bad news. dog fight

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bad news. dog fight Empty bad news. dog fight

Post by Taryn Tue Jan 08 2013, 22:04

So its not Romeo... clearly he cant walk how would he be in a dog fight? But Ranie (black and white male), another dog from his kennel has had a bit of an... inccedent
His owner who is in her 30 i guess went walking with Ranie and her little sister who is 11. the onwer left her sister with Ranie for a second while she dropped some stuff in the post office and when she came out Ranie had attacked a small poodle and ripped it apart. the dog was still alive so Johanna, Ranie's owner offered to take it in her car to the vet asap. the whole way in the car Johanna is saying sorry and that she will pay for the damages, there is alot of hysteria and crying from everyone.
As far as i know the poodle is alive, but Johanna doesnt have 3rd party inssurance on Ranie so she has to pay in full the poodles medical. that and the poodles owner is apparently going to sue them, she told johanna that she was a horrible person and only horrible people would ever want one of these monsterous killer dogs and that all staffies should be killed.
so... talk about drama in my kennel this week huh?
Johanna shouldnt have left ranie out there with her sister, he's bigger then romeo and Romeo is a big staffy, he's also DA, so Johanna is in the wrong, but the woman calling for all staffs to be knocked off annoys me that she bunches them all together.

poodles must be annoying dogs to staffs...romeo hates them, ranie tried to kill one, infact i dont know any staffs that like them Laughing these are the toy sized ones i speak of, romeo's chill with the standards.

fingers crossed that johanna finds a way to deal with this, i just hope that nothing bad befals Ranie Sad

But this just further fuels my thoughts that if you have a DA dog... be 3rd party inssured. romeo isnt even DA, but i have him just incase because he has snapped at other dogs before when they take a pop at him.
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Tue Jan 08 2013, 22:36

Oh what a sad story.

The poodle's owner is obviously VERY upset and so said things she might not have said under normal circumstances.

Poor Johanna, and the little sister must have been very frightened.

I won't say any more on the rights and wrongs of what happened but yes, 3rd party insurance is essential when you have a dog.

All best wishes to all concerned for the best outcome to this unhappy story


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Taryn Tue Jan 08 2013, 23:28

yeah. i think it was very silly of her to leave him with the little girl. i just hope things can be fixed
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 04:35

No third party insurance...jeez, that could be really bad Sad I hope the poodle is OK and I hope things work out for Johanna and Ranie.


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 05:44

Does her house insurance cover legal claims?

Poor poodle, Rani should never have been left with a child to supervise him, but what's done is done. I hop things work out ok & that Rani doesn't suffer from any law suits.


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by brutusindubai Wed Jan 09 2013, 06:25

Horrible news, not only for the poodle and the poodles owner, but also the little girl who witnessed it. She may not trust her dog again.

Just out of curiosity, is Ranie known for not getting on too well with other dogs? If so, and I know this may cause some controversey amongst all, but given the situation, a muzzle may have prevented anything happening. Even if it was slipped on whilst she ran in to the post office and left the dog with the young girl.

I know that Brutus is constantly harrassed by smaller, yappy lap dogs and we are now thinking that to save us of any future problems, we may well have to put a muzzle on him, or at least carry one with us should a small dog come up to him.
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Andy Wed Jan 09 2013, 10:01

No offence Taryn, but what a bloody stupid thing to do with a large DA stafford Surprised at wits end

This sounds like a text book "devil dog" story against the breed doh ... unbeleivable I dont want to s angry
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Mark Wed Jan 09 2013, 10:09

Such a blow for staffs gives them a bad name really. Terrible angry
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Staffy lover Wed Jan 09 2013, 10:33

I will put my two penny worth in, dont forget its not just staffies that attack other dogs, those dogs also need to be brought to light in the news, then maybe the limelight will be off the staffies. Having said that, I do hope nothing bad is going to happen to Ranie, also do you know who started first? Small yappy dogs are always the first to start as we all know. A 11 year old cannot contol a staffie, as we know how strong they are.
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 10:33

My girlfriend's Stafford lives with a male miniature Poodle and they get on the very best. But, I have found small dogs like that to sometimes start fights with bigger dogs. There is a man a few doors down from me who has a pomeranian and it is the original dog from hell! A few more doors down there is a man with 4 Rottweilers and they are that laid back they couldn't be bothered even lifting their heads to look at passers by!

