Lead training

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Lead training Empty Lead training

Post by Lozlil Thu Aug 16 2012, 16:29

Ok, you guys are probably gonna be sick of me today!

When is the best age to start lead training, Patch is only nearly 7 weeks and I will not be taking out until he has had both sets of jabs. I am willing to start off indoors though, advice and tips would be grateful!

Many thanks guys Straight Face
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Lead training Empty Re: Lead training

Post by Kathy Thu Aug 16 2012, 16:33

If you can get hold of a light weight collar and lead and put it on him to get used to it. Then let him just drag the lead around behind him whilst inside the home for a while, he should soon get used to it being there. Then try him with it on in the garden, just have a little walkies around with him on the lead.
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Lead training Empty Re: Lead training

Post by Lozlil Thu Aug 16 2012, 16:39

Thank you, lots of people have said to take him in the garden. I'm not so sure though I have lots of passing critters I.e neighbours cats and foxes. Plus there is alot of other dogs in the area. Is it really a good idea??
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Lead training Empty Re: Lead training

Post by janey Thu Aug 16 2012, 18:29

Great advice on the lead training, as for the garden I'm not sure, I took Scrumps out b4 her final jab to get her toilet trained, just kept her onlead, I lived in a pub at the time so used the pub garden, but it was winter so no one used it, we had a bowling green I used to parade her round, pleased as punch with my new addition Smile
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Lead training Empty Re: Lead training

Post by Galadriel Thu Aug 16 2012, 18:59

Your little furbaby should already be accustomed to wearing a collar but if not then don't worry, just start now.

Attaching a light lead is a good idea but keep him busy while you do it so he doesn't start chewing the lead and think that's OK.

You can also start training him to heel even without a lead now round the house using treats.

As for the garden; it's entirely up to you. The garden is a low risk area and he should still have immunity from his mum but it might be worth a phone call to the vet to see if there have been any/many cases of things like parvo, distemper etc. in your area.

You might find the puppy plan helpful Smile



The website is www.thepuppyplan.com

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Lead training Empty Re: Lead training

Post by Guest Thu Aug 16 2012, 20:02

we had Tommy at 7 weeks and 2 days and he has been in the garden since day 1 but it is enclosed and only Tilly and the cats (when they aren't getting chased by Tilly) use it


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Lead training Empty Re: Lead training

Post by Guest Thu Aug 16 2012, 21:38

kathytake2 wrote:If you can get hold of a light weight collar and lead and put it on him to get used to it. Then let him just drag the lead around behind him whilst inside the home for a while, he should soon get used to it being there. Then try him with it on in the garden, just have a little walkies around with him on the lead.

Good advice. You can also try holding the lead and following him when he starts to walk. Carefull not to leave the collar on if you aren;t there to supervise though because it could get caught on something.


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Lead training Empty Re: Lead training

Post by micheled Thu Aug 16 2012, 21:53

I agree with wearing a collar and dragging the lead around the house, or the yard if it's safe.
I found that Callie really didn't get walking on a lead for a while. I did much better having her follow me around with a cheese stick in my hand (I think Galadriel suggested following using treats).
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