Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by asa-james Tue Jun 25 2013, 20:45

soooo my dad gets home from golf, Lola does her little happy dance, the back gate is opened (onto a car run, where all our garages are) so my dad can get his golf clubs in. nobody about, and Lola crosses this ten times a day onto the allotment without diversion so nothing is thought of it. she goes to greet my dad, heads back into the garden, and while i'm looking at some damage to my dads car (happened in the car park, someone scuffed it and drove off) Lola bolts out of the gate. i shout "OI! Lola! come here!" by which point she's dived behind the neighbours garage onto their allotment. then we hear a pane of glass smash...

i find Lola halfway down the neighbours allotment looking sheepish, and she ambles past me like she knows she's in trouble, and as she does i notice a spot of blood on her front paw (the one she's just had the dew claw off). i start thinking maybe she got too close to a cat, and get my dad to catch her. i start to check her front paw, when another neighbour says "umm, its the back paw..." i look to see blood quite literally pouring out of her rear right lower leg.

Dad, hold her there *run into house* mum, got any teatowels you dont want? thanks *run back out* lift her leg, wrap this round. Dad, go check where she's cut it, if ther kids go on and theres broken glass it could be dangerous (the neighbours allotment i found her on have two small boys, both of whom love Lola to bits) *carry dog inside* mum, call the vets for me...

i held the towel on for a few minutes, and when i had a good look it had mostly (thankfully) stopped bleeding. its a clean cut about an inch long, thats gone right through the skin and is showing muscle. theres also a tiny cut on one of her pads, but she let me poke and prod and clean without a sound so fingers crossed theres no glass in there.

one of my neighbours is a nurse (the partner of the one who noticed the cut) and, as usual, loves Lola, so she came round with some steri strips. between the two of us, cleaning and covering the cut, i'm quite impressed.

the vets have told me that so long as the bleeding had stopped, and she wasnt in any obvious pain or having movement issues, to wait til tomorrow and go in normal time to my usual vets, ironically i'm there tomorrow night for a check up on her front paw anyway.

she's now curled up feeling sorry for herself (again!) but is moving quite happily on it. time for a brew i think. dogs, what would we do without them?
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 25 2013, 20:48

Lola in the wars again , gotta love her Love Struck


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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Sazzle Tue Jun 25 2013, 20:49

Oh no poor Lola xx
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 25 2013, 21:15

Aww no poor Lola, big hugs Smile


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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 25 2013, 21:22

Poor thing! Sad Hope she feels better soon!

Good on you for taking action!


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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Guest Tue Jun 25 2013, 21:31

OMG Asa, what a nightmare. You did well for acting so quickly and must thank your lucky stars for such good neighbours. Poor Lola, on top of the dew claw op. I hope she recovers very quickly - big (((Hugs)))


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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by janey Tue Jun 25 2013, 21:36

Well done for being so calm! Stupid stupid things they never learn. Pleased all is patched up for now and again.....hope all goes well tomorrow Xx
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Kathy Wed Jun 26 2013, 13:39

Hoping Lola is soon on the mend, Steri Strips are a God send we always have those in the first aid kits and have come in very handy from time to time with various cuts to all of us.
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Kell Wed Jun 26 2013, 15:16

Aww, poor Lola Sad Hope she is feeling all better quickly!
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Maria90 Wed Jun 26 2013, 15:17

Poor Lola! Hope she is on the mend asap!
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 26 2013, 15:22

How's Lola today? Smile


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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by otisthestafford Wed Jun 26 2013, 15:40

Aww what is she like! Hope she gets on okay
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by stella Wed Jun 26 2013, 18:58

ah poor lola,hope she is healing well Smile
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by asa-james Wed Jun 26 2013, 19:46

she's been fine today, the lovely Naomi at the vets (who knows Lola all too well now!) had a good look at it, and decided that as it was such a clean cut we should try stapling it, otherwise its more anesthesia to stich it up. i held Lola firm, Naomi got the staple gun and Lola...

didnt move. not an inch. not even a yelp. happily let her put three staples in, plus an antibiotic injection, and never made a sound. i suppose where theres no sense theres no feeling Laughing

so its back on saturday for stiches out of her front paw (which is fine) and assess the back leg to see how its healing.

fun fun fun...

(edit) must say the vets are fab, charged for the jab and dressing, but listed the appointment as "post op care" so i didnt have to pay the usual appointment fee Big Grin
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Kathy Wed Jun 26 2013, 19:53

It's great when you have a vet like that, ours are really good too. Rocky had a cut paw earlier this year and had a staple put in, the wound healed much quicker with it. I'm sure Lola will be running around just fine very soon.
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 26 2013, 19:55

Aww that's great news, well behaved Lola you little star star hope she has a speedy recovery.


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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by Guest Wed Jun 26 2013, 20:39

So glad to hear all is going well Asa. Lola is such a brave little girl to let your lovely vet staple her up star


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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

Post by CaraElizabeth Thu Jun 27 2013, 02:34

Awww poor Lola Sad
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Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass... Empty Re: Lola + open gate x cat chase = fence jumping into glass...

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