Health screening

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Health screening  Empty Health screening

Post by Nifty staffy Thu Jul 28 2022, 21:14

Tigress is 12 weeks old.
Have you/would you screen for hip dysplasia at that age ?

Breeder told me she had absolutely no knowledge of dysplasia in any of her breeding and I have no reason to believe it being an issue, but one of my breeder friends has recently had to deal with presumed dysplasia in an 8 month pup she sold. With the ligament issues I’ve had with the other 2, guess I’m becoming paranoid …

Opinions ?
Thanks in advance

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Health screening  B110
Nifty staffy
Nifty staffy
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Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
Dog(s) Ages : 15/04/2017 + 25/09/2018 + 02/05/2022
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Health screening  Empty Re: Health screening

Post by Caryll2 Thu Jul 28 2022, 22:36

I don't see how an x-ray could possibly tell if unformed bones/growth plates etc in a young pup.

If you restrict hard exercise & she doesn't have any unfortunate accidents (although we all know accidents can occur in the best laid plans) & she's fed a good food (which I know you will do) then there's no reason to suspect hd or ligament trouble.

The problem with staffords and ligaments is that they play hard & often twist on landing/take off - but there's little you can do about that other than wrapping her in cotton wool!
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Health screening  Empty Re: Health screening

Post by Nifty staffy Fri Jul 29 2022, 19:06

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Caryll.
I find Opium plays too rough with Tigress so I often have to step in for time out. I’ll try to limit that play together. Nifty is just a real mother hen so no problems there Big Grin

I was given a 15kgs bag of ownat classic junior kibble and although it’s not too bad, I will be upgrading to ownat ultra medium junior slow cooked kibble Smile

Ultimately I just want what’s best for them all and try to avoid hurdles I’ve had to face with the other 2. But no, it’s not realistic to wrap them upin cotton wool.

An acquaintance of a friend breeds irish wolfhounds and apparently it’s very difficult to get them to adulthood in a correct state so there’s more complicated !

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Health screening  B110
Nifty staffy
Nifty staffy
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

Status Status :

Dogs Name(s) : Nifty + Opium Black + Tigress
Dog(s) Ages : 15/04/2017 + 25/09/2018 + 02/05/2022
Dog Gender(s) : Female
Join date : 2017-05-26
Support total : 310
Posts : 3017

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