Time to take over the keyboard

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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 11:11

Hi humans, This is Tyson. My human has been upset with the posts accross the forum being really heavy and depressing of late. I think it is time for Tinkerbell (and all my other Techno literate buddies here) to send some posts on life as we see it. I know she will really enjoy that. idea


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 11:19

I abree my dadby bean goan two long. Bwen him got home be wettar bwing a pwesint. I con't speal Laughing


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by flame Thu Jan 26 2012, 11:27

ok i shall post and give it a whirl...
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Kathy Thu Jan 26 2012, 11:50

I can't type right now as I'm having a lovely snooze on Mum & Dads bed zzzzzzzzz cloud9
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 11:51

Hey Suki, I don't think its your spelling. Its that the keys are too small for our paws


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 11:52

Bhy knowbaady pasting? Big Grin

When I had to go away for over a year for business the BH would send me cards in dog speak. It always made me smile Big Grin


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 11:54

Ty wrote:Hey Suki, I don't think its your spelling. Its that the keys are too small for our paws

I haf know thamb, sbupid coputer >Smile Baddy ganna bee maff be Big Grin


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 12:04

dady to serus sumtyms. wsh i hd thmbs.


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 12:09

Thums importent daen compoter Laughing


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by linzy Thu Jan 26 2012, 12:31

Hi Tyson. I am only typing to you because I think we have the same eyebrows.

It is a very serious day here today, because I am having bum troubles (don't tell anyone though) and my human is not listening to me. I am saying to her "ooooooo weeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee, my bum! my bum!" but she is too busy doing something she calls 'wurk'. Don't know what that is. She seems to think that just because I have been out 9 times since 3am today that I don't need any more poops, but I'll show her! Plus, what is wrong with going out at 3am - I have a light up necklace to wear, and 3am is the perfect amount of darkness so that you can see it good.

I told Ziggy about my bum problems, but he was too busy playing with my elephant to listen. He says it was his first, and my human granny made it for him, but it has my slobbers all over it, so it must be mine. Then he said I pulled the elephants ear off, but that's not true. I said he probably talked it off, because he is always blethering about something or other. LEMME INSIDE, LEMME OUT - he is always saying that. I don't know if I like having a pet cat.

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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 12:48

jstaff wrote:Thums importent daen compoter Laughing

linzy wrote:Hi Tyson. I am only typing to you because I think we have the same eyebrows.

It is a very serious day here today, because I am having bum troubles (don't tell anyone though) and my human is not listening to me. I am saying to her "ooooooo weeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee, my bum! my bum!" but she is too busy doing something she calls 'wurk'. Don't know what that is. She seems to think that just because I have been out 9 times since 3am today that I don't need any more poops, but I'll show her! Plus, what is wrong with going out at 3am - I have a light up necklace to wear, and 3am is the perfect amount of darkness so that you can see it good.

I told Ziggy about my bum problems, but he was too busy playing with my elephant to listen. He says it was his first, and my human granny made it for him, but it has my slobbers all over it, so it must be mine. Then he said I pulled the elephants ear off, but that's not true. I said he probably talked it off, because he is always blethering about something or other. LEMME INSIDE, LEMME OUT - he is always saying that. I don't know if I like having a pet cat.

Laughing Laughing

Iddy biddy here, not sure what wrong with my people's today.... they go in and out, in and out, bring home two strange humans, now I can't go in my human bro's room. Don't know where he is, think he gone walkabout!!!
Then they go out and give us some stupid thing to chew, as if that will stop me digging in the garden and finding the end of the hose. That ought to teach them to leave us hurry up!

It's so hot over here, least the mum one always gives us a play under the hose, she gives lots of kisses and cuddles too, maybe she's not too bad. Them strange ones are ok, they have one like me at home and they keep ringing someone and say "MAKE SURE YOU FEED THE DOG", hope them human people from their planet feed the dog or "THEY BE IN BIG TROUBLE". I dont want to s

Only problem now is storm comin again - hate that "flashing" and "banging".
My old mate is not as good now, she never wants to play, just wants to sleep. Then she gets really grumpy too, poor old girl, I love her long time Love Struck

Hope we get to go for a swim at the river tomorrow, even the old girl has fun here, even if we have to have a bath after. Funny thing the mum human, hates us stinking out her car, silly lady - what does she expect us to smell like...roses Laughing


