Sleeping inside

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Sleeping inside Empty Sleeping inside

Post by brettj83 Wed Feb 19 2014, 23:54

So last night i let Jabba sleep inside, he hasnt done this since he was a puppy & then he was isolated to the laundry. The reason i let him in was he wouldn't stop barking because there is a feral cat about meowing all night setting all the dogs off around home. So at about 3 this morning i went out & let him in, well he thought it was playtime didn't he! i just laid back into bed & he was up beside me wanting to lick & bite. He finally settled down for a bit before he took off outta my room barking at something. I think he must of went to sleep in the lounge room because i could he him snoring out there. Now the problem is when i woke up this morning my bed sheets were white from Jabba's hair, so i need to find another bed for him, i would try a crate but i dont think he would like it & i dont really have the room. What things can i try? what tips do you have? he would sleep on a bed but he would want to get up & check mine out all the time.
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by djstratton Thu Feb 20 2014, 00:45

Honestly, unless you can get him used to a room like the laundry - the crate can become both your best friend.
The husband and I have owned dogs for over 25 years and never used a crate until about 2.5 years ago when we got our last dogo before our current staffy. Because we're living in a rented house here in Indonesia, we didn't want to give Marco the run of the house like our past dogs where they had their places they would sleep in our other homes. We only intended to use the crate for his toilet training but by the time he was done with that he was so used to sleeping in there at night that we kept using it. Now with our boy Marquez, he also sleeps in the crate at night and has no issues and I can see we will continue this with him and all future dogs.
As much as I would love to have our dogs sleep with us in our rooms (we've done this previously) and I have been tempted to let him sleep with me when the hubby is away - I don't think it would be fair to him to get used to that then make him sleep in his crate the other times. Dogs just like children need routine. We don't allow our daughter to sleep with us for the same reason our dogs don't - our bedtime is for us and we want to have a peaceful sleep without being kicked or farted on which both dogs and kids love to do. Sure they can come up for a quick cuddle in the morning but other than that - everyone should have their own peaceful sleeping areas Smile

I can't really help with how to get him used to a crate at his age but I'm sure someone will chime in but I don't see why it can't be done.
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by brettj83 Thu Feb 20 2014, 02:39

Thanks, i don't want him sleeping in my bed thats for sure, but last night he was driving me nuts. I think he will sleep on a bed in the lounge room if i get him one.
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by AussieStaff Thu Feb 20 2014, 05:56

I'm not the person to ask as have a 4 mth old pup & are still experimenting when it comes to sleep, but I'm going to throw my two cents in anyway. We have tried many things but most successful has been in the last week when we've put his bed in the hall outside our bedroom, if he gets up to come into our room I say firmly "Go to bed, time for sleeps" and he tends to wander back off. He comes in around the 4-5am mark and I let him up on the bottom of our bed for a snuggle, for my benefit of course not his lol. Good luck !
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by Rachel33 Thu Feb 20 2014, 08:09

Bless him, if he hasn't slept inside before he was probably so excited and confused by the change in routine! Cut him a bit of slack eh Tongues you decide if you want him in or out to sleep permanently and then set a routine in place. I've moved a LOT with bug and she's sleep in with me, by my bed, outside my room, in a crate, and now we've got a bigger house she's downstairs on the sofa.

If he's crate trained he'll be happy to sleep in the crate Smile if not it'll take a week or so to crate train him before he'll be comfortable, but they're great little overnight dens for them! Especially if covered in sheets to make it all dark! As long as he's not in there for long periods in the day aswell he'll be fine in there! Good luck
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by Staffy lover Thu Feb 20 2014, 09:44

When we brought Pixee home, we put her bed on the landing, for two weeks she stood staring at me by my bedside, I ignored her in the hope she would finally sleep in her bed. So I moved her bed to the lower landing where our bedroom is right outside our door. She did settle better, but I often woke up to find her by my side. It was only when hubby had to work away, that I came down one weekend with Pixee to stay in a holiday cottage, we put her bed in our bedroom, that she finally did sleep. Ever since then, she sleeps in our bedroom in her own bed, and is allowed in our bed once the alarm goes off. So long as you set the rules, and your dog is happy all will be well.
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by Guest Thu Feb 20 2014, 09:59

Darcy has been crated from day one, it's her safe haven were she goes for some peace if needed Smile her crate is in the lounge and she's as good as gold Smile try a bed in the lounge I'm sure jabba will appreciate it Big Grin


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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by Kathy Thu Feb 20 2014, 11:52

Rocky always sleeps on our bed, we just pop an old duvet cover on top of the bed clothes for him to lie on. Admittedly he will usually move the top cover off so he is just lying on our duvet but there we go that's Rocky for you.

Could you get an old blanket or some other cover for your bed ?
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by Sazzle Thu Feb 20 2014, 13:19

I think they will sleep anywhere, its just a case of making a decision and sticking to it  Big Grin
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by Simi Thu Feb 20 2014, 13:54

Lula sleeps in her crate and loves it but she gets up at 6am and gets on the couch with me for cuddles and quickly goes back to sleep.

Snoop used to sleep on my bed and would snuggle down under the covers
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by Rhia Thu Feb 20 2014, 16:07

I got a crate, banes sleeps in there no issues, wouldn't be with out one
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by stella Thu Feb 20 2014, 20:05

sorry cant help on this as sasha has always slept in with us,love her snuggling up  Tongues 
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by brettj83 Thu Feb 20 2014, 21:24

I think i have sorted him out, I left him outside (where he normally sleeps) but i confined him to his kennel. Didn't hear boo out of him last night & we both got a good sleep. Normally he is up half the night listening to all the noises & barking.
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Sleeping inside Empty Re: Sleeping inside

Post by Sazzle Thu Feb 20 2014, 21:27

Awww glad he settled x
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