A very polite letter

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A very polite letter Empty A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 18:54

Akita mix gorgeous looking dog has been wondering the streets especially the lane for a good week now and he goes crazy by my allotments trying to get to my dogs especially Taz and not in a good way either anyway I have decided to write a letter and attach it to his collar the next time i see him. He has no ID other wise i would of taken him home by now.

Heres is the letter.
For the past week this dogs has been hanging around my allotments/winding my dogs up.
I have zero tolerance for people who allow their dogs to stray or don’t bother securing their property so their dog can not get out. As a responsible dog owner it is your responsibility to keep your dog secure, safe and under control which you are not doing.
Today I my self had to pull your dog off of another dog while that was being walked, responsibly by their owner on a leash. If your dog is dog aggressive which he has shown signs of being I suggest you keep him under control other wise it might not be me but someone who will not tolerate it and may even harm your dog. He looks in very good condition weight wise and coat wise and he is a gorgeous lovely dog, I am sure you love your dog but you are risking your dogs life in many ways.

1. He does not have any Identification on his collar. So he may be picked up by the wrong person, hurt or abused
2. He may be hit by a vehicle
3. If he is handed into the local pound and he has no ID the chances of him being put to sleep is extremely high because they have not got the space/time/money to stop him from being dog aggressive and they will deem him unfit for another home.

You are also risking other people and their dogs.

1 I have already said I pulled him off of another dog that he attacked but what if I didn’t?
2. If someone else who does not know how to handle dogs like I do tries to pull your dog off of theirs and he was to bite them, not because he is human aggressive because I know he is not but if someone was to grab him the wrong way he may just react.
I know it is difficult securing dogs in your property, I have had many problems myself in doing that but I now have, a secure place to keep my dogs.
I also know it is hard having a dog aggressive dog because I myself have one but I keep him secure and under control and am pleased to say I have never had an incident with him. So please keep your dog secure and under control.
If you do have problems walking your dog or securing your property there are many
shelters and organizations who are willing to give advice and will always see it
through because they want the dog to be safe with its owner.
On a not so lighter note if I see your dog wondering alone again I will call the
RSPCA or a local shelter. Believe me when I say they have less tolerance than I do about this kind of thing.

Do you think i should attach it to the dogs collar next time i find him wandering? He seems in good health weight wise and condition so he must be going somewhere.


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by kitten Tue Apr 19 2011, 19:06

I don't think you could have said it more clearly..shocking how irresponsible some owners are
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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Skylas-mom Tue Apr 19 2011, 19:08

Personally i'd call the local dog warden. Unless you can get it to a vets to get it scanned then the warden is the only option.
They may not know it's getting out maybe? Though if Skye is off the radar for a second i'd be on it...I dunno,some people just turn a blind eye don't they? Their dogs go for a wander and they leave them to it.
I'd call the warden,maybe paying £66 to get it back might wake them up.
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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 19:13

If he has no ID chances of him being put down are extremely high and the owner knowns or learns nothing.
He looks in other wise good condition so the owners must be doing something right. Some people need a kick (if the dogs was in a poor way, I would take him myself and put up posters or call the warden)
and some people need educating which is what i think this owner needs. I just hope they take it seriousely because i'm not joking around I have zero tolerance.


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Skylas-mom Tue Apr 19 2011, 19:31

Then yep,maybe a polite note in doggies collar would be in order.
Can't hurt to try Big Grin
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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 19:37

I'd attach the note to his collar next time you see him. Call AC as a last resort.


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by janey Tue Apr 19 2011, 20:40

Do what you feel is right, and a dog wandering is not, what could happen could be a lot worse! You must live in a lovely place, if Moo was loose she'd get run over Surprised
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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 21:15

Yes I do like up the the valleys behind my allotments you got the childrens park and behind that the mountains but infront o my allotments you got a lane a row of houses then a busy road with idiot drivers then more country side lol. Yeah i will be attaching the letter to his collar when i see him next.


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by janey Tue Apr 19 2011, 21:33

I think try the letter but would be more worried if there is a main road about that the dog is left to wonder. If its looking as well as you say then surely the owners will notice if its gone, and the toss ups between the wardens or a road?!?!? I know what chance I'd prefer. If you leave a note and it still carries on then make sure you phone the warden x
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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 21:42

Luckily enough i'v been watching the dog he has only stuck to the lane driving all the dogs crazy out their back and has not made an attept to the road but if the owners do not take notice i will most deffinatly call the warden or anoher organisation.


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 22:55

I think a letter is a good idea - and very well written I must say!

I just hope that they take notice of it. As you said, if he has no identification then he could end up being pts.


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by gem Tue Apr 19 2011, 23:02

I think your letter is a very good one claire you never know the owners might read it and realise someone is aware and then they may take better care of the dog. If the situation doesnt change then I think you should contact the dog warden and even if he only has a half chance of a good home its better than what he has at the moment Smile
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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 23:06

True - as it stands he could run into the road & cause a nasty accident, or really hurt another dog or human if he's aggressive.


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 23:20

The last few times he's hung around I'v sent him home but today he was whinning by the gate my lot were whinning as well and Taz was even wagging his tail i was going to bring him in, so i went outside to put a halti on him to i can introduce him and Taz properly then this guy walked around the corner with his two basenji's on lead and the dog walked upto them nice and calm like he was with my lot had a good sniff then just lunged at them. I grabbed ahold of his cheek scruff and collar and pulled him off the dog, the owner gave me a row saying keep your dog on lead, I said he's not mine he's always up here winding my dogs up but i don't think he believed.I had to tell him i had ahold of him three times before he walked past, I don't think he thought i could hold back such a large dog. To think if i let him in with my lot and i know for a fact if he started a fight with Taz he would of got Cassie to handle as well and Blondy probabilly would of been in the middle. I realised how stupid i was to even think about letting him in with my dogs now even though the body language and behaviour was brilliant,I just wanted him to have a bit of a play and fun because i doubted he got it at home.Very stupid of me always trying to rescue first and pay later.


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 23:35

MissRogue wrote:Very stupid of me always trying to rescue first and pay later.

You've just got a good heart! Smile


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 23:40

With a really short fuse which really don't go well together lol


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Tue Apr 19 2011, 23:48

MissRogue wrote:With a really short fuse which really don't go well together lol

Laughing Laughing Laughing


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A very polite letter Empty Re: A very polite letter

Post by Guest Wed Apr 20 2011, 00:43

I'v been called up on both many times and even said i have a split personality one loving, caring, run myself into the ground for animals side.
Then the side that deals with people which i will even admit is very unstable and questionable most times lol


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