Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO)

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Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) Empty Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO)

Post by heatoncooper123 Tue Aug 31 2021, 10:41

Hello my friends!

I am new here, and I am so glad that I have found your resource, it really is a pleasure to be amongst so many other people that love staffys. Thank you to everyone who makes this place so wonderful Smile

I have a 17 week old staffy called Maui, and we have trained him extensively. As suggested by some of your members, every moment is a training opportunity, and so we have really lived by that motto. When it comes to obedience, he is definitely top of the ranks from what I have seen. Here's him being a bit cheeky Wink

Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) Ece8c010

However... He is our first staffy and we are not entirely sure what is 'normal' when it comes to play, as I know that staffys are put together differently than other dogs.

Our local dog park in London has a lot of typical, family dogs. Spaniels, labradoodles, labradors, dachshunds, collies etc. Our pup is not outright aggressive, but as soon as we let him off the lead when we get to the other dogs and their owners, he goes straight for the fluffiest dog, bowls them over, tries to stand over them and sometimes will latch onto their jowls or ears. He does not do this in a blatantly aggressive manner eg barking, growling, biting hard etc, it is more play-like. The dogs that he latches on to have never yelped, and Maui always lets go when I command him to, and more often than not, the other dog will come back over to 'play' and the process will repeat. However, obviously to the other dog owners, they perceive this as aggressive and violent, and to be honest, I do find it embarrassing. He is also getting a bit of a name for himself for doing this, and the common misconceptions around staffys don't help either Sad

There is a small collection of staffys and other 'pit bull-type dogs' (I know in the UK staffys aren't classed as pitbulls, I'm just using the grouping as a reference), such as bully xl's, am staffs, and bull terriers. These dogs and their owners don't mind how Maui plays, their dogs give as much as Maui does. Some have told us that it is just how staffys play, and you just have to accept that.

My questions to you beautiful people are: Is this common behaviour for a staffy, should we be correcting this, and if so, how?

Thank you so much for your time, I really do appreciate it! Love Struck

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Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) Empty Re: Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO)

Post by Jenc Tue Aug 31 2021, 12:08

Hi & welcome to the forum wave

Welcome to the Staffordshire bull terrier niceboard. We are pleased you've decided to join us, and hope you enjoy your stay. We hope to see plenty of pictures of your Staffordshire bull terriers or any other breed you may have in your household.

We have several information sheets for those of you looking for help with specific issues. You will find them here:

Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) Animated-arrow-image-0192 Training and behaviour information

Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) Animated-arrow-image-0192 Puppy information

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Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) B110
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Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) Empty Re: Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO)

Post by Jenc Tue Aug 31 2021, 12:16

Hi from me & Katy, welcome to our forum Smile Maui is a handsome young man Love Struck Staffies are rough in play & very vocal, people with the fluffy's are terrified their precious bundles are going to get hurt! He's not being aggressive just being a pup. I would suggest keeping him away from the little fluffy's & let him carry on playing with the bullies, he will have more fun as the owners won't be panicking Big Grin

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Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) B110
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

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Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) Empty Re: Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO)

Post by heatoncooper123 Wed Sep 01 2021, 08:04


Yes he is very handsome! Smile Ok, thanks very much for letting me know and for giving me advice, much appreciated!


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Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO) Empty Re: Beautiful Staffy Plays a bit Rough with Other Dogs.... (PHOTO)

Post by WeeBonnie21 Mon Oct 18 2021, 16:22

Hi. Our little Bonnie is exactly the same. Good as gold out walking on the lead. Has to "say hello" every dog we meet. She's jumpy but very friendly. However when on her lead she does that pinning down of other dogs. Like you said. I don't think it's aggressive but other owners do worry. For example our friends French bulldog got pinned down and our friend did get upset. Even though no harm was done. It does seem that she works out she's stronger and then tries to dominate. Hopefully there is nothing to it. She's soft as a brush on a lead and straight on her back for belly rubs whenever we are out walking so I'm not particularly worried.

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