A little worried

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A little worried Empty A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 13:47

Okay... so Vlad has vomited 4 times in the last 2.5 hours. He licks it up and doesn't appear to be in any pain. I clean it up and he looks at me and then just goes back to his bed. He only has dry food and a little raw meat with his night feed. Some of the vomit is whole food. When we were walking he was trying to eat grasses, which we tried to stop, but he was just too quick! He played fine after his walk. He ate all of his dinner. Could this be teething? I can't seem to make him drink any water, but I think this is because he is too sleepy! He is snoring at the moment and after he has been sick he doesn't seem too fussed, he hasn't cried or barked and he gets up and does it away from his bed in a corner of his play pen... then proceeds to try and eat it! I have camped in the lounge room for the night to make sure he's okay. I hope it's something really simple... We will take him to the vet tomorrow morning if he continues over night, I am just trying to get some ideas as to what it could be... teething, grasses, raw meat (is he too young?) Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 13:56

It could be that he is not chewing his food before swallowing, so when its time for it to digest it cant properly so comes back out the mouth end .. Skye does this if shes been a pig and she dont chew but swallows it all down it will all come back up un-chewed and then (as grose as this sounds) i clean it up and shes like i could of ate that!! lol.
Puppys are little pigs and will often just guzzle the food down and not chew it which leads to the upchuck of it afterwards.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 14:09

I hope it is. I couldn't see any blood, and my husband cleaned the dog poo this morning, only to find a couple more presents this afternoon, so I think he's pooing okay. He is fairly lazy once he goes to sleep, so working out whether he is lethargic, or just his usual lazy self is hard! He does like at least 10 hours sleep! I don't think I'll be getting that tonight. Too worried. Looking up what could be wrong is making me worse, so I've stopped. He is up to date with his injections. He has been treated for worms and heart worm... Poor puppy Sad Does eating his vomit mean he's not too bad, or do all dogs do this regardless of how sick they are? God, I sound totally neurotic! Sorry guys Crying or Very sad


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 14:40

well id say if a dog was feeling very ill .. one they wouldnt eat and 2 they would deffo not want to it whats just come up.
it could be grass too both mine are sick if they have been having a goat moment! its really annoying that they would rather be sick than stop! lol.
hopefully the little man is as right as rain 2moz Smile .. just monitor him, make sure he is drinking etc and if his poo is normal its probs just going to pass in a few hours Smile .. puppys always get upset stomachs and its so worrying! lol .. Skye had me up with worry from 11pm till 7am!! when she was little! lol .. she had a bad case where she had bad diarrhea so i was worrying then she was sick but she was drinking and eating normally so i said if she wasnt right in the morn shes going the vets .. sure thing she was pooping normally again by morn and beating vinnie up lol.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 14:49

Thank you soooo much! I do feel better! He is snoring soundly and hasn't vomited in over an hour. It's great to know he's probably fine and I'm just panicking! This won't stop me from staying up all night! Good think it's a public holiday tomorrow and I'm not working LOL.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 14:51

No problem! Smile .. i know what you mean im the same lol .. an upset tummy or abit out of character and we always assume the worse lol!.
haha!! awww .. i had skye in my bed with me instead of her crate when she was bad lol she had a lovely sleep unlike me! haha


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 15:00

LOL, I'm on the lounge very sleepy but too scared to sleep, and he is snoring like you wouldn't believe! I'm just so new to it all, that I don't know what's normal... Like, I was convinced he had parvo (for about 5 minutes) and was geared to wake the husband up (it's now 1am here) and take him in to the vet emergency! I am sooooo not like this for myself! I never go to doctors myself (partly because I never get sick!). Neurotic LOL.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 15:04

haha awwww .. thats the first thing that came into my head when skye was ill .. she had the bad poops the sickness and not herself! so i was adamant she was going the vets in the morn (emergency that night if she wasnt drinking but she was thankfully) .. and then come morning she was fine lol.
They do pick up these tummy upsets everynow and then and it does scare us .. but just keep and eye on him offer him his water every now and then and you'll probs find that later on its like nothing had ever happend! lol.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 15:05

Thank you soooo much Big Grin Much better!


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 15:21

your very welcome Big Grin


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Ben Tue Oct 25 2011, 16:07

Always scary. I begin worrying at the smallest things. Most of the time they just bounce back. Glad he is doing better today.
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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 16:56

Oh no poor Vlad and poor you. I hope you manage some sleep tonight and that he is back to normal in the morning.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Tue Oct 25 2011, 21:10

It's is almost 7am here... I have been awake for nearly an hour and I managed to get myself to sleep at around 3am. When my husband gets up, I will go to bed. He hasn't vomited since 11.30 last night (I don't know if he did anything while I was asleep as he tended to eat it sick ) He went out for a big pee and has now gone back to sleep (this is normal, most days I have to pick him up to go to the toilet because he just wants to sleep... lazy boy Tongues ) Thanks everyone Big Grin I am putting this down to new puppy mum nerves Tongues


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Wed Oct 26 2011, 14:31

puppys sure do love there sleep! lol


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Wed Oct 26 2011, 15:18

Hey Alicia, how's Vlad today? Smile


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Wed Oct 26 2011, 16:00

hope he is better today.. but yes at 16 weeks old I would have been worried too!!