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by alexiastra Thu Jan 26 2012, 12:52

my bellys rumblin too much to write at the mo. need to pester my hoomin mummy fa foods. mebbe i gets time later...
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Jackieb Thu Jan 26 2012, 13:08

Ohai furry frends my hooman mum is not feelinz well so imz gonnaz be a snugly water bottle for her so she keep wam.
Mum sed I might get some pnut buter later

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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 13:14

Jackieb wrote:Ohai furry frends my hooman mum is not feelinz well so imz gonnaz be a snugly water bottle for her so she keep wam.
Mum sed I might get some pnut buter later


Crawler rolling on the floor rolling on the floor

Only joking, I'm gonna start a list of things that get me in the good books as I always get special treats then. hee hee


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by flame Thu Jan 26 2012, 13:15

river wrote down her morning, but it was a bit to long for a reply so i started a thread on it lol...oh dear.. these are making me luarf.. Laughing
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 13:40

i gotz go now, dady gotz tak mez out ta poddi bfor brekfst. then mabyz i get sum yumyz latr. dancing


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 13:41

So great to see all your posts. Suki wont be long now and your dad hoomin will be home. Izzy, it is also rumbling here. Want the storm done with quick so I can get a leg stretch and go play with Jack, Bella, Tess and Chino.
Poor you Violet. Bad bum stuff is not good. The vet girl did unspeakable things to that part on me yesterday. My ma hoomin did buy me a sqeeky stuffed tiger. She took it back before I could find the squeeker inside though.

Diesel hope your ma hoomin feels better soon. My thanks to Dora for correcting my spelling of hoomin. Being OCD myself I like to get it right even if it takes time using my dew claws.

Hey Herman...thumbs up mate thumbs up


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 14:07

Ty wrote:So great to see all your posts. Suki wont be long now and your dad hoomin will be home. Izzy, it is also rumbling here. Want the storm done with quick so I can get a leg stretch and go play with Jack, Bella, Tess and Chino.
Poor you Violet. Bad bum stuff is not good. The vet girl did unspeakable things to that part on me yesterday. My ma hoomin did buy me a sqeeky stuffed tiger. She took it back before I could find the squeeker inside though.

Diesel hope your ma hoomin feels better soon. My thanks to Dora for correcting my spelling of hoomin. Being OCD myself I like to get it right even if it takes time using my dew claws.

Hey Herman...thumbs up mate thumbs up

Oh Tyson, I think I'm in looove, you have such a way with words Love Struck


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 14:16

Dogalogs88 wrote:
Oh Tyson, I think I'm in looove, you have such a way with words

Uh oh my heart is now thumping in my chest. Girl you got me goin call me


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 14:48

Sharp intake of breath, Blushing
Sssshh, I think hooman mum is looking my way, lah de dah de dah, fast asleep on my bed cloud9

Ok, she's gone now Cool

You not too bad uself cowboy


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by alexiastra Thu Jan 26 2012, 15:09

Hi theres, Dora again. Mummy hoomin gave me my kibbles. She put them in my ball with the hole in, dunno why she doesn't use my bowl anemore. i guess it is quite fun chasin the ball around tho and the kibbles they spills out. I can get the ball in my mouf now. I tried to crunch it up but I didn't manage it.... I'll try again tomorra. Jus lately sum of ma kibbles has been larger than the others, they are extra crunchy I like them.

When I'd finished my kibbles I went to find mummy hoomin. She was making two plates or sammiches. I was very polite but mummy didn't give me any of her sammich which was mean cos I was still hungry. It smelled really gud. I did manage to have a lick of a sammich on the other plate tho, it had a nice flavour, but mummy told me off. Then daddy hoomin cam down and ate the other sammich before I could get another lick.

I'm reddy for a rest now cos the hoomins took me for a walk in the sunshine and I ran about in circles lots an lots. They sed I was a very gud girl cos I came back to them when they called me. They gave me more kibbles that was in their pockits Big Grin I kept lookin at them after that in case they wanted to gimme summore.

@Tyson, don't worry evrybody makes mistakes nows an again. My hoomin mummy sez I'm clevva an that my spellings very good fa my age Big Grin
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Jackieb Thu Jan 26 2012, 15:13

I still chillin on da sofaz with ma hoomin she got me some pnut not much tho, she rekonz ifz I has too much I might puke

The hoomin kids will be homz soon so I needz to get up and look cute for when they comez home, I get more cuddlez then.