That aside, I feel sorry for the little girl. When I was little my two dogs tore each other to shreds on a walk after one rolled in something smelly. It's something you can never really forget. worried


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 10:37

Staffy lover wrote:I will put my two penny worth in, dont forget its not just staffies that attack other dogs, those dogs also need to be brought to light in the news, then maybe the limelight will be off the staffies. Having said that, I do hope nothing bad is going to happen to Ranie, also do you know who started first? Small yappy dogs are always the first to start as we all know. A 11 year old cannot contol a staffie, as we know how strong they are.

Of course it isn't just staffords! BUT. An 11 year old should never be left in charge of a known DA stafford - not a hope in hell that they'd be able to cope with it! It really doesn't matter who started it - Ranie was out of control in a public place & the owner could be taken to court over it, with terrible repercussions for Ranie.


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Mani Wed Jan 09 2013, 11:35

What's a DA Stafford?
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 11:40

DA is "dog aggressive"


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Richardspencer Wed Jan 09 2013, 11:49

What an absolutley stupid thing to do. An 11 year old should not be in charge of ANy dog. Completley irresponsible ownership. Yes whats done is done but this poor breed and all that we do as owners to raise awarness of what the breed is actually like is undone in a split second.
As long as the dog was not percieved to be a danger to humans then it will not be destroyed, as detailed in the DDA. It is equally sad to me to read storys like this as it is to read about peoples negative reactions to our breed.

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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Taryn Wed Jan 09 2013, 11:59

yeah, i know johanna is a lovely person, but it is well known that Ranie doesnt really like other dogs, as far as i know i think the poodle snapped at ranie as it went pas and well... it only took ranie a blink of an eye to react.
I dont know why she didnt take ranie into the post with her, you are allowed to take them inside here in finland because of the harsh winters we face, its very dog friendly here.
I dont know if she has any other insurance, so i guess we will see what happens. its alla horrible mess i believe. i think johanna has to face up to what happened and of cause cover all the costs for the poodle, which she is. But you're all right, that poor young girl, i'd hate to have to see that. i have seen Romeo get into small scraps where there wasnt a single scratch left on either dog and it was a little scary because of all the noise that they make... imagin when its for real and serious.
the only think i can hope for is that Ranie isnt the one punished for this and that they take matters more seriously and take action to protect Ranie from this happening again.
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Mani Wed Jan 09 2013, 12:07

Richardspencer wrote:As long as the dog was not percieved to be a danger to humans then it will not be destroyed, as detailed in the DDA.
Well, they are in Finland so I doubt the DDA passed by the British Parliament applies there.
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Richardspencer Wed Jan 09 2013, 12:13

Mani wrote:
Richardspencer wrote:As long as the dog was not percieved to be a danger to humans then it will not be destroyed, as detailed in the DDA.
Well, they are in Finland so I doubt the DDA passed by the British Parliament applies there.

yeah to be fair I did not clock that untill I had posted the comment.

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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Taryn Wed Jan 09 2013, 12:21

i have no idea what the law says about it here. although i have heard of a dog being put down for killing another dog in a dog park. it was a rottie and a ...toy poodle of course.
i think in that case the toy poodles owner was in the wrong for taking a small dog into the big dog yard. since we have two size yards always at dog parks, one for over 12kgs and one for everything under. who takes something that might weigh 3kgs into a yard with something that weighs 50kgs?
i really hope nothing befalls Ranie, he is really super people friendly and lovely but still Straight Face
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Taryn Wed Jan 09 2013, 12:29

this is Ranie. he is beautiful. i hope that nothing bad happens to him. The breeder did tell johanna it was her own fault, and i know she realises that it is infact. its sad how a single stupid innocent mistake can cause so much damage.
bad news. dog fight 380400_10150527152108563_2033824421_n_zpsf4944601
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 12:54

Sounds like we're having a go at Johanna, and I for one really don't mean to, but although mistakes happen, this one should have been avoided! A dog aggressive dog should never be left in the charge of a child (or even an adult that doesn't know it well!), and because this poor child was left in charge things have rapidly gone from bad to worse!

