've started washing his feet after walks, now - he isn't impressed! Laughing

Glad that he is improving


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19 2012, 21:46

Where does Dempsey walk? Soil, grass, beach? You might need to brush his paws with a soft brush (like a baby hair brush) to loosen anything when he comes in. He has a lovely face Big Grin


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19 2012, 21:52

He's walked on pavement & grass mainly. Although he does like to wallow in mud from time to time! Rolling Eyes

His feet get bathed with salt water after every walk, but every so often one or other of the back feet gets inflamed. The vet thinks he has sensitive skin in between his back toes (possibly the skin is a little thin/fragile for some reason) and he may get little scartches which then get infected despite the salt water baths!

Lets face it - he just wants to spend all my hard earned money! Laughing


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

Post by Guest Fri Oct 19 2012, 22:00

Maybe he is just a sensitive little boy! Hate to think of them uncomfortable. Lola gets a sensitive neck from her collar, she isnt a very hairy dog so she goes bald really easy Big Grin


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Dempsey at the vets AGAIN! Empty Re: Dempsey at the vets AGAIN!

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