Tonight I thinkz I mite push hoomin dad out the bed cause he snores to much and mum alwayz moaning about it.

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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by linzy Thu Jan 26 2012, 15:20

Ty wrote:
Poor you Violet.

Fanks, at least someone is sympathetic to my troubles. My human isn't in the least bit interested. To make matters worse, she just made me put on my pink raincoat and go out in the snows. I hate that coat. I like my jumpers, but she says no, too wet. Snows aren't wet though, they're sticky - two got stuck to my eyebrows and my human just laughed Sad I thought they made me look distinguished. Now my pawsies are all cold, but I have done my best to heat them up by zooming across the carpet. Don't know why my human was looking at me like that for, it's a good idea.

Hold on, I need to go shout at that 'underdog' advert. I hate that dog. It's fur isn't nearly as nice as mines. Don't know why my human isn't letting me watch my dog training show. Lost it when we went from skies to Teevo, she says. Birds live in skies, not tv shows, I told my human. Plus this Teevo character, all he does is go BOOOP BOOOOP BOOOOOP BOOOOOOOMAH! Annoys my ears Sad
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 15:25

Jackieb wrote:

Tonight I thinkz I mite push hoomin dad out the bed cause he snores to much and mum alwayz moaning about it.


Know that feelin, I've worked out how to "stealth" like jump on the bed without either hoomans noticing. The mum hooman makes you hold your breath for a few seconz, then all ok & I snuggle near her feet - sssshhhhhh!! it wasnt me
As for the dad hooman, I can snore way louder than him, phbbbbt but the hooman mum always kicks him really hard when he does, so why would I bother Big Grin


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 15:28

linzy wrote:
Ty wrote:
Poor you Violet.

Fanks, at least someone is sympathetic to my troubles. My human isn't in the least bit interested. To make matters worse, she just made me put on my pink raincoat and go out in the snows. I hate that coat. I like my jumpers, but she says no, too wet. Snows aren't wet though, they're sticky - two got stuck to my eyebrows and my human just laughed Sad I thought they made me look distinguished. Now my pawsies are all cold, but I have done my best to heat them up by zooming across the carpet. Don't know why my human was looking at me like that for, it's a good idea.

Hold on, I need to go shout at that 'underdog' advert. I hate that dog. It's fur isn't nearly as nice as mines. Don't know why my human isn't letting me watch my dog training show. Lost it when we went from skies to Teevo, she says. Birds live in skies, not tv shows, I told my human. Plus this Teevo character, all he does is go BOOOP BOOOOP BOOOOOP BOOOOOOOMAH! Annoys my ears Sad

OMG, I feel for you hun, these hoomans got no idea waiting


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 15:52

Hey girl... you still awake?? I know it is really late down under. Ma hoomin making my grub. She fed the cats first as usual. Silly ma what for I dunno. Had a good yank the hoomin time and then spent some time running in the park with Ziggy and Calvin. That Ziggy is faster than a jack rabbit.

Gotta go now so thanks to Dora, Herman, Izzy Wink , Kita, River, Suki, Rocky, Diesel and to you Violet for the great chat. Maybe we can do it all again soon.


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by alexiastra Thu Jan 26 2012, 15:59

yay thats sounds like fun. bye Ty wave
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Jackieb Thu Jan 26 2012, 16:22

Lol this thread was an awesome idea ! Really nice to know what all the furbys are thinking
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 17:03

Hewo doggies Smile
Im skye and my bwother is vinnie, at the moment he is woofing at those furrie things that come up my humans garden!! he no like them so we making sure we see them off, i think my mommy said its name was cat.
Anways today has not been vewy intwesting so far .. me and my bwo had our walkies this morning, comed home and my mommy and her mommy gail had to go take the man paul to the hospikal for some tests i think, but now my mommy is home and her mommy and her mommys husband paul are still out but least mommy is home ..
We is going on our walkies again when mommy has finished putting some things in a bag on wheels, i think she said it was a bootcase or was it suitcase i dont know im not weely listening Tongues
mommy is going to a show in morning and wont be back untill saturday night Sad i dont want her to go so me and my bwo had a plan, we twied to wuin her bootcase or suitcase hehehe .. she waffed and took our photo, mission failed.
Cant wait for mommy to come home so we can havs big hugs and kisses again!
my bwo vinnie said to say Woof! he said i cant type i am on important duties cat needs to be told i am boss! Rolling Eyes BOYS
here is a pikta of me and my bwo on our failed mission because mom is still able to put stuffs in, she will be back soon enough
Time to take over the keyboard Haha
anyways i better go now i fink mommys going to the cubby where my harness and lead is Big Grin yaaaaay


