2 dogs in our house

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2 dogs in our house Empty 2 dogs in our house

Post by KMDT Fri Feb 28 2014, 13:45

I mentioned the other day that Zeus met new friend Gus. My hubby offer Lady P that we can look after him while she is on her holiday for 10 days. Oh boy I think my hubby realise mistake on taking on board of dog that we don't know of... Gus is 9 month and Zeus is 7 so they are both still puppy stage. They tackle each other for 30 min and Zeus wants to relax but Gus wouldn't let him go. He follows everywhere Zeus goes and sniffing/liking non stop. My hubby look after them during the day and he is very impatience therefore driving him nuts also Zeus is getting stress over Gus's reaction as well. I went home yesterday and starting to command "No!" "Enough" and "Out" when Gus is bothering Zeus too much or try to come into our bedroom. He listen. I think Gus is good dog but need to learn a bit of discipline when to stop. He seems left in the house where 3 people shares and people are coming and goes (some flatmate does late shift) so we are guessing he is lonely and still excited about someone or some dog are with him whole time. I think he should be clam down in few days.

I am very patience therefore I can handle this over the weekend but a bit worry about my hubby and Zeus. Is anyone have a good advice that handle these situation?

One thing that we realise how lovely/relaxing Zeus is. We are proud of him.

"Daddy, I had enough please help me!"

2 dogs in our house Zeus13_zps3d808fc0
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by yeahbut Fri Feb 28 2014, 14:25

Both are very young. It may be a few months yet before either of them knows 'when to stop'. They both have so much energy (natural for a pup) and will need kind and consistent guidance if you wish their behaviour to change. It may be natural playfulness though - how do you know that Zeus is getting stressed by Gus?

Gus will need some time to adjust if he is in a new environment.

Why is sniffing and licking a problem? It is very normal for dogs. If you think any harm is occurring though, a solution may be to put the pups in separate rooms at least some of the time - especially if you are not there to watch them.

I do not understand what it is that worries you about your hubby and Zeus. Can you explain the nature of the problem?

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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by KMDT Fri Feb 28 2014, 15:05

Sorry if I wasn't clear on my point. I don't think sniffing and licking is problem but non-stop part is annoying my hubby and Zeus. I think his protective nature is trying to protect Zeus. The reason I said Zeus is stressing because he is hide behind hubby or myself and try to avoid Gus when Zeus acting like "I had enough". They still play each other time to time and I know that's normal. I also said to my hubby that Gus need to get use to our place/new routine so give him few days to adjust. We set up Gus's crates in spear bedroom so they are sleeping in different room so I think Zeus has nice sleep as well.

It's hard to tell because I only spend few hours with them last night and it didn't bothers me so I guess this is case of perception on Gus by my hubby (non-stop all day is bothering him) and I need to keep eye on this weekend to see and help Gus settling down more at our home environment.

Thank you for your advice.
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by Rachel33 Fri Feb 28 2014, 16:42

Ah bless you never can tell! How long is left of the holiday? You may be able to establish the training before he goes home, but otherwise it's just management I would imagine! Dogs are always so different in all sorts of situations!
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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by yeahbut Fri Feb 28 2014, 17:08

Hello again. So you're saying that Gus, non stop all day, is bothering your hubby. You mean he is irritating your hubby? Well, that's a pity since it was your hubby who wanted Gus to come and stay.  If there is a chance that your hubby could hurt Gus because hubby is so bothered and angry, perhaps a solution is to suggest putting Gus in his crate for more of the day (but letting him out for walks and toilet breaks). This isn't ideal for a young dog who has so much energy to burn, but it may  be the least bad solution if hubby is very angry with the pup. Its not a sensible long term solution, but in the short term it may be safest for Gus since he is only with you for a few days until his owner comes back from holidays. My apologies if I have misread the situation. I sincerely sympathise and hope that this works out well for all concerned. Will you let us know how things go?

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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by KMDT Fri Feb 28 2014, 18:07

Thank you both. Yes I think my hubby is annoyed by Gus non stop sniffing/licking Zeus. But he arranged with owner's flat mate to look after Gus over the weekend so we will be free from Gus for a while. Problem may remains the same when he returns but at least we can rest for few days. (Especially my birthday on Sunday!) We will discuss what should we do from Monday but hope Gus settling down a bit more by then.
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
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Dogs Name(s) : Zeus
Dog(s) Ages : 31/7/2013
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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by Kathy Fri Feb 28 2014, 19:36

Sounds like his "Normal" home life is chaotic at best with various house mates coming and going at all hours this must be very disrupting and would be difficult to get the little fella into any kind of routine. Good luck with it all
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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by KMDT Sat Mar 01 2014, 19:37

Update, Gus's owner's flat mate came over this morning to take Gus away for this weekend but he said "myself and other faltmate decided that maybe best for us to look after Gus" so that's it he is gone now. He is cute guy but non-stop sniffing/licking/humping drive us a bit of mad. Owner text us so we told the truth and she is more than fine with our decision. Back to normal and we learn from this. All good now!
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by yeahbut Sun Mar 02 2014, 08:43

Great to hear that a solution has been found for Gus. It sounds like it's the best one for him. Hopefully everyone will be happy now and hubby will be calm. Thanks for letting us know how this turned out.

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2 dogs in our house Empty Re: 2 dogs in our house

Post by Bane Sun Mar 02 2014, 09:22

It's a shame it didn't work out for you guys. It was probably just the excitement of a new place and having another dog to play with all the time. I hope Zeus can chill out now Smile
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