Just curious... exercise regimes!

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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Rachel33 Mon Aug 06 2012, 20:01

I'm interested to know what your daily exercise regimes are with your dogs?

Bis is a bit of an oddball when it comes to activity level, she was in kennels for a year and most of the staff were terrified of her so she was barely exercised, and had a rubbish time before that due to being brought in as a neglect case. I adopted her at the beginning of the year but in that time she's had two major surgical procedures to remove cancerous tumors from her legs so has been unable to walk for a few weeks at a time and just seems happy to spend her time sleeping! So I wanted to get a general idea of the standard staffy's exercise levels, I don't know if she's just not used to the exercise, and how much she actually can do as she doesn't get overly excited or bouncy too often and never "asks" to go for a walk.

However, she is really starting to come out of her shell now and is so playful, she will run around like a lunatic on her long line some days, but others will just have a sniff around and then lie down until I take her home. Thanks Big Grin
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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 06 2012, 20:13

Well Chance my ambull was kept in a really cramped conditions for the most part of 18 months, never walked so once started regular exercise he gets tired really quickly and overheats quickly.

We have now got to the stage where we go for a 3 miles run each night and he can now cope Smile

Harv's just harv and goes forever.......


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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by janey Mon Aug 06 2012, 20:19

You've done such a great job with bis, and gone through some hard times Smile

Ok, your question. Tough one to answer for me, so here goes lol!

Moo was a rescue when I got her and used to come to work with me (ran a social club), I would walk her before work and then she was on the go all day with the lads. Mum would pick her up and take her for a long afternoon walk and then drop her back for more play time! She was literally on the go 18/7 (we did have too sleep!)

I left that job nearly 2 years ago and when that happened, with the job being a 9-6 Moo could no longer come to work so 3 out of 5 days either a walker has her (they love her and just keep her for the day so god knows how long she goes for), or my mum has her and again, thats 2 long walks and playing all day long. I also take her out b4 work and last thing, so all in all a lot.

Sat & Sun my best friend usually has her, she loves him and he adores her, not so sure how long the walks are but they are constantly playing, gets on my nerevs when I am trying to relax!

On my days off we generally leave the house at 11ish and go on a 5hr romp (including a pub lol), she has her playmates and its a good walk through woods etc, she also has a very high prey drive and races arounds the woods, exersizes herself!

So all in all, she gets a lot of exersize, and is snoozing now Smile

Sorry for the long post!
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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 06 2012, 20:24

Dempsey has to be persuaded to exercise. Rolling Eyes He's a really lazy beast!

He doesn't really have a regime other than regular walks of at least 45 minutes & usually more, 3 times a day. He'll sometimes chase his boomer ball or run around after a stick (especially his big Kong Stick) and there are some dogs he'll play with, but that's about it.


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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 06 2012, 20:29

Charlie LOVES his walks, I swear, it's all he lives for. He gets so excited when he knows we're going and he can walk for hours. On weekdays he gets a couple of hours each day and at weekends it can be anything from 3-8 hours out, depending on what we're doing, but we've had him from 8 weeks, and have been walking him every day from as soon as we could after his jabs.

In your situation, I'd build it up slowly, see how it goes. You'll know when the time is right to step it up.


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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Rachel33 Mon Aug 06 2012, 20:39

Ooooh your dogs are all so lucky!! Does the name Chance come from Homeward Bound?! Laughing I looked after an American Bulldog for a few months and named him Chance too..

Biscuit generally gets an hour a day with me being at university and working; I like to tell myself that it's enough but i'm not really sure that it is.. Because of her nervous aggression (new people AND dogs) Surprised I can't get a dog walker in for her, and not many are experienced enough to be able to handle her when she's out walking. Also can't take her to crowded places like the woods or generally doggy places, so we do a 3 mile walk around the area/a run around with the ball (on her long line) at a small field that is always quiet just up the road (generally at about 9pm when it's quietest!!)

She's always knackered and sleeps for hours afterwards, just not sure if I need to do more!
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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 06 2012, 20:52

The length of her walk is fine, but I'd sugest another one at some point during the day - she really should be having more than one walk a day. Smile


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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 06 2012, 20:57

Rachel33 wrote:Ooooh your dogs are all so lucky!! Does the name Chance come from Homeward Bound?! Laughing I looked after an American Bulldog for a few months and named him Chance too..