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 17:47

Hey Sky, you look good there (so does Vinnie). Sorry to hear your hoomin ma is going away for awhile. You and Vinnie gonna protect things while she is gone I guess. Watch out for those feathered things from the cupboard in the kitchen. Swooped down on me like an eagle today but I quickley sorted it out. Spineless creature had a backbone of wood. Ma hoomin was less than pleased heaven knows why. I did save her life after all.


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by stiofan Thu Jan 26 2012, 17:51

Awrite dugs,haw ur ye the-day?, he is oot side daein' th' garden makin' uir play area bigger!! Abit time, mair room tae chase th' cats. Ah hiner ye sassenach staffys kin uir accent? Gie yer fowk tae translate it, it's nae havers nou!!
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 18:02

Hiya .. feather things in the cubby?? Surprised i must bewarned of dem Surprised .. im in twubble at the moment me i shouted at my bwo because i wanted the food momm was chopping up, so she put tolds me off and now i have to calm down Sad why is food so good!.


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Thu Jan 26 2012, 18:16

Yep I guess I am a sassenach staffy but 'kan jy Afrikaans praat'?


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by stiofan Thu Jan 26 2012, 23:44

Nee, maar kan my neefs, getroud met Afrikaans (no but my cousins can,married to Afrikaans) and i won't be doing any more scots staffyish had to ask my mum Rolling Eyes and i forgot your supposed to post in english
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27 2012, 00:54

I dont have much nice things to type here! We are sitting in a boring room called waiting while dad is in the other room with a man called doctor. And when dictator and his friends wall by, they don't even pet me!! What!? How could a human not want to pet me? Plus the autocorrect on moms phone keeps changing my words!
Time to take over the keyboard 1da3a0c5
Time to take over the keyboard 2ca2a183
Time to take over the keyboard 3d4f71eb


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by wentzer Fri Jan 27 2012, 02:50

Wooo, hero u all seez bunchz todai, I sleeped waited for hoomin ma to got from werk she gone all dayz, dad hoomin playz what they callz SWTOR, itz gotsa prudys on itz and strange noizez, he sez he kills things and hes a muggler, ma took me outz to play in da snowz i liked it till pawziez got chilld. ma keeps sayin i tink, bawf, hinting for someone else to doz it i think.....i gotz zum ztuffin outta a kitty/bear that was the tjs thats the weird roommate, mom is weird about....he taught me to do this rollz oer now iz gottaz go my bottle is waiting and walk in need. huggs and licks.

Violet hopz ur bum better, i dun likeys that
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27 2012, 04:02

Herro....it's RoXy here Big Grin

Tyson, i hope your hooman Mummy cheers up soon now that all of us doggies have come to cheer her up after reading so much "bad and sad stuff"

As you can see, I have been practicing my typing and spelling skills on the sly at every chance I can get >Smile I am really proud of how well I am doing.

