Don't need this!

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Sad Don't need this!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 12 2011, 11:52

I hate the fact that people do not clean up after their dogs i find it revolting and disgusting, I wouldn't want to step in it so i wouldn't want anyone else to step in it and i hate conflict when i can not get a word or a smack in.
Ever since i have moved down here I take this one alley way (very popular) houses either side.
Well the last few days these two women have been screaming their head off at me being really abusive accusing me of not picking up after my dogs in that alley way.
I always do and even when my lot have been ill i'v even carried a trigene mix so i wash down the diarrhea, My mum just called in and one of the women decided to take it out on her and have a screaming fit at her, I can't believe it now their threatening to call the RSPCA/POLICE and the COUNCILE WTF I pick up after my dog I don't even litter, even in the line middle of a forest no one around ill pick my dogs mess up no matter what, I have seen this one gentle man walking Akitas upto the alley way just to go to the toilet then he will walk all the way down three streets away.
I'm not supposed to have dogs here and if this keeps up what am i supposed to do.


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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by gem Mon Sep 12 2011, 12:05

Im like you hate dog mess and always pick up its so irrisponsible not to its part of dog ownership.
At my local park they come round checking and your asked to show your bags if you have none you dont half get a lecture Smile
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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 12 2011, 12:22

i have seen people pick it up in bags then when they think no one is looking they throw the bag in a bush. whats the point picking it up they might as well have left it for the rain towash it away whose going to clear up the bag. as for these women i really dont know what to suggest except to tell the gent (very polite by the way) to clean up after his dog or ring the local council for the dog wardens number and tell them aboiut it so they can act before these women really cause you a lot of hassle


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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by linzy Mon Sep 12 2011, 12:29

What completely gets on my nerves is that there are so few bins around here! I pick up after the dog, but then I need to carry the bag for the entire walk until we get home again and I can put it in our bin at home. I think I'll write to the local council about this, as they say on their website that you must pick up due to the spread of infections, but it's ok to hold onto it for 30mins or more, with your dog treats in one hand, and the leash in the other? Nightmare.
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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by janey Mon Sep 12 2011, 12:45

I agree about the bins. They've done a massive campaigne about there being 'know such thing as a poo fairy' and have also spray painted any dog mees thats not picked up. Now 1-What exactly what does that achieve and 2-If there was a bin more people might be inclined to pick up the mess!

It really annoys me that I have to walk miles carrying poo!
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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by Scubasteve Mon Sep 12 2011, 12:51

Nobody and I mean nobody picks up after their dog around here. We live in an area where a lot of people think it is acceptable to open the door and throw the dogs out for the day. There are so many dogs wandering the streets toileting wherever they want whilst their owners are unaware of where they are going. Pretty much every time I take the kids out one of them while stand in it, or I have to hose down the buggy wheels when I came back home. I hate it, and I too pick up after Tinkerbell no matter where we are and will put it in the bin.

I agree though with the lack of bins, we have the same around here unless we walk down onto the main streets then there are bins there.

There's a big field in front our house (used to have flats on it but they were knocked down). The field is enclosed with a fence and this seems to be a playground for dogs and those that do actually walk their dogs let them off in the field. A lady that works for the local council brings her two lurchers down every night for a run in the field, but despite working for the council she has never once picked up after her dog.

I agree though Claire think you should speak to the council first about the man so that if a complaint is made against you tney will know your side of the story first.
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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 12 2011, 13:01

Would it be possible to stop walking down that particular alley? It doesn't sound like these are the kind of people that can be reasoned with.


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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 12 2011, 13:13

I think i wll call the council and tell them but no there is no other way around the alley way.


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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by stiofan Mon Sep 12 2011, 13:37

There is a poo vigilante here who leaps out and offers people bags if they are not picking up. Think he's a bit short sighted because a couple of times i've had to say that i don't normally catch my bitches pee :-)

The wardens here are great and most people pick up. I think i'd get the dog warden before the women do?
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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by Scubasteve Mon Sep 12 2011, 19:50

Lol we have had a few evil stares after walking away from Tinkerbell's pee and not cleaning it up. I think people who are not used to dogs must think all dogs, males and females, * their leg to wee and squat to poo. Laughing
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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 12 2011, 21:50

Scubasteve wrote:Lol we have had a few evil stares after walking away from Tinkerbell's pee and not cleaning it up. I think people who are not used to dogs must think all dogs, males and females, * their leg to wee and squat to poo. Laughing

Yes the first time the woman approached me she started screaming and pointed at Blondy because i was letting her fowl and Blondy was only have a pee wtf?


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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by spuker1 Mon Sep 12 2011, 21:56

theres a lot of 'clean after your dog or get fined' signs around here and people usually do it... unfortunately in the park where we usually go to not everyone cleans after their dogs which is even more annoying considering that Mambo sometimes eats poo sick

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Sad Re: Don't need this!

Post by i love leah and lois Thu Sep 15 2011, 21:51

In the area we live everyone picks up the dog poo we have them bins on the corner of the field we just buy those scented nappy bags to pop it in.we have the council checking the field we walk our dogs on every few days,so rumour is we can be fined if we dont clean it up
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