Proud of Caley and Son

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Proud of Caley and Son Empty Proud of Caley and Son

Post by debtom Sat Sep 01 2012, 16:45

My 16 year old and Caley go every morning to the field during the week, my son calls me when he gets home telling me what fun they had and Caley was really good off the lead and playing with other dogs.

Today, I took her to the field myself I let her off the lead and her recall is amazing, then a cross collie came running over and I was "OH MY GOD...HELP" Laughing but the collie and Caley started playing and having a brilliant time, the owner then come over and told me she met my son and Caley the day before and Caley seem to be the only dog that can wear her dog out lol (Caley is only 5 months)..anyway next thing I know a elderly woman calls Caley's name out of know where and Caley looked at me first and when I said OK she ran to the woman. This lady told me she sees my son every morning and the dogs all play together, she thought my son was amazing and that Caley was an excellent dog, she said she was unsure of Staffies at first but seeing Caley has changed her mind, not only about staffies but teenage boys Big Grin

10 mins laters, there was Caley, two black labradors, the cross collie, a border collie, a pug and a cross pug all have a excellent time, and Caley was absolutely brilliant, came back when I called and all the owners couldn't praise her so proud of my girl. Love Struck Just had to share with you all
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Proud of Caley and Son Top_ra10

Status Status :

Age : 50
Dogs Name(s) : Caley
Dog(s) Ages : Born 2 April 2012
Dog Gender(s) : Female
Join date : 2012-06-14
Support total : 18
Posts : 241

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Proud of Caley and Son Empty Re: Proud of Caley and Son

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01 2012, 17:02

You're right to be proud! Well done to Caley, but especially to your son - it's great to hear positive things about teenagers for a change!


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Proud of Caley and Son Empty Re: Proud of Caley and Son

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01 2012, 17:22

we should all have confidence in our kids Smile Jenny does a good job with our 2 when I'm not around


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Proud of Caley and Son Empty Re: Proud of Caley and Son

Post by Lou&percy :) Sat Sep 01 2012, 17:28

Awww that's lovely, I hope my daughter Lexi and Percy grow into a lovely friendship like that Smile x

Lou&percy :)
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Proud of Caley and Son Top_ra10

Status Status :

Age : 44
Location : Catterick garrison, north yorkshire
Dogs Name(s) : Percy
Dog(s) Ages : 22 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2012-08-16
Support total : 30
Posts : 386

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Proud of Caley and Son Empty Re: Proud of Caley and Son

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01 2012, 17:29

You have a lot to be proud of!


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Proud of Caley and Son Empty Re: Proud of Caley and Son

Post by Girly Sat Sep 01 2012, 17:34

that's really wonderful Debbie! so nice to hear another convert has been made, I'm sure you're very proud of them both!
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Proud of Caley and Son Top_ra10

Status Status :

Location : North London
Dogs Name(s) : Jellybean
Dog(s) Ages : born 6 Feb 2012
Dog Gender(s) : Female
Join date : 2012-05-02
Support total : 46
Posts : 334

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Proud of Caley and Son Empty Re: Proud of Caley and Son

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01 2012, 18:04

Oh wow, how amazing is that, Caley must have had a fantastic time playing with so many dogs Big Grin I think if that was Loki, he'd just explode with excitement. I know for a fact Loki wouldn't come back once he'd started playing with dogs he knew Laughing

Great story, especially with the woman and her changing her opinion of Staffs and young people Smile


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