Chased by cows

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Chased by cows Empty Chased by cows

Post by Lis Mon Apr 04 2016, 12:15

My local walking field, which is very popular with dog walkers, but is also owned by a farmer and cows are present between April and November each year. The cows have made a return this weekend which I know restricts a lot of dog walkers, especially if their dog has as tendency to chase, which is not good!!

My boy doesn't really take any notice of cows, he did once as a youngster and I remember having kittens when he ran in to the middle of a group of cows and barked at them, but I think he was probably unsure what they these huge beasts were at the time. Thankfully they were a placid bunch who did nothing more than stare at him oddly and I was more worried about him getting trampled or kicked.

Anyway since then, each year the cows seem to get more an more inquisitive about dogs, or perhaps they a bunch of pregnant lady cows who are only being over protective which is completely understandable, but I got chased this weekend which was a very frightening experience. I must admit I've never run so fast!! Surprised  I then saw it happen to another dog walking colleague this morning and watched him sprint from one side of the field to the other in seconds! These are obviously very curious or angry cows!  Laughing

What is the best thing to do if cows start approaching you? I know they say the best thing to do is let your dog off the lead as they can outrun cows. When I saw the group they were some distance away, so I put Dizzy on a lead and carried on walking slowly to pass them. One or two looked up from where they were grazing and then a few started to head towards me. At the time I didn't know which way to go so I ended up turning back. I started to walk a little faster and then noticed the whole group were now heading my way and were picking up speed, at which point I panicked and broke into a run, then an adrenaline fuelled sprint to the nearest exit as I saw them galloping after me! It was not a nice experience Sad

Cows never used to bother me, but now I'm particularly wary of them. Would they actually trample you, or are they just curious about dogs? I could have stood my ground and shooed them away when they approached, but at the speed they were travelling I was not prepared to find out!! I've read some horrific stories too about accidents with walkers and cows.

Anyone else had any experiences like this and what did you do?
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by shegsy Mon Apr 04 2016, 12:26

I hav'nt had an experience like that but it must have been very frightening for you!!
I have heard in the past of accidents where cows have actually killed humans and therefore all I can advise is that you avoid the field altogether!! They may just be curious but I wouldn't take that risk at all
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by -Ian- Mon Apr 04 2016, 12:44

Living in London we don't come across many cows but I have had a similar experience and it is scary. Fortunately we didn't have a dog with us so promptly legged it to the nearest gate. I'm not sure it's always the dog that upsets them, I think they can be spooked quiet easily by many things and probably more so if in calf.

I'm sure I read or saw on TV that if this happens you should stand still and flap your arms out to your sides to make yourself look bigger, this is supposed to deter them. Now if I was being approached by a herd of cows at full speed, I would still leg it worried

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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Mia05 Mon Apr 04 2016, 12:55

[size=43] hope this helps[/size]

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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Lis Mon Apr 04 2016, 13:41

Thanks for the link Crystal, that's very helpful.  thumbs up

Ian - believe me, to leg it was my natural instinct even if clearly I did the wrong thing yesterday given the point about:
"Don’t panic or run – most cattle will stop before they reach you; if they follow just walk on quietly"

The word "most" is a little daunting however! Laughing

Sheila - I'll take your advice or make sure there is no cattle in sight before I even attempt to go the field again and I definitely don't recommend the experience!  eek
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Guest Mon Apr 04 2016, 15:41

It depends a bit on the cattle and how well you can read their body language. Most cows are fairly placid unless you get between one and their calf. However, they will sometimes want to drive off predators (dogs) and some breeds can be quite aggressive. Never go in a field with Belted Galloways, for example. And, as they say, beware of the bull.

For 'normal' cows, I would give them a wide berth, even if it means straying a little off the footpath, and would avoid walking through the middle of a herd. I'd have dogs off lead to close heel. If as you approach they start moving towards you, I'd retrace my steps or otherwise get out quietly by the nearest exit.

Flapping your arms would probably work if you have placid cows. It's the same thing I'd suggest with horses. But, you need conviction and energy to convince otherwise they won't believe you.

If in doubt, change your walk. Cows have been known to cause death, especially when someone has been protecting a dog. I've not heard of a horse causing death but do know of a couple of cases where people got kicked, and horses who will chase dogs (often because of their own negative experiences) aren't as rare as they should be.

Above all, though, let your dog go. They can run much, much faster than you if needed.


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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Lis Tue Apr 05 2016, 10:43

Thanks Liz, good advice!! thumbs up

I think it was more of a shock because I was such a distance from them that I thought they would take no notice, but then as soon as they saw us they made a instant bee line for us. As you say, they may have been of the more aggressive breed, or in protective mode if in calf.

