Off to the vets in the morning.

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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07 2011, 18:40

Well we are going to the vets at 9 tomorrow morning as harvey really isn't well, he's been quiet for a couple of days, still eating and drinking and what not. But today he's really poorly, he has a huge swelling under his month where it meets his throat and he is drooling loads, he's still managing to eat and drink just he's also really depressed and is just sleeping all the time.

I've tried looking in his mouth but he just wimpers and i can't see anything for all the saliva there Sad I really hope it's nothing serious but at least he's only got to wait until the morning Sad


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by janey Thu Jul 07 2011, 18:49

Sorry to hear that hun, poor Harvey I hope he is ok all the best for tomorrow I bet you won't sleep for worry. Do lets us know how you go Xx

(if Dyson needs a baby sitter......................!)
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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07 2011, 18:51

Thanks Janey Smile i'm not going to get any sleep, although at least harvey is doing, i'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

(oohhh cheeky!)


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07 2011, 20:21

oh poor harvey, please give him a big hug from me and let us know how it goes tomorrow

>Big Grin<


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07 2011, 20:30

Awww no poor harvey =( .. hope he will be ok! .. Vinnie & skye send him there love!


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Amipopzzz Thu Jul 07 2011, 20:35

Big hugs from us to Harvey!! Fingers crossed for tmra xx
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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07 2011, 21:06

Thanks everyone Smile i'll let you all no how he gets on in the morning.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07 2011, 21:31

Oh, poor boy. Sounds like he may have scratched himself, and it's got infected. It must be really sore.

Hope you get on ok at the vets, let us know what happens.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07 2011, 21:56

I hope Harvey will be okay.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by youngkaiser Thu Jul 07 2011, 22:00

Aww poor harvey hope he feels better soon
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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Thu Jul 07 2011, 22:54

Hope everything is ok Ella, i'm sure it will be


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 00:46

Thanks everyone Smile


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 01:01

Awww, poor baby.
Please give him big loves from me and Roxy.

Hope all goes well at the vet and they are able to get him back to his normal bright self again real soon.

Take care, and keep us posted


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Pittboss Fri Jul 08 2011, 01:54

Fingers and paws crossed...Hope all goes well
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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 02:32

That is no good to hear.. hope all goes well for the precious little fella at the vets. I send a big hug to you ,and Jethro and Winston send a big lick to Harvey. Will be thinking of you..


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 08:37

how is harvey this morning, hope he is feeling better


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 09:56

Hey thanks everyone.

Just back from the vets and he has a massive infection and abscess in his throat and a really high temperature Sad

They have kept him in to start him on strong painkillers and antibiotics and to do some blood tests, i've got to ring them back at 2pm to see how he is. The vet also said that they can't even operate on it at the minute as it's just a solid mass Crying or Very sad

The vet also told me that she hopes i don't feed him bones as that can make him very ill angry which i wasn't amused about. But just really stressed at the minute.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 10:12

Ella I hope they get him sorted quick I will be thinking of you all xx


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 10:13

Poor fella, hope he feels better soon.

Some vets have a real down on bones.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 10:16

That's very sad to hear. I hope he recovers as quickly as possible. I also wish you well because I know you must feel terrible for as Harvey as well.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 10:17

thanks i'm just really stressed and missing him at the minute Sad


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Nosipho Fri Jul 08 2011, 10:25

Sounds just like what happened to Skibadee. She was chewing a stick and Tali jumped on her and the stick cut her underneath her tongue. We didn't think much of it and then the next day when we woke up her throat was swollen and she was panting a lot with a high temperature. We rushed her to the vets and they sedated her, checked her mouth and managed to express loads of nasty pus. Turns out there wasn't anything stuck in there but the bacteria on the end of the stick had caused a huge infection. After a course of antibiotics she was fine, sure Harvey will just need something similar as it sounds like an infection of some sort if there is swelling Smile Good luck, sloppy kisses to Harv.
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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by janey Fri Jul 08 2011, 10:30

Oh Ella you poor thing, as Lc said, after a strong course of ab harvey will be right as rain, roll on 2 so you can have him home, lots of hugs from us Smile
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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 10:51

Nosipho wrote:Sounds just like what happened to Skibadee. She was chewing a stick and Tali jumped on her and the stick cut her underneath her tongue. We didn't think much of it and then the next day when we woke up her throat was swollen and she was panting a lot with a high temperature. We rushed her to the vets and they sedated her, checked her mouth and managed to express loads of nasty pus. Turns out there wasn't anything stuck in there but the bacteria on the end of the stick had caused a huge infection. After a course of antibiotics she was fine, sure Harvey will just need something similar as it sounds like an infection of some sort if there is swelling Smile Good luck, sloppy kisses to Harv.

