Annoyed with people

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Lightning Annoyed with people

Post by jola139 Tue Jul 03 2012, 08:55

Was wondering,is it just me or there more who feels this way. I know that everyone likes puppies,they cute etc. They want to stroke it,play with it.... But also they expect that they going to be well behaved,ok fair enough-that's my job to teach him how to be good but.... What about them? is it so hard too ask if it's ok to stroke a dog? I've seen it so often when parents with kids don't correct them when they without asking stroking him,I don't even have time to react,prepare him to say hello to this kids. So when he jumps on them they and the parents are surprised. it really want me to be start being rude. My dog doesn't know what they want to do to him so he might react somehow. It's not much to it? or when they walking by they are waving their hands in front of my dog's face like they want to stroke him. Is it just me? I'm not saying that is everyone like that,likely there is more sensible people.

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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Jackieb Tue Jul 03 2012, 09:13

I agree with u 100% ! I can compare it to being pregnant and ppl touching ur bump without asking !!! Lol
I take my pup on the school run everyday so he's around many kids on a daily basis and laps up the attention n fuss, none of the kids ask, they all jump straight in petting him.
I have to be extra vigilant and have told the kids to back off or leave him alone if u sence he's had enough.
In my heart I know Tank won't hurt anyone but until he's older I can't fully trust him to not nip.
I always tell the kids to be gentle and quiet and keep their faces away from him to avoid unwanted kisses....

I guess as a dog owner we have to take responsibility of not only our dogs but how others interact with them to control the situation.
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by jola139 Tue Jul 03 2012, 09:17

I just want my dog to wait for my approval to go and say hello but they don't give me that chance. He's still a bit nippy,specialy when he's exited so that's why I want him to calm down before saying hello. There was couple of times when some kid stroke him I didn't see it coming and the mum gave me nasty look...
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Chantel Tue Jul 03 2012, 09:47

I do agree with you, and Jackieb said it really well.

Parents don't control their kids, and should your dog do something, it will be all about the dog and not the fact that the parent didn't correct their kids.
I actually get annoyed when people do that, not that I don't want them fussing my dogs, but a little respect goes a long way.

We had a dog that did not like people being in his face, you had to stroke him under his chin and not on top of his head, and when people didn't give us a "heads-up", things could turn nasty very quickly - it never did, but it could.
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Guest Tue Jul 03 2012, 09:48

I hate it when people do that it's very bad manners


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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by appollo13102000 Tue Jul 03 2012, 09:57

Totaly agree as you have seen fom my videos ruby is log stick mad totallt focused on sunday was 3 girls at the park about 12 /13 i told them 3 times not to pick up small sticks as ruby would try to grab them after 3 times of telling the father was off somewhere not even watching them when he did arrive and i told them again he never said a word so in the end i told them to leave her alone she didnt want to play and had to take ruby away from her fun, as i left i turned to the father and said if your kids were as well trained as my dog i wouldnt have to spoil her day he never said a word. but if ruby had caught them trying to get the sticks they were waving about i know whos door the police would be knocking on.
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Guest Fri Jul 06 2012, 22:51

It annoys me when people don't respect my training methods. Family and friends coming over and stroking him while he jumps on them or bites them, throwing their feet at his mouth and laughing while saying "stop it" and expecting him to stop. It's ridiculous to me, and it does annoy me quite a bit even though I try not to be annoyed by it. I just don't see how people can't understand that dogs don't understand human language minus a few taught commands; obviously telling a dog not to bite you while putting your hand near its face when it's in an exciteable mood is foolish. I mean, luckily he's just a small puppy, but no-one would be laughing if it was a Caucasian Ovcharka, so obviously the same rules should apply. Training takes a lot of patience and consistency, and I find that people outside of my immediate family will never allow for consistency. It's frustrating.


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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by first tri Fri Jul 06 2012, 22:59

Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Too tired to join in but nodding furiously at each and every comment here! Grrrrrrrr!
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by jola139 Sat Jul 07 2012, 08:28

I'm happy that I'm not alone in this . I've noticed that a lot of people dogs are borned trained. You just buy a puppy and watch him grow. We had friends staying with us over the weekend and they slept in the same room where is Debo's cage. We told them what he's allow and what not. What to do if he bites etc,all the plot. They ignored it and let him bite their hand and when he did it harder,they said " Oh, he bites you should do something about it before it's to late" Don't have to coment on that. We don't let Debo on the sofa after the walk and they new about it,when my husnabd came back from the kitchen Debo was on the sofa jumping on their heads,pulling hair....really!!!!!!! Sometimes I just want to hide with him and show him to the world when his ready.
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by bobs Sat Jul 07 2012, 08:54

You'r not alone on that one, we have the same problem with Sophie because she is still so hyper when we walk her.
She will try to jump up at people if they show an interest in her, which is not what we want and when people suddenly stop and start making a fuss of her without asking it does annoy us.
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Taryn Sat Jul 07 2012, 16:35