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Wed Oct 26 2011, 21:54

He seems to be okay. He has been eating, he still has energy. He hasn't vomited (that we know of since the other night) but my husband said he had a runny pooches morning. He is running around and happy on his walks... poor puppy! Thank you everyone for asking how he is. I think we might just take him to the vet anyway. He has to have his 16 week injection, so we can ask him then.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by KerryAnn Thu Oct 27 2011, 04:43

Has he recently had a jab at all? Paddy was sick for 24 hours after his

I so know what you mean though. Pads had 'pee breath' a week or so ago and when we rang the vet it was frightening.

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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27 2011, 13:04

hope vlad is feeling better


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27 2011, 22:14

He is much better now... thank you! He has been running around and getting back to his cheeky little self! He is still a bit quieter than usual (maybe he is just starting to behave Laughing ) but better! I can't remember who said they do it on here, but we have been giving him scrambled eggs once a day for the last couple (and he LOVES them!) which we think has settled his belly. We also think it may have had something to do with introducing him to raw food. We were only giving him a small amount with his night feed, but since the eggs and his dry food, he's all good! We might leave the raw until he's a little bit older.

Nope, Kerry, no jabs recently (but he's a couple of days off getting his last puppy one!) his last one was 4 weeks ago.

He's currently outside, sitting in the sun! The minute the sun comes up, he wants out! He runs and plays all day outside... that's how we knew he was under the weather (aside from the vomiting and runny bum) because he didn't get any of his toys (his favourites are an old trainer of my husbands and a plastic soft drink bottle) out or run around with his tennis and soccer balls. He would go and sleep in his kennel and only come out for a drink or a fuss from us!

Thank you everyone! I must have just sounded like a nutter!


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27 2011, 22:50

Just re-read your original post. It sounds like you were actually mixing the raw food with his dry food? If you were, that could easily upset his tum!

Dry food takes about 14-17 hours to digest and raw food takes about 4-6 hours. So if you feed them both together you can 'confuse' the stomach & that'll give him the runs etc.

If you want to feed both, then feed raw for breakfast and lunch, and then dry for evening, or raw for breakfast & dry for lunch & evening. That way the raw is digested before the dry feed & the dry is digested overnight so is all done before the breakfast raw feed.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27 2011, 22:55

Thanks Caryll! We were doing it wrong! It now seems that it was definitely what we were feeding! In a couple of days when we're sure he's better, we will try again! Thank you!!! Big Grin


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Ben Thu Oct 27 2011, 23:52

Yay! Don't give up. I'm sure with the correct feeding Vlad will thrive on the raw diet!
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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Fri Oct 28 2011, 15:57

so glad little Vlad is better!!


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Scubasteve Fri Oct 28 2011, 20:53

Aww bless him, so glad he is better!
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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 09:00

Thanks everyone. Big Grin I am cooking dinner at the moment and I can hear him outside running around and barking his little head off at his toys (all of which are all over the yard!) He is back to his cheeky naughty little self! He was very excited when I arrived him from work! Jumping and wanting a game straight away! He's a big ball of energy!


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 10:54

Glad he's back to normal and I love your new avatar pic Smile


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 11:15

Oh, he is back to normal... and then some! That harness in my avatar was his puppy one, he's onto a big boy one now! His puppy one was getting just a little tight! He's still gorgeous... just a loveable mess that always wants a fuss!


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 13:03

Oh... and he made his way into the laundry where the cat litter tray is, and it appears she cooked him a fresh meal... he thought it was yummy... DIRTY DIRTY little boy sick sick sick sick sick


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 13:08

Sorry I missed this but glad that he is doing better.


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 13:21

That's alright... I was apparently worried over not a lot! And the fact he's eating cat poo again means he must be okay (believe it or not, we clean her litter as soon as she uses it... he just seems to nose it out before us! YUCK!!!)


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 14:52

Oh Vlad I dont want to s sick


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sat Oct 29 2011, 15:35

Don't let him lick your face until he has cleaned his teeth!! Laughing sick


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

Post by Guest Sun Oct 30 2011, 10:46

He is a disgusting little puppy! He's definitely better. He has been incredibly naughty all day! This teething thing better end soon LOL. He is, thankfully, snoring his head off at the moment! he was very naughty on his walk tonight... and he has been jumping and biting/mouthing again... all at my husband! (we think he does it to him because my husband is so big and he is trying to play... just being naughty LOL) I prefer him to be all energetic, though, than the way he was a few nights ago... He had me very worried!


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A little worried Empty Re: A little worried

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