Millie update

Inez Maria
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Millie update Empty Millie update

Post by Guest Sun Jan 25 2015, 11:49

It's all change for little Millie McSquillie this weekend. Marty, the other pup, went to his new home yesterday so Millie is now full time in the house. It was difficult doing some things while there were two of them, especially as Marty only had his 2nd vac on Friday, but now we're changing gear a bit

Millie has changed diet to raw - let's say she didn't exactly turn her nose up at turkey for breakfast! She's been having sprats as treats for a few days with no ill effects, so hopefully her digestive system will cope equally well.

Then, we went for our first ever walk yesterday, just up the lane with Chaos with them both on lead, and she was really good with a couple of cars and some barking dogs, although a bicycle did worry her a little so that's noted. Today we went on our own to the Heath, which she loved, and met some different dogs - 2 golden retrievers and a friend's rather large (tall) flatcoat. Jake is a giant next to her! In the compartment she was off lead the whole time and trotted along happily, and we did a few fantastic recalls. I'd already taught her 'come', but it was still fantastic to see her flat out belting towards me when called. She did one particularly good recall when she was watching a couple of other dogs a little way off.

The only hitch of that part was the journey. I'd understood from Deb who sat with the puppies in the car the other day that it was Marty who was crying, but it's Millie. She's not very happy in the car. We're going to have a bit of practise this afternoon with George driving and me holding her so she can see out, and see if that helps her.

And... as if that wasn't enough, she's also now been left in the house on her own for a few minutes. She was really good, just sitting in the bed by the Rayburn and not looking particularly worried.

Otherwise, she's almost stopped biting hands (yay!!!), and her house training was doing really well, although moving into the house has upset that a little. And so far only one thing broken - George's headphones that have been easily replaced.

Physically she's doing really well as well. She's running about with no problem, although she does tend to run like a bunny, hopping with both hind legs together. Her hind legs are clearly getting stronger, and she's now discovered she can get up the stairs! I know there's a school of thought that going down stairs is bad for puppies, but it's countered at least in this case by the benefit to her hind legs pushing up. A little but not too much should strike the balance.

I think she's doing ok, our little Milliekins.


This gives you an idea of her spine, and you can also see how splayed she is behind sometimes.

Millie update IMG_1356_zpspw5irnjj

It doesn't stop her running though!

Millie update IMG_1952res_zpshqlc00ix

Or playing (nice set of baby teefs!)

Millie update IMG_1372_zpse0cauzlt

And modelling her new coat for the seller to put on her FB page

Millie update IMG_2039_zps1wr29cqt


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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Lynn&Pete Sun Jan 25 2015, 14:21

Aw, she is so sweet, such a pretty little face. Sounds like she is coming  on well too! I see what you mean about her back legs and spine, what is the actual problem? It doesn't seem to stop her enjoying life!
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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Guest Sun Jan 25 2015, 14:54

She was born with a deformed spine, Lynn. She has no tail, there are deformities in the pelvic area and some of her vertebrae are fused. She's with us on foster until we see which way she goes - stronger or weaker. She's booked to start a course of hydrotherapy in a couple of weeks time and so far I'd say she's coping much better with general day to day stuff than we expected. She'll then have to go back to the vet to see what they think. There is nothing surgically they can do for her, so if she does decline she will be pts. If she gets stronger she'll be up for adoption. Although my husband is already wavering!


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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by -Ian- Sun Jan 25 2015, 16:09

She is absolutely gorgeous Liz. So full of life and having a blast, certainly not one for holding back by the sounds of it and doing so well with the training too Big Grin

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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Lynn&Pete Sun Jan 25 2015, 17:20

Bless the little darling. You show em girl!!
day dreaming
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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by lovemystaffies Sun Jan 25 2015, 18:32

Poor sweetie, but you're giving her the best care in the meantime. Well done.
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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by stella Sun Jan 25 2015, 19:08

aww bless her,she looks like she's going well and enjoying her play time Smile
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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by ColinW Sun Jan 25 2015, 19:32

She is gorgeous and so happy looking Love Struck
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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Inez Maria Sun Jan 25 2015, 21:01

Aww looks like nothing can stop her she is gorgeous Love Struck

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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Mia05 Sun Jan 25 2015, 21:09

Bless her show em what ur made of

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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Lynn&Pete Sun Jan 25 2015, 22:23

I can only imagine how hard it would be to let her go!! Crying or Very sad

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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Sara n Ozzy Sun Jan 25 2015, 22:53

Aww she's adirable, I think you should keep her
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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Guest Mon Jan 26 2015, 08:05

We'll see. There are two strong reasons for not keeping her - Nola, our lab x retriever, isn't totally enamoured by her, and we have an 'only one staffie' rule. Nola is getting better and is less grumpy, in fact they're in the bed under the desk together at the moment. The only one staffie rule comes from the nightmare we had with Daisy and I never, ever want to go there again. I know there are lots of staffs that live happily together but I think I'd be on knife edge the whole time, just in case...

The other reason, less strong, would be that keeping her would limit the time I could spend at Danaher with other dogs.

There will be lots of things to think about!


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Millie update Empty Re: Millie update

Post by Lizzie Mon Jan 26 2015, 10:42

She is so lovely and you are doing a wonderful job with her.

Hope this story has a happy ending.

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