2 fighting staffords sedated

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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 02:02

Well, i was shocked when my hubby told me about this. There's a small vets surgery near where i live. We dont use it, as past experiance has taught me otherwise. Anyway, this surgery has the smallest waiting area i've ever seen. Hubbys mate toke his staffy for treatment. His dog is very aggressive towards other dogs, so he asked the owner of the other to hold him close. Well, for some reason, they started scrapping. Both owners tried hard to stop them. It toke the owners, 2 nurses and a vet to separate them. Neither dog would leave go. So the vet told the owners to let them "wear themselfs out", he then injected both dogs to sedate them !!! What do you think?


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 02:16

thinking I think when it comes down to it if dogs are fighting that badly you would try anything to stop them.. Were they still held onto each other when injected? Or were they injected after the fight was broke up confused


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 02:21

no, injected while still holding on. Aparently it was the only way to stop them. Im sure both owners were relived that it was stopped, even tho it toke sedation. Must of been terrifying x


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 02:28

Yeah in that case I would of done anything, even sedation, if all else failed Sad It would be horrific for the owners


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 04:38

If everything else failed, I suppose sedating them is better than letting the fighting carry on where there's more chance of injury.


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by tanyayuk Fri Apr 05 2013, 09:10

Your think when Staffies lock their jaws there is not alot that you cna do to make them let go. When mt staffie got attack by 2 other staffies one had my poor dogs face and the other had her underside - The other owner was trying to pull his dog off mine but was nearly tearing a chunk of my poor dogs face - My other half had to tell him to stop pulling. So they can cause serious damage and I would of loved someone to have been there to stop them as my poor baby come away really poorly and now isnt very keen on other staffies - She is very weary x

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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 09:15

I can imagine too Staffords fighting especially if it was two males to be very hard to break apart if it got to that stage. It may have been the only option, even though it seems very extreme Sad


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 10:36

Sedation was probably the best idea given the circumstances. Big Grin


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by asa-james Fri Apr 05 2013, 11:01

To take another viewpoint, if your friend knows his dog is da, why put him in that situation? Hindsight is great, but a muzzle, or leaving him in the car til it's his appointment could have prevented this.

Agree with the vets decision tho, best and safest way to calm the situation.
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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 11:29

asa-james wrote:To take another viewpoint, if your friend knows his dog is da, why put him in that situation? Hindsight is great, but a muzzle, or leaving him in the car til it's his appointment could have prevented this.

Agree with the vets decision tho, best and safest way to calm the situation.

I suppose they had to do whatever it takes but as asa says here , no way should you have 2 dogs like that together and with a little more thought the situation could have been prevented. The Vets assistant would be a little to blame also for not identifying the situation and reacting accordingly as they must face these kind of situations on a regular basis and its not just about Staffords either


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Kathy Fri Apr 05 2013, 11:34

The situation should never have arisen in the first place. We always check the vet waiting room before we go in to make sure it's quiet. If there are too many waiting already one of us will stay in the car with Rocky until his name is called. It's stressful enough for a dog in the waiting room anyway without having to add to it.
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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 12:00

Steff gets very agitated in the waiting room Sad and she has "snapped" a few times at others there so we always wait outside, but last time we were waiting outside as we always do and a dimwit let there young kid get there little yappy dog out of the car unleashed angry It ended quite badly when the owner went off her head at me and my viscious dog when Steff pinned and growled at her fluffy dog (after it had barked at her for a few minutes) and the Vet and nurses defended Steff saying she was lucky her dog was still alive and it was all her fault.. She left in quite a huff Laughing Anyway I'm just saying that sometimes even when you do the right thing, others don't.. As we all already know..


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by danielirl Fri Apr 05 2013, 12:03

i think all people from there was very scared will be talking about what was happened for ages i think the doctor act good to sedate them,if i was there i was scared to
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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 12:59

asa-james wrote:To take another viewpoint, if your friend knows his dog is da, why put him in that situation? Hindsight is great, but a muzzle, or leaving him in the car til it's his appointment could have prevented this.

Agree with the vets decision tho, best and safest way to calm the situation.
totally agree, why didnt he tell the vet before he arrived, at least they could of empyed the waiting room 1st


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 13:57

Should've kept the da dog outside until its appointment. Sad

Having said that, sedating them was probably the most humane way of seperating them in the confines of the waiting room.


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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Rupertsbooks Fri Apr 05 2013, 14:19

I've always wondered what you're supposed to do when you see two dogs fighting and they need to be separated. Is there a do's and don'ts list? What is the fighty bighty one is attacking your dog - what is the best thing to do? And what if neither of them is your dog?

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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Ticklymac Fri Apr 05 2013, 15:36

someone told me that to separate a fight you should grab the dominant dog by the hind legs/hips and pull up......dunno if thats the best method just what i heard, i'd certainly rather grab them from behind that try to get in the middle or pull by collar/harness thats how you loose a hand! Problem is tho like said above if either dog is clamped on you don't wanna pull too hard....
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2 fighting staffords sedated Empty Re: 2 fighting staffords sedated

Post by Guest Fri Apr 05 2013, 15:41


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