I'm not sure I would feel confident at all about the flapping my arms bit, especially when they were already coming at me at speed, but my instinct then was to leg it as fast as I could!! I did let Dizzy off the lead however as he can no doubt outrun them far better than I can! He just ran with me. Thankfully we both made it out unscathed!

I'm definitely wary of the field now. This morning thankfully the cows were probably in the lower field (which has no public access). Like you say, cows have caused deaths before which is the worrying part.

I also posted a message on my local village Facebook page this morning warning others to be careful of the cows this year and to keep well away or avoid the field entirely.
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by AussieStaff Tue Apr 05 2016, 11:41

Sorry no experience here but what an awful situation, im glad you're all ok!!
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Lis Tue Apr 05 2016, 11:54

Thanks Bek... personally I think I'd feel happier about walking through a field full of roos Wink
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by lexii Thu Apr 07 2016, 23:59

One: pregnant/mother cows should not be grazing in a public footpath/right of way. Two: avoid if they are...and go as far as to put a sign up warning other owners.

Three: carry a big bloody stick preferably blue and if they do come don't be afraid to give it a good swing.
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Guest Fri Apr 08 2016, 08:19

If a cow is coming at you and close enough for you to hit it, the last thing you want to do it actually hit and cause pain. You'll then have a cross cow as well as a close cow.

It is good practice for farmers to keep cows either in calf or with a calf at foot away from rights of way but not mandatory:


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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Jenc Fri Apr 08 2016, 08:28

Our local farmer has just put their cows out & there is a public footpath through it. They have last years calfs at foot & can be very stroppy. A couple of people have been chased by them, I give them a very wide berth as they will approach quickly Surprised

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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Lis Fri Apr 08 2016, 13:17

Interesting H&E link thanks Liz. I've actually thought it might have been wise of the farmer to put up warning signs especially in the early spring, but clearly it is not mandatory.

I don't think I would risk ever getting that close again, or being far from any exit whilst they are in the field. I must admit I've gone in the field the past two mornings but at the very lower end a very good distance away from where they come in in the mornings. The cows tend to come through from the farmer's other field (no public access) at around 7am(ish) so as soon as I see them I'm outta there!! I must admit there are very few dog walkers about now the livestock are back Sad but I guess it is their territory and we enter at our own risk!
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by TexMex Fri Apr 08 2016, 13:53

I would definitely avoid trying to stand your ground against a herd of moo's. They are placid at the best of times and I'm not particularly scared of them. Wisely cautious perhaps. Dogs can understandly aggrevate them, and they can and will chase.

Standing and waving to try and look bigger might work on a single cow but when they have a herd with them they're a lot more bold and know full well they can take you on. If cattle are ballsy enough to trample groups of lions and other large predators in Africa I'm sure British ones can take you and your dog on without too much worry.

I wouldn't want to risk it. And I certainly wouldn't want to let them get close enough so I could bash them with a stick (not to mention that i wouldn't want to hurt them)

My general rule of thumb is "if you can't pass them find another way around" it rlly isn't worth the risk
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Rachel33 Sat Apr 09 2016, 10:13

We encounter cows a lot on the moors and we always avoid, even if it means walking through the bogs, it's just not worth it. Scary experience for you!
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Goblin Sun Apr 10 2016, 08:26

I was about 14 before I met any cows that weren't epically chilled-out Highland cattle, so the time I accidentally walked through a field of what turned out to be young bullocks with my aunt's lurchers was a bit scary.

I remember being told that if a dog goes near livestock the farmer has the right to shoot the dog to protect their animals, so personally I'd just go nowhere near them.
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Guest Sun Apr 10 2016, 18:19

Goblin wrote:

I remember being told that if a dog goes near livestock the farmer has the right to shoot the dog to protect their animals, so personally I'd just go nowhere near them.

That's not correct. A farmer has the right to shoot a dog if he genuinely believes that his property is in immediate danger. He does not have the right to shoot a dog that is simply near livestock.


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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Mia05 Sun Apr 10 2016, 18:26

think id rather deal with a group of yappy jrt Laughing

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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Goblin Sun Apr 10 2016, 18:35

LizP wrote:
Goblin wrote:

I remember being told that if a dog goes near livestock the farmer has the right to shoot the dog to protect their animals, so personally I'd just go nowhere near them.

That's not correct. A farmer has the right to shoot a dog if he genuinely believes that his property is in immediate danger. He does not have the right to shoot a dog that is simply near livestock.

that's a relief. In retrospect I think my grandma told me that so I'd be super-careful and more responsible.
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Chased by cows Empty Re: Chased by cows

Post by Miss coco Sun Apr 10 2016, 19:02

Unfortunately the above is true... If the farmer feels that the dog is what is called 'worrying" the livestock he has the right to shoot ur dog... So be very careful... The land should have signs in the property stating this... Especially at the moment with it being lambing season farmers are extra vigilant so just be careful

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