It is V E R Y hot here in Perth, Western Australia so my mum can't take me out for big walks in the sun. It's ok though, coz we play fetch and tug out on the back lawn which is fun, and when I get too hot I just get myself a big drink of water and get back to it again........ my mummy loves me lots and I love her lots too. I showed her how much yesterday when I jumped on her lap and turned around to give her a kiss. I must've slipped coz my tooth made a little cut in the middle of her nose and now she makes me laugh when I look at her. She was holding her nose for a little while after it happened but I said sorry and gave her lots more kisses coz I did'nt mean for her to get hurt.
The young human girls are not here this morning.....they must be lost, but Mum said it's ok, they just slept over at their friends houses last night. Geeez , they're lucky........i never get to sleep at my friends houses.
I can't wait for them to come home and give me big cuddles and make me feel like i am the most important thing in the world ( well, I am.....are'nt I ???????? ) They might even go outside and jump into that HUGE big bucket of water. I think they call it a swimming pool. I like to run around the edge and watch them go underneath the wet stuff. I'm still a bit wary of the wet stuff though. I don't know why, but it makes me very happy to run around and be with them.....my tail won't stop wagging no matter how hard I try. Sometimes I sit on there lap in a big round floaty thing so we don't sink under. It's fun and then the young human girls help me off and I swin to the end where you can get out easy. I'm pretty smart, coz I know exactly where to go to get out. I'm actually quite a good swimmer too, but I get out quick and have a big shake so that I can run around the edge again. Sometimes I get too close and I fall in , but I know how to get out easy and my young humans help me and look after me ( I can only go near the HUGE bucket of water thing while there are people with me........they close the gate all the other times )
Inside the house my mummy has a special wind machine which she turns on to make our house cool. It's a very good invention if you ask me.

That small fluffy thing was laying under "my" table again this morning and was making all sorts of terrible noise when I asked ever so politely Wink if he would like to play with me. He never wants to play with me and even spits at me and hits me with his paw.......not very nice is he? But if I keep asking nicely, do you think one day he might want to be my friend. My mum calls him a Grumpy ol' man.....but she calls me her baby.

Well.....mummy might want to use the computer soon so I think i'm gonna go and have another lay down. I will try and tell you some more about my day later.

C ya' all.............Love and sloppy kisses from me, The "RoX-star" Laughing I'm sooooooo funny don't u think.


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27 2012, 05:23

Hi Tyson. I'm having a great day sunbathing and digging up the garden. My mum and dad took me to some place to get me washed... I was so naughty for the people. I showed them! Now I am nice and dirty and smelly again. I LOVE rolling in the dirt hmmmm time for another sleep... I need the energy as I have to show mum and dad how to play!!!!


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27 2012, 05:26

P.S RoXy: There's a small fluffy thing here too! I just want to play but she hisses and tries to scratch me... I think one day we may be friends... I try really hard!


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Ben Fri Jan 27 2012, 05:35

Yo dudes and dudettes! Us cal4nins, lik r jus reedin this fur now. We had a chill day, me and my homy frost. I call him frost cuz it sounds cool. He says I'm a dork, but I don even no whut that is. I jus think it's chill that I have a bud to hang with all day while my hoomins do what they do, ya no? I luv reedin your posts cuz yur accents are really rad. Also, my bro frost and I like to look at all the fly chick pics. Dad hoomin says we will calm down when r testorome leaves. Sometimes I think he drank a bad cup o joe or sumpin. Mom hoomin always says the same thing, like, "can't wait". Whut ever. Still wish dad hoomin would leave the gallery open more when he leaves to go to the office. Sum you chicks are fly! Dudes, don't feel bad, we feel ya too, me and my bro frosty. We just have preferences. Bet yur cool to hang with, chew a bone. You know. Anyways, my bro frosty says I'm remblin, droolin and uh making a screen mom alwaz companes about. I bet my bro frosty jus wants a turn.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Ben Fri Jan 27 2012, 05:46

Hi there folks. I must apologize for my less than genius friend Monte. He means well, but the poweres that be gave him the body of a god but forgot to put in a high quality brain. He gets distracted real easy see, especially by the follies (they are hot to be honest). I'm workin on schooling him to help, but some days he is such a dumb brute. Daddy hoomin sometimes calls him yogi but I don't get it myself. I glare if he calls me boo boo. WTH does that mean? I may be younger, a little less of a model, but at least I'm not ignorant. I'm pretty tired today. Think it is the fog and clouds. You guys are some of the best folks I know. Wish I had snow, but alas daddy says he doesn't know if we are going to get a chance to go this year as it is kinda dry. Been kinda a cool day. We walked, played, slept, played, slept, went out to play, ate our favorite raw chicken, tried to find a way to play with the neighbor dog (I think he is a little daft) played and now we are beat to heck and going to cuddle up for the night. Hope y'all keep us posted cuz yur hoomin as you call em sound so much mor interesting than our sumtimes. Uh oh, looks like I'm jus so tired that this post is more of a random walk through my highly intelligent grey matter... Better go sleep and see if I can do better some other time.
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27 2012, 08:54

My Baddy home dance I helt im unpak and eight him socks Laughing


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Jackieb Fri Jan 27 2012, 09:13

Hai furbys
I brok my teddy ber last nite ma hoomin had to trow it in bin cuz I bit the noz off it and chokd on the fluffy stuff it not fair woz my bestet ted ber.