Biscuit generally gets an hour a day with me being at university and working; I like to tell myself that it's enough but i'm not really sure that it is.. Because of her nervous aggression (new people AND dogs) Surprised I can't get a dog walker in for her, and not many are experienced enough to be able to handle her when she's out walking. Also can't take her to crowded places like the woods or generally doggy places, so we do a 3 mile walk around the area/a run around with the ball (on her long line) at a small field that is always quiet just up the road (generally at about 9pm when it's quietest!!)

She's always knackered and sleeps for hours afterwards, just not sure if I need to do more!

Yer the rescue named him after that Chance Big Grin


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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 06 2012, 21:40

Suki gets an hour walk in the moring at the dog park and gets to play on the long lead for 45 minutes to an hour. She gets a second hour walk when it starts to cool off a bit.


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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Buster's_Mum Mon Aug 06 2012, 21:57

Buster gets a minimum of 2 45 minute walks a day on days I have to work. On these days he goes to work with OH so he is with someone most of the day and gets to have a good run around the yard. When I am home we do the normal walks, plus maybe one extra depending on the weather and my little boys mood, and we play games throughout the day. At weekends he tends to get one slightly longer walk (about an hour) and then a shorter walk at night. When he is older I will be taking him on really long walks at weekends, but at only 10 months we cant go too far yet.

I got Buster at 6 months after he had spent his life shut out in a garden, but he has endless energy. I dont think I will ever tire him out! Laughing
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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Guest Mon Aug 06 2012, 23:41

I may be wrong, but i find bitches a little more layed back sleep , my old girl would get out of bed, have her walk, food then out cold. She would clime under my quilt and you woulnt move her


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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Chantel Tue Aug 07 2012, 08:29

My dog's energy levels seem to coincide with the weather Big Grin On really cold day they prefer being all nice and snug on the couch. On cooler, but not cold days, they have enough energy to drive me to insanity. On days like these, they will go out for a morning walk (about 45min - 1 hour), then come home and play some more, drink water, have a power nap, and play some more and more. In the evenings hubby and I will take them for another walk to the park, where they then run around like hooligans, chasing balls and birds.

On hot days, magic wont even get Maska out in the sun. He has a real aversion to the sun, and will run from shadow to shadow, or just not bother going out at all. In summer, we do his walks early in the morning, and round about sunset in the evening when its cooler. Loki has not yet had a summer, but so far she seems to enjoy snoozing in the winter sun.

In any event, they do play in the garden a lot, and chase each other around to the point of sheer exhaustion, which is good, because they pass out round 20:00 in the evening, go out for a last wee round 23:00, and then sleep through the night till about 6:30 in the morning
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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by jshrew Tue Aug 07 2012, 10:49

Ledger is just plain lazy, when I'm on an early shift and up before 5am we go for a quick walk around the park and he will take himself back to bed while I'm having breakfast and generally as soon as the morning walk and breakfast is complete he curls up on the sofa with me and goes back to sleep. This is great when I'm on nights as he will pretty much sleep all day with me and will just wake me early afternoon for a quick walk around the park then again at tea time.

Exercise wise when it is limited to 4-5 trips out around the park a day he is ok with this but when the weather/time allows he will happily be out for as long as it takes furthest we've been is 13/14 miles
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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Rachb26 Tue Aug 07 2012, 11:11

Saffy loves her walks! The law in my household states she has to have 2 walks a day (morn+eve) but because I like to make sure she gets enough fresh air and socialisation, I make a point to take her 'out' 3x a day. Even if it's just to someone's house.

So she has a longer morning walk of 30mins or more. At lunch she has either a short walk to the shops or goes out to a friends/relatives/shopping if shes not a work with OH. And a short walk of about 15 mins in the evening not long before bed which will be pavement work.

I do the longest in the morning at our local dog park, because it keeps her calmer during the day and there's loads of dogs about first thing! Besides she sleeps all night regardless now. 30 mins seems alot but not when you consider we have to stop every to 2 mins for her to meet other doggies or because she wants to smell other dogs sh1t!

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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by Guest Tue Aug 07 2012, 12:15

It depends on where we are i find. Lexi will run the whole length of the beach or the whole forest trail which can take me anywhere from 1-3 hours to get round, but if i walk her out my road for 1/2 a mile she will lie down half way back panting like mad. It doesn't make sense lol


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Just curious... exercise regimes! Empty Re: Just curious... exercise regimes!

Post by bullsmommy1 Tue Aug 07 2012, 16:32

Bullseye too was a rescue, and couldn't go for walks for a few weeks when I got him as he was So thin, and in such a state (nails curled into pads, sores and cuts all over, but now he's a big ball of energy, he goes out for anything between 2-4 hours a day! :-) and will play fetch all day if I let him lol
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