romeo gets chased by paperazzi

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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Taryn Mon Mar 26 2012, 18:59

so, been a while, Ive been busying opening the new salon, but imagine my shock when i make page 3 of the local newspaper (the Capital city local newspaper )... and only know this as i turned to page 3 of said news paper!!!! . last month, romeo was behing sookies and sad, turned out latter he had kneel cough, so he sat on my lap on the bus, and then moved off to the seat next to me, the bus was pretty much empty. anyway... aparently this displeased some one. so they took a photo of us with her mobile phone. called the bus service and then, to go one step further, contacted the local news paper and had them run a FULL PAGE ARTICAL! WITH THE PICTURE OF ME AND ROMEO!

I wont translate it all... its too much, but i can give you the gist.

the tital reads "dogs seat is on the floor, not the bus chair!"
they talk about romeo being a 30kgs dog, that takes seats that other people could use. they go on about the rules regarding dogs on busses, that small dogs are allowed on laps... and that this infomation is only avalible on the internet.... (cause i'm totally going to look on the web how to ride a bus) blah blah blah mostly bull.

i dont even care that i was the reason for this, what i care about was that they ran a negitive artical... and used me and my dog as their exsample!!! and the Phucker that took the photo got paid 50€!
heres the pic
romeo gets chased by paperazzi 5356220.540x405

my reaction after reading the artical=
romeo gets chased by paperazzi Tumblr_m1dc5z4ZJ41qdaopko2_500

Last edited by Romeo on Mon Mar 26 2012, 19:03; edited 1 time in total
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Taryn Mon Mar 26 2012, 19:01

as you can see, he is enjoying a nice scratch Smile
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Kathy Mon Mar 26 2012, 19:11

Typical gutter press response. Dont take it to heart we have to deal with kind of thing every single day.

The press over here are very anti Staffy it just makes me Crying or Very sad
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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by janey Mon Mar 26 2012, 19:13

Jesus! I'd be so pi**ed off!

What sort of reaction did the article get?
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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Taryn Mon Mar 26 2012, 19:42

well most people just kind of tossed it as bored people, but other have started a full forms worth of talk about it. the pic is on 3 others sites and one newspaper -_-
it was so embaressing having clients point it out and having people on my normal bus stare at me
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by janey Mon Mar 26 2012, 19:45

I can only imagine! Can you put in some sort of complaint! Not that that would help as the damage is done now.

The nerve of some people banghead
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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Taryn Mon Mar 26 2012, 20:01

yeah i did, a very polite but ANGRY one. they never replied. bit*hes
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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by i love leah and lois Mon Mar 26 2012, 22:24

Cheeky sods.By the way romeo is so handsome
i love leah and lois
i love leah and lois
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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27 2012, 00:57

i dont agree with the article like you say its a bit out of order cos no doubt romeao would ahve given up his seat had the bus been full and someone needed to sit down but i personaly think that dogs should not be on the seats anyway. people have to sit on the seats and the dogs feet are not clean after walking outside. like the people who allow their children to stand on seats and the ones who sit with their feet up on the seats all of this should not be allowed. pete and i went out the other night and we got the bus cos the venue was near by. i wouldnt have liked it if i sat on the seat and got my best dress dirty becasue of anything deposited by feet or paws. i know there are dirty people out there any way but as much shold be avoided as possible


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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27 2012, 03:02

Well my answer to these people is this. When i pay 4 kenny to travel by bus, he gets a seat if he wants 1. He prefers the floor anyway and thats where he sits, but what a cheek x

Last edited by kenny d on Tue Mar 27 2012, 03:06; edited 1 time in total


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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27 2012, 03:05

Maybe you shouls threaten to sue, taking a picture and your not aware. Thats wrong


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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27 2012, 04:31

I certainly don't blame you for being upset


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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27 2012, 05:46

You can see that the bus is full of people looking for seats NOT!!!!! What an a@#ehole! People like that need help... clearly very needy and attention seeking! I would've been gutted and upset to see that about me! I then would have called the paper and said I'll be taking them to court for printing defamatory information and perhaps in future they should research their stories further before just printing crap! mad


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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27 2012, 07:09

wow that would * me off! how rude!
I especially hate the fact that this person who obviously didn't like what you were doing (enough to take a photo) but why didn't they come and tell YOU how they felt instead of winging about it to the media.
ridiculous. I would definitely be calling and abusing the paper for printing this photo. I think they should have written permission to have others photos in paper.


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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Guest Tue Mar 27 2012, 11:05

If they really didnt like it surely a polite word with you at the time would have sufficed. I would also be peeved but I would also like to ask the publisher exactly how big does he think a 30kg dog would be?? Certainly a lot bigger that the little staffie in the picture Smile


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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Gazagem Tue Mar 27 2012, 11:25

I used to take my collie on the bus to work every day and if the bus was quiet he would sit and watch the world go by but nobody ever complained infact alot of them would come and sit beside him for a relaxing cuddle
All that person needed to do was politely mention they didnt think it right him being on the seat or mention it to the driver who can request him off the seat or both of you off the bus (only if you didnt get him off the seat)
It did make me smile all this news for a dog on the seat is there nothing else to report on lol
I would ring the newspaper and ask for a reporter to come and see my 30kg dog lol and get my side of the story
Im just glad i can drive and dont need to use the busses anymore
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romeo gets chased by paperazzi Empty Re: romeo gets chased by paperazzi

Post by Taryn Tue Mar 27 2012, 20:44

ohhh and guess what. it was in TODAYS news paper too, they are still talking about it! THERE ARE WORSE THINGS HAPPENING ON THE BUSSES! people get so drunk here, that they * them selves o the seats. 5 bloody times i have had to go home and wash my pants of shorts cause i sat in HUMAN PEE! i have been sexually harassed and attacked on the busses, no one did anything to help me, first time it happened an afracan gentleman saved me and the second time a nice english bloke. never any one from the country. there is a such a problem with drunks in this city its not funny... but holy PHUCK a 6 months old staffy pup on a seat on an empty bus... heaven forbid!
i would not have minded it they just said something to me, or just photoed romeo... but to put me in there too D:
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