Ma hoomin said she gonna tak me to park later so I can run round really fast and get muddy I love mud it's all gooey but the hoomins dun like it mite see what stix I can findz cause I like ma to throw them so I can run fast and get it

Hopez u all get some treatz and stuffs today


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Guest Fri Jan 27 2012, 09:29

I waz asheep and fartes and scared me Laughing


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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by alexiastra Fri Jan 27 2012, 14:19

Hi theres, Dora here again. I'm real tired and sleepy cos my hoomins took me to a park with lots of other puppies and their hoomins, i fink they called it puppy school. All the other puppies looked real fun to play wiv but I wasn't allowed i had to listen to mummy and daddy. I fink the other puppies wanted to play with me too.
At one time the puppy school leader woman took my lead and mummy and daddy ran away from me and hid behind a wooden wall. I thought they no loved me no more but then they called my name and asked me to come and I ran really fast over to them and was sooo happy to see them again. I got lots of treats and cuddles then.
Later on though when I was tryin my bestest not to pull mummy and daddy along on the lead I saw a man with a really long pole near the river. I didn't like the man with the pole so I barked and growled to scare him away but the didn't leave. Mummy tried to take me away from the man and I felt a bit better when we were further away from him. I sat and looked up at mummy and she gave me lots of treats and cuddles. Maybe she was scared of the man with the pole too. I kept my eye on him after that. Didn't want him coming too close.
One other thing we did was the puppy school leader woman put the biggest box of treats I had eva seen under my noise but mummy called me away and told me to leave it. Seemed a bit mean to me. Why show me yummy foods I's not allowed?
I was quite pleased when we were finished and we gots home. I like it at home. Evrythings simpler and easier. I knows what I's allowed to do at home.
I'm goan go now cos I's a sleepy head.
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by linzy Fri Jan 27 2012, 15:12

I had to go to the vets today with my human. Bum troubles got worse Sad Can you believe they put a thing in my bum?! "My bum is in a bad enough way", I says to the vet, "you don't need to put extra troubles in!"

I used to like going to the vets, so that is why I had to drag my human all the ways there, and now she is moaning about a sore arm. Not as sore as my sore bums, I'll bet.

Now I am just relaxing on the couch with my humans blanket that is a bit like my fur, but furrier. I don't normally get to use that cover, but maybes if I keep crying at her, she'll let me keep it. I am doing my bestest sad face to go with it. I think this blanket might soon be mines! Now all I need is some real foods instead of stinking rice...

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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Ben Fri Jan 27 2012, 15:23

Hey Violet, Frosty and Monte here. Sorry about your "issues." Hope you get it sorted out, but never forget to milk yur hoomin for as much as yous can gets. That blankit sounds lik it shud be yurs anyhow. Get well soon!
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Pado Fri Jan 27 2012, 18:27


Last edited by Pado on Sat Mar 03 2012, 03:53; edited 1 time in total

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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by janey Fri Jan 27 2012, 18:35

Erm, I appear to be in a parallel forum Laughing
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Time to take over the keyboard Empty Re: Time to take over the keyboard

Post by Kathy Fri Jan 27 2012, 19:13

Hi to all my Lady friends and you guys too wave , Rocky the Italian Stallion here, just to let you all know I had a very good today.

This morning while out walking my hoomins I got to say Hi to my buddies called Berty and Radley they are among my oldies Amico's. I had a molto bene play with them it was very good to see them batting eyelashes . Mum & Dad had a good chiacchiera with their Mum. I think she could talk for England and she is very nice she scratched my ear that makes her one of best friends so I gave her a big sloppy kiss Love Struck kiss

After my walk this morning I drove home and had a piccolo dormire on my hoomins bed sleepy . They don't mind me going on there so long as they sometimes get to have a sleep on it too cloud9

This afternoon I went to the park again and bumped into Hugo Cool . Hugo is a Dobermann and is a big softie he is another of my amicis. We played around for a while while Mum & Dad stood around getting cold cold . They are silly sometimes don't they know you can keep warm by running around as if you are crazy, honestly.

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