Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

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Thumbsdown Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Sophie-x Sun Sep 16 2012, 19:06

Where to begin.. I brought Morpheus home on Thursday (instead of today).
I had a previous thread where I was concerned about my girl being funny about him.

Day 1: I got him home and into his play pen where he quickly munched his dinner. Every time I went to pet him or somebody else did, she'd do a quick snap at the pen bars like "back off!". The same happened when he ate something/played or jumped up at the side. Her safety muzzle went on when we took them outside and she proceeded to take every toy off of him which was quite entertaining with her muzzle on.. That night, he screamed the house down. I couldn't even breathe without setting him off. Total of = 2 hours broken sleep.

Day 2: Boo wasn't so snappy, still on occasion. Now thinks it's a fun game to knock him over which she gets corrected for each time she gets too high up on the excitement/bullying scale. Screamed the house down again.. Total of = 3 hours sleep.

Day 3: Much the same. My brain was like soup at work. Although this time his crate has now been moved to the kitchen where he slept from 9pm - 5am that night (or so I heard). Screamed at 5, so I took him out for a poo and a wee, had his breakfast and settled him down again; a few noisy moments but other than that I went back in to let him out at 8am. Feeling slightly more refreshed to of slept!

Day 4: Today Boo was a lot calmer around him, we took her muzzle off and she was delighted. Still taking toys off of him, but no sign whatsoever of snapping - she knows he'll chase her if she runs off with it! Hopefully he'll sleep even better tonight! She gets a little excited, and might gently put her mouth over the back of his neck but nothing nasty just learning how to play with him I think? He's a little monkey though, he'll growl and hang off her cheek, even had a try at sucking her nipples this morning in which she reacted well but was extremely mortified and sulked back to her bed away from him!!

So the questions:

I've tried removing all the slugs and snails from the garden, I monitor everything he does but he still keeps picking up bits of sticks and stuff, and might get a mouthful if I can't get it out of his mouth in time (oh god the teeth hurt!!!). Will this be bad for him? Along with the twigs, it's grass.. a dandelion flower.. not to mention well everything else around him. He licked a slug in the garden this evening though, obviously concerned about lungworm - He's got his first jabs on Tuesday, will that be quick enough if in the tiniest chance he might've caught something? I remember the vet giving Boo a jab for lungworm...

Secondly, shall I continue with just telling Boo off for being a bit too rough with him? Any other tips for just getting her to gently play? Hard I know.. I'm just so worried she might bundle him over and him to get hurt.

Could I give him like, half a teaspoon of peanut butter in his kong? It's what I give Boo, but his dinner biscuits are just too small and fall out. Think it might give him bad poop?

Last but not least, the crate in the kitchen. He will stop screaming right aha? I never give him attention when he's screaming, only when he's quiet. Same goes for when I let him out. He has my t.shirt in there he likes, a warm microwave pillow, his vet bed from the breeder and his litter mates and some newspaper. Oh and a blanket over the top. Nothing else needed or would be helpful for sleeping soundly?!

Sorry for the essay, thanks guys!
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Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Guest Sun Sep 16 2012, 19:36

I reckon a bit of peanut butter is OK, I've done the same with Loki and it was fine. You're right to ignore him when he cries at night, but keep in mind that they have small bladders, so sometimes the crying might be because he needs to go to the toilet. In Loki's cage he has the giant coat thing he sleeps on (cheaper than constantly buying beds) and a couple of stuffed teddies that he likes, as well as a Stagbar because he's teething and sometimes wakes up wanting to chew things lol. So yeah, sounds like you're doing fine to me Smile I can't comment on the questions about the other dog though, no experience on the matter.


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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Sophie-x Sun Sep 16 2012, 19:42

ANattyRat wrote:You're right to ignore him when he cries at night, but keep in mind that they have small bladders, so sometimes the crying might be because he needs to go to the toilet.

How often would you recommend taking him out to wee? Or should I just leave it? I did last night, purely because I was so tired I slept through any cries until 5am. I did find he had wee'd on his newspaper though. He's very good with weeing when I take him out every hour to the garden so there's no accidents during the day. How often should they poo? He does between 2-3 a day at the moment.
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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Guest Sun Sep 16 2012, 19:44

Hi, personally I wouldn't tell Boo off. If you do you could make her associate the puppy with a telling off. Give them time while they establish their friendship. Boo is just letting pup know the rules. Don't worry, sounds to me they are just getting used to each other Big Grin


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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by gem Sun Sep 16 2012, 19:45

Lovely name for your 2 Big Grin
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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Kathy Sun Sep 16 2012, 19:50

Sophie-x wrote:

How often would you recommend taking him out to wee? Or should I just leave it? I did last night, purely because I was so tired I slept through any cries until 5am. I did find he had wee'd on his newspaper though. He's very good with weeing when I take him out every hour to the garden so there's no accidents during the day. How often should they poo? He does between 2-3 a day at the moment.

Try to take him outside every half hour if you can, give loads of praise when he does do anything. Do not tell him off for doing it inside the home just clean it up as if nothing has happened.
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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Guest Sun Sep 16 2012, 20:00

Thanks Big Grin


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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Guest Mon Sep 17 2012, 06:34

As far as the play is concerned just leave them to it but always supervise them , Tilly and Tommy's play would be exactly the same , Tilly would bowl Tommy over for no reason at all other than she could, Tommy would be the most annoying child ever growling nip nip nip , biting the nipples (although I think this was total over excitement tring to clumsily get milk. And Tilly would mouth him , occasionally got for a leg and ear and try to gently drag him round the garden (we would always stop this)
Over the course of a few months this has calmed down into much nicer play with the odd fight thrown in the middle, they are just learning the boundaries, but whatever you must accept that they do play really really hard


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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Sophie-x Fri Sep 21 2012, 16:29

Dave wrote:As far as the play is concerned just leave them to it but always supervise them , Tilly and Tommy's play would be exactly the same , Tilly would bowl Tommy over for no reason at all other than she could, Tommy would be the most annoying child ever growling nip nip nip , biting the nipples (although I think this was total over excitement tring to clumsily get milk. And Tilly would mouth him , occasionally got for a leg and ear and try to gently drag him round the garden (we would always stop this)
Over the course of a few months this has calmed down into much nicer play with the odd fight thrown in the middle, they are just learning the boundaries, but whatever you must accept that they do play really really hard

Sounds just like my two, we always break it up when she gets too over excited or he starts growling and being OTT. She mouths too, and as you did, we break it up when she gets an ear or something. Her older Staffy boyfriend, she drags across the lawn by the scruff of his neck! Shocking at first, but yeh.. I'm quite used to rough play by now, just worry as never had a pup before so not quite sure how 'fragile' they are! Tongues
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Thumbsdown Re: Morpheus has arrived, few questions!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 21 2012, 21:26

Hope he is settling in well.


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