bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by stella Tue Jan 17 2012, 21:00

well as you can see by my profile we no longer have alfie,he was my sons girl friends dog and unfortunately they are no longer together and without going in to it,she has left taking alfie with her.sasha was an only dog for a long time and it took awhile for her to accept him,she did in the end missing the madness of having 2 dogs alot,what im in a dilema about is it fair on her to put her through it all again by getting another dog in the near future if we decide to,its so quiet in the house,sasha looks at the door waiting for them to get in,she didnt eat for a few days so i think she missed him.
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by janey Tue Jan 17 2012, 21:07

Oh hun, hugs to you. Never had 2 myself so I really wouldn't no. Maybe a new friend might help Xx
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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17 2012, 21:13

That's a shame about your son & his ex. These things happen, though, I'm afraid. I've still got that to come - neither of mine have a serious other half yet!

You'd probably find that she would accept another dog, as she's already done it once. You'd obviously have to introduce them carefully, but I shouldn't think there would be too much of a problem.

Were you going to rescue? If so, the rescue kennel would welcome you taking Sasha to meet any dog you take a liking to.


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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by stella Tue Jan 17 2012, 21:21

its early days yet,have thought about a rescue,sash didnt really enjoy having a young pup with sharp teeth hanging off her,but she did take it,i thought she;d never take to him to be honest,but the day he pinched her dinner and she just let him,i knew she would'nt ever harm him,its so hard knowing what to do,just give it time but i dont want to leave it to long if we are to get another because she will get use to being on her own again ahhh!
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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by janey Tue Jan 17 2012, 21:27

Go try her out with other dogs and see how it goes Xx
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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by stella Tue Jan 17 2012, 21:32

we took her out with our friends staffy on sunday,roxy is alfies sister,they were fine when out walking i was really pleased with the way it went,sasha was a bit funny when we got home but we keep them both on the i said early days,thanks janey x
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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by gem Tue Jan 17 2012, 22:53

Awwww you never know what to do for the best im sure as a family youll work it out for me it works great . I would get a boy if it was me 2 company 3 a crowd Big Grin
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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17 2012, 23:40

It sounds like she is missing her friend. She got used to having anther dog around and doesn't know why they aren't there anymore.


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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by Guest Tue Jan 17 2012, 23:53

Aww Sad hope shes ok bless her sounds like she may be missing him


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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by Ben Wed Jan 18 2012, 00:08

I absolutely love having two. I bet she would welcome another if the personality was right. She is probably feeling a bit lonely now that it is just her all alone. Too bad about the son and the ex. Sometimes things don't work out and there are always casualties. Hugs for Sasha.
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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18 2012, 11:59

I'd love to have two, but Dempsey wouldn't allow it, I don't think!

Mind you, I don't the oh would be too pleased, either! Big Grin


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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by Guest Wed Jan 18 2012, 12:39

Poor Sasha, give her a cuddle from me.
Sad that animals often become the casualties of relationship break-ups. Hope your son is doing ok.
How old is Sasha? (now we don't have our dog age in our profile info, I can't remember anymore).
Kita went from a 2 dog household down to 1 at the age of 3 years and I didn't realise how much she cried when I was at work until my neighbours told me 6 months later. Blushing
When Trevor and I got together she was 6 and his son had a 1 yr old JRT so we knew then she would struggle if she ended up on her own again at some point. My stepson moved out a few years later and the JRT stayed (even though we encouraged him to take the dog). Laughing
We would have got another staff then as Kita was pretty active at 9yrs. Over the next few years despite our best efforts the JRT remained with us as we really didn't think it was fair to find him another home. Then the unthinkable happened and he was stolen from our yard, Kita lost the plot and we had to make a snap decision about getting another dog.
She was probably less impressed at having a puppy around and we kept them separated unless we were around but she was always such a tolerant dog, that it didn't take more than 2 days for the staffy rousing and ball games & chase to begin. Rolling Eyes
However this has now created another rod for our backs as to what we do when inevitably Izzy ends up on her own down the track. Sad
We will play it by ear with Izzy and if we feel she is not coping on her own (or we're not) then we'll look at becoming a two dog household again.


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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by stella Wed Jan 18 2012, 15:43

ah thank you for all your support,every thing is still very raw at the mo so we wont be rushing in to any thing even thou i feel like it!sasha will be 8 this year so she did have 7 years on her own,thanks again >Big Grin<
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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by flame Wed Jan 18 2012, 15:44

im sorry for the break up they are always hard, and i hope your son is ok. poor doggys. River is on her own at the moment, but when she was picked up she was with another dog who they thought was her mum as she was older than River. but due to rehoming they where split up ( i did want both, but by the time i got my finger out with research etc, then older dog had been re homed) i know she must miss the company of the other dog, so in about 6 months- year i will get another, a dog thou not another bitch. ( feel funny typing that word :O ) i dont really know much to be honest and i am still learning as i go along, but i would see how she goes and if decided to get another dog takes things slowly. i think we can only advise what we know or what we would do. best wishes with what you decide and keep us posted Smile
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bit of a dilema,bit of advise please Empty Re: bit of a dilema,bit of advise please

Post by stella Wed Jan 18 2012, 15:49

yes i will thank you,would def get a male as i think sasha took to alfie in the end because he was,sasha is spayed so not a problem there Smile
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