I really hope that the other owner decides to just accept vet bills payments & doesn't take Johanna to court. Sad


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Panda Wed Jan 09 2013, 15:52

It should be compulsory to have Third Party Insurance if you own any dog.
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by dave g Wed Jan 09 2013, 16:19

If you know hes DA why dont you put a muzzle on him when hes out
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 16:42

dave g wrote:If you know hes DA why dont you put a muzzle on him when hes out

Not all da dogs need a muzzle. I used to manage perfectly well with Bandit without a muzzle. The issue here was that Ranie was left with a child who couldn't control him. Sad


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Kathy Wed Jan 09 2013, 16:44

We have just renewed Rocky insurance and he does have the 3rd party cover.

I hope your friend can get things sorted out OK with the insurance. Should the case go to court one outcome may be that the dog will have to be muzzled in public.
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Andy Wed Jan 09 2013, 18:58

He is a gorgeous lookin boy, and I hope he still has a future .. tho not forgeting the poor little dog he has almost killed by the sound of it Sad

I agree with Caryll about the muzzle, my last boy was EXTREMELY da, and tho it was a ball ache all his life, I have never owned a muzzle, and he was never allowed to get into a situation where he instigated a fight (tho he did have scraps when other dogs off lead ran upto him and got within striking distance doh )
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Gazagem Wed Jan 09 2013, 19:16

My boy atm is da and I would never leave him or let my kids walk him if I didn't feel they could handle him at the age of 11 my daughter used to take our f gsd but she was good as gold
My kids know the rules if walking buster and they come across another dog cross the road with them he is never off lead and only road walked

I hope the poodle recovers and no harm comes to raine

I have had it myself where a toy poodle on an extending lead came a bit too close but I had the knowledge to pick up my boy I doubt an 11 yr old would have the quick thought or the strength

I do hope as well the youngster is not scared by this encounter as it is a horrible thing to witness
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 20:12

This was all so avoidable and I feel so sorry for everyone and every dog involved. Johanna must be tearing herself to bits about it. I just hope that the 11 year-old isn't too traumatised - she really was too young and not strong enough to control a DA Staff and shouldn't blame herself at all.

This is sucha sad story and I can only hope that everyone including the dogs (and that includes the poodle, he couldn't help being a poodle) comes out of it as well as possible.

3rd party insurance - a [/u]must[u], even if your dog wouldn't hurt a fly.


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Taryn Wed Jan 09 2013, 20:15

yeah, it kinda puts an eye opener that third party is just... even if you dont think you'll ever need it... it really pays off if there is even a slightest of chances.
Johanna is such a lovely woman... i really hope they can pull through this. but this is not what the breed needs, its bad enough already.
but like i said, and everyone else. if your going to insure you dog, get the 3rd party, ESPECIALLY if your dogs DA
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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 20:26

Let us know how it goes Taryn. Best wishes to all involved >Big Grin<


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Guest Wed Jan 09 2013, 21:52

Lexi hattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttes poodles. I think it comes from the first memory she would ever have of another dog being my nanna poodle humping her

Still a sad thing to happen, im sure the owner was very shocked. But yes, jo should not have left the dog in the hands of her sister.


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bad news. dog fight Empty Re: bad news. dog fight

Post by Taryn Wed Jan 09 2013, 23:57

poodles are the only dogs Romeo dislikes, he see's them coming and starts to growl and show avoidance behaviour. he's been attacked by one when he was a small puppy. but there is till no reason for this poodle to have been mauled like that
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