I have the SAME problems.
Staffs are not so common to see here in the city so people are very curious about him. now while romeo loves adults... he is a little timid with children. i know, not your typical staff. its not that he bites or anything, he just doesnt want anything to do with them. so when children run up to him he might cringe back.I'm always having to stop kids from touching hi so suddenly since i dont want to give him a fright. they are allowed to pat him, but i like for them to calmly. The problem is that romeo has no... and i mean NO inhibition when it comes to food. he will snatch if you're not careful. so i'm always frightened that children holding food.... or sticks or toys, that romoe might nip them trying to take it from them. and then it will be BANG no more romeo since you know he's a 'dangerous' breed and all.
But its not just kids, i have met some annoying adults that just asume whatever and call my dog to them or becon him to them with out asking. normally when i am busy or struggling with something. that annoys me more!
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Hoppergrass Sun Jul 29 2012, 22:00

jola139 wrote:Was wondering,is it just me or there more who feels this way. I know that everyone likes puppies,they cute etc. They want to stroke it,play with it.... But also they expect that they going to be well behaved,ok fair enough-that's my job to teach him how to be good but.... What about them? is it so hard too ask if it's ok to stroke a dog? I've seen it so often when parents with kids don't correct them when they without asking stroking him,I don't even have time to react,prepare him to say hello to this kids. So when he jumps on them they and the parents are surprised. it really want me to be start being rude. My dog doesn't know what they want to do to him so he might react somehow. It's not much to it? or when they walking by they are waving their hands in front of my dog's face like they want to stroke him. Is it just me? I'm not saying that is everyone like that,likely there is more sensible people.

I think we have been fairly lucky where we are and only had a couple of incidents if silly children and parents. We were watching the carnival and sat with our dog out the way so we could chill. A child near the front threw a plastic red nose right past us and hen was too "scared" to get it as des our dog went to retrieve it for him (thinking it was a ball). Firstly des was on a lead and secondly this child was 11 and should have known better. Basically I said it was ok for him to get it. His little brother who was about 7 came right up waving in des face saying stupid doggy- wih his father watching! I was shocked and was going to say something and then his mum saw him. Boy she sure told him off! Finally some sense.
The main prob we have is teenagers with footballs in the park, they kick them all over the place ner dogs an look surprised when the dogs want to join in! des can be ball obsessed so we kindly ask them to pick up the ball when we pass if des looks interested :-) no probs so far.

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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Kathy Sun Jul 29 2012, 22:13

OP you certainly are not alone, this drives me crazy too. If anything nasty was to happen to children when fussing over your dog, you know that it would be you who gets the blame unfair as it. I now try to steer clear of rug rats if possible.
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Guest Sun Jul 29 2012, 22:22

When i was a kid i was taught and had drummed into me not to touch strange dogs, and to ask the owner 1st if you could stroke it.
Another thing installed into us was NOT to tease the dog, or disturb it while it was eating or asleep.
If the dog did bite us because we teased it and went running to our parents we got a slap off them too for not doing as we were told.
Now a days common sense, morals or manners are a thing of the past, everyone is to eager to blame someone else or dog for their our mistakes.


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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Guest Sun Jul 29 2012, 22:25

Denise wrote:When i was a kid i was taught and had drummed into me not to touch strange dogs, and to ask the owner 1st if you could stroke it.
Another thing installed into us was NOT to tease the dog, or disturb it while it was eating or asleep.
If the dog did bite us because we teased it and went running to our parents we got a slap off them too for not doing as we were told.
Now a days common sense, morals or manners are a thing of the past, everyone is to eager to blame someone else or dog for their our mistakes.

We are very fortunate because for the most part everyone here asks before approaching Suki to give her a fuss.


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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Guest Sun Jul 29 2012, 22:25

Denise wrote:When i was a kid i was taught and had drummed into me not to touch strange dogs, and to ask the owner 1st if you could stroke it.
Another thing installed into us was NOT to tease the dog, or disturb it while it was eating or asleep.
If the dog did bite us because we teased it and went running to our parents we got a slap off them too for not doing as we were told.
Now a days common sense, morals or manners are a thing of the past, everyone is to eager to blame someone else or dog for their our mistakes.

That is so true.


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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by janey Sun Jul 29 2012, 22:40

Denise wrote:
Now a days common sense, morals or manners are a thing of the past,

Agree Sad
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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Guest Mon Jul 30 2012, 10:04

Denise wrote:When i was a kid i was taught and had drummed into me not to touch strange dogs, and to ask the owner 1st if you could stroke it.
Another thing installed into us was NOT to tease the dog, or disturb it while it was eating or asleep.
If the dog did bite us because we teased it and went running to our parents we got a slap off them too for not doing as we were told.
Now a days common sense, morals or manners are a thing of the past, everyone is to eager to blame someone else or dog for their our mistakes.

I was brought up exactly the same way. If I had been bitten I would have dreaded telling my mum because I know I would have been in trouble for annoying the dog.


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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

Post by Guest Mon Jul 30 2012, 10:10

If parents now adays installed the same so called "old fashion" ways of doing things half of the dog bites we hear about today would be less.


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Lightning Re: Annoyed with people

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