Whats wrong with my boys foot??? :(

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Sleepy Whats wrong with my boys foot??? :(

Post by Boss Fri Jul 06 2012, 09:08

My english staffordshire bull terrier is 14 or so months old now.

He is a healthy boy but lately i have noticed a change.
He is a dark brindle colour with a white chest and one white foot.
I have noticed his white foot has changed colour. It has turned pinky coloured, more in between his toes and i notice him licking and biting at it.

I was going to book him into the vet but he doesnt seem to be in any pain as he runs around perfectly fine.

Is this a common thing? Has anyone else experienced this and know what it could be?
Someone had suggested it would be xthma.

For the moment i have bandaged his foot up so he doesn't keep irrating it more.

Kind Regards
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Sleepy Re: Whats wrong with my boys foot??? :(

Post by Guest Fri Jul 06 2012, 09:11

Could be a bacteria build up or something that has gotten under the skin.


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Sleepy Re: Whats wrong with my boys foot??? :(

Post by Boss Fri Jul 06 2012, 09:21

This is my first time owning a dog and I freaked out when i seen it!
Im not too sure what i should do to help, other than give it a clean.

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Sleepy Re: Whats wrong with my boys foot??? :(

Post by janey Fri Jul 06 2012, 09:37

Could be a yeast infection, have you tried bathing it in salt water? If its an ongoing thing I would have a vet look it over, but don't worry its not life threatening Smile
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Sleepy Re: Whats wrong with my boys foot??? :(

Post by Jackieb Fri Jul 06 2012, 10:05

My girl gets sore between her toes if she gets her paws wet.

I use sudocrem on a cotton bud and sweep it inbetwren her toes at night, usually it's resolved by morning .
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Sleepy Re: Whats wrong with my boys foot??? :(

Post by Guest Fri Jul 06 2012, 10:57

Could be a touch of exema, or an alergic reaction to something. A lot of dogs are allergic to grass sap & if he's been walking on recently cut grass it may affect him.

Have you tried giving him an anti-histamine? We use Piriton in the UK, but I don't know what the equivalent is in New Zealand.


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Sleepy Re: Whats wrong with my boys foot??? :(

Post by Kathy Fri Jul 06 2012, 11:26

Can you get hold of Phernergan or Polaramine, these are available in Australia ??

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