I think thats whats happened either he's cut himself or theres a little splitter stuck somewhere, but he's on antibiotics now so at least he will be on the mend Smile

Thanks janey can't wait to get him home.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 13:06

Awww get well soon harvey!!


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 13:20

Oh No Surprised Poor Harvey.
Sending warm wishes your way for a quick and easy recovery

Keep us posted


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 14:41

Hi everyone I have just been and picked up harvey as he has perked up a bit, he has been given very strong painkillers and antibiotics which have brought his temp down so he has started eating and drinking again, albeit very slowly but it's a start! They also stuck a few needles in to the lump to release some of the pressure and he didn't murmur apparently. He has to go back in the morning for some more AB's and to have another check up.

He's so depressed and keeps looking at me, as if i can make it go away Crying or Very sad Although thank god for insurance as it has so far come to £165 which is money we don't have really, but least we only have to pay £75 excess which is a lot easier for us to pay!

Anyway thanks for all the kind thoughts Smile


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 14:43

Glad to hear he is home hope he better soon >Big Grin<


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 14:59

Glad to hear Harvey is taking a turn for the better. Insurance is sweet when it pays off.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 15:00

Thanks Smile


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 15:03

Glad he's feeling better and yes insurance is great when it pays out


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 17:55

Oh no, I missed this! Poor Harvey. Hope he is feeling better and recovers fully soon Smile


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 17:58

thanks he's seems to have perked up even more so i guess the painkillers are working


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Lizzie Fri Jul 08 2011, 18:23

Best Wishes for a speedy recovery Harvey.

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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 18:25

thanks Smile


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by kris82 Fri Jul 08 2011, 20:59

its never nice to see a pet in pain hope he gets better soon Smile
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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 08 2011, 22:41

thanks Smile


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by gem Fri Jul 08 2011, 22:56

Awww hope hes well soon Smile
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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 10:18


We are off to the vets again soon for some more AB's, least he's alot more like himself this morning been eating and drinking more easily, and been playing and tormenting my OH haha least he feels better now! Smile


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 10:24

Glad it seems to be working.

Insurance can be such a comfort at times. Dempsey's just cost another £127 for tests (blood & urine) so I can claim back £52. I can't afford the £75 excess, really, but we can manage with that.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 10:25

ella wrote:Thanks

We are off to the vets again soon for some more AB's, least he's alot more like himself this morning been eating and drinking more easily, and been playing and tormenting my OH haha least he feels better now! Smile

Very happy to hear he is begining to feel like his old self.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 10:27

Oh poor Harvey, I missed this too, sorry.
Glad to know he's on the mend and his intake is picking up.
Big hugs and sloppy kisses from over here in Oz. kiss


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 10:34

Caryll wrote:Glad it seems to be working.

Insurance can be such a comfort at times. Dempsey's just cost another £127 for tests (blood & urine) so I can claim back £52. I can't afford the £75 excess, really, but we can manage with that.
Yer it is a relief Smile
well we can't really afford the £75 excess, well just but definitely don't have £165 odd to just hand over, just don't have that kind of money!

jstaff wrote:
ella wrote:Thanks

We are off to the vets again soon for some more AB's, least he's alot more like himself this morning been eating and drinking more easily, and been playing and tormenting my OH haha least he feels better now! Smile

Very happy to hear he is begining to feel like his old self.

Thanks Smile

Dogalogs88 wrote:Oh poor Harvey, I missed this too, sorry.
Glad to know he's on the mend and his intake is picking up.
Big hugs and sloppy kisses from over here in Oz. kiss

Ahh no worries, and thanks Smile


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 10:45

Glad to hear he's on the mend. Hope he's back to his normal self really soon


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 10:58

Glad he is better today.Always a worry when they are ill Sad.I have always said insurance is a must to dog owners,it really pays for itself when you suddenly need it.Cairo had a vets bill of over £800 once when she swollowed part of a toy that was apprently indestructable I dont want to s i learnt very quickly that the word doesnt apply to staffies lol Tongues


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 11:55

haha typical staffy Laughing

Well just back from the vets and he's got AB's and other things to take and we are back for a check up on wednesday, they are hoping it goes by itself otherwise they are going to wait for it to shrink and cut it out.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 12:11

All fingers & toes X'd that the AB's fix it. praying
Do they have any idea what caused it?


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 12:50

Smile thanks
they think he's probably got a splinter stuck somewhere and it's just got really infected.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 12:58

Quick Q when do you think i can put harvey back on his normal raw diet? as he's just eating tinned meat at the minute as the vets gave us a couple to feed him over the next few days. He is eating it but doesn't really enjoy it, and the vet is no help as she doesn't want him eating raw in the first place, so her advice was to never put him back on it.


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Off to the vets in the morning. Empty Re: Off to the vets in the morning.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 09 2011, 13:43

Can't help you with the food question but glad Harvey is ok. .!! Big Grin


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