Levels of excitement and humping

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Levels of excitement and humping Empty Levels of excitement and humping

Post by brutusindubai Tue Jun 11 2013, 15:35

I have just returned from a dog daycare centre in which Brutus failed his assessment. They said his excitement levels were through the roof and that he humps, a lot. Now, in the past seven months or so, I think I have seen him try and hump twice. But today, he must have tried a dozen times on a dog that was obviously not having any of it.

We taught Brutus to sit or lay down when greeting people or other dogs so that they could approach him, rather than the other way around. The person who did the assessment however said he gets too excited when he greets other dogs and that he may injure one of the dogs. It was also recommended that unless we plan to breed or show him, that we should think about having his knackers out as soon as possible.

Brutus loves to play and he does play rough, but to me that is a staff playing. He plays with another dog and they play rough, but it is never aggressive and they stop and lay next to each to get there breath before going again. He has never showed signs of aggression towards another dog, and the lady we train him with, is a UK and Spainish trained K9 obediance dog handler and she thinks that for his age, he is a well behaved and trained dog. He does of course have a few kinks to work out.

My question is this, when your dogs greet another, do they jump and try to play immediately, or are they quite sedate and wait until they are allowed to play? Also, do they try and hump in a situation where there is more than 4-5 dogs?
If so, what techniques have you used to try and calm your dog down when greeting others and also not to play so rough?
Have I missed the boat here or is his behaviour considered unacceptable?

Thanks for your help

Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Location : UAE
Dogs Name(s) : Brutus
Dog(s) Ages : 1 year, woo hoo
Dog Gender(s) : Dog
Join date : 2012-10-20
Support total : 13
Posts : 158

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Levels of excitement and humping Empty Re: Levels of excitement and humping

Post by Guest Tue Jun 11 2013, 17:03

He sounds to me like a typicle stafford - full on & rough. Does the lady in charge have any experience with bull breeds? If not, she may think the roughness may injur another dog, but it's highly unlikely.

Having him castrated may or may not stop the humping, but won't stop the excitement levels at all. Sad He's just a young, very lively stafford.


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Levels of excitement and humping Empty Re: Levels of excitement and humping

Post by brutusindubai Tue Jun 11 2013, 18:01

Thanks Caryll. She does know what they are like, but I think she is also playing devils advocate in that the dog care places look after 20-25 dogs on any given day and they try to minimise any potential injuries by scrutinising the dogs thoroughly. She did say he is a well behaved dog, but just goes in to play at 1000 miles an hour.

I'm happy with him the way he is and I know how he behaves and what dogs he will get on with. He is still young so we will hopefully be able to direct his behaviour to be a little more cautious. With luck.
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Location : UAE
Dogs Name(s) : Brutus
Dog(s) Ages : 1 year, woo hoo
Dog Gender(s) : Dog
Join date : 2012-10-20
Support total : 13
Posts : 158

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Levels of excitement and humping Empty Re: Levels of excitement and humping

Post by Guest Tue Jun 11 2013, 18:52

Sorry but neutering probably will do nothing in this case.

Chance is neutered and is unbelievably excited when he meets other dogs, like a typical bully he is

He sounds like a typical staffy to me as they over so easily over excited.

Also no way would i take neutering advice from a day care centre


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