Toileting and horrible weather.

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Smile Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 21:13

Evening all, hope everyone is well : )

Just wondering how your furry animals take to going to the toilet when it's pouring with rain outside ? Monty has had a few accidents today ... well, I say a few, he's pooped 3 times in the house today, not like him at all. First time I was in work but my mum told me, second time when I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth (bathroom is right next to the back door where he is trained to go when he needs the toilet), but he did it right by the back door, clearly I didn't see him potter in that direction, and another time this evening under the dinning table, but I did wonder why he was scratching at he wall (away from the kitchen door which leads to the back door) * if to get out .. he's also had quite a few piddles too ! I'm guessing, he doesn't like going out in the horrible, blustery wet weather to toilet. How are your dogs when it comes to the same situation ?



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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 21:17

Well, all the dogs I've had have reacted differently to bad weather. My 2nd Border Collie wouldn't step over the threshold if it was raining. Not a chance! My GSD X didn't give a hoot what the weather was like, he wanted out, all the time. Bandit would go out in any weather, unless it was rain & wind together, then he'd put the brakes on. Dempsey prefers cold sunny days, but is ok with fog/rain/snow/wind etc.


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Ben Mon Dec 12 2011, 21:18

I'm always hoping the rain lets up so he will go out and take care of business. Rain is an immediate turn about for my last few dogs. Monte is no exception. Sometimes I take him out like we are going to walk until he goes to the bathroom and then turn around and head home. Sometimes that doesn't even work though. However, I don't put him on lead and take him out back, I head for his favorite close marking tree. That usually does it even if I do get wet myself. Better than going inside...
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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 21:20

Hmmn, guess it's just down to all dogs are different. He's 9 times out of 10 usually very good with heading to the door and allowing us to follow him to let him out. We had a down pour the other week to, and the same thing happend, I think he needs to toughen up Laughing


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by janey Mon Dec 12 2011, 21:24

I have to get her to go (patience) ! She hates this weather, but I work so she has to do her morning poo. I go out twice (don't have a garden and she has learnt that although its raining and she hates it, she has to
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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 21:29

janey wrote:
I have to get her to go (patience) ! She hates this weather, but I work so she has to do her morning poo. I go out twice (don't have a garden and she has learnt that although its raining and she hates it, she has to

This is it, I have to lift him up to put him out in this weather ... strange really, considering he begs to get in the shower some nights Laughing


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by StuW Mon Dec 12 2011, 21:30

My older dog (7 yrs old cross breed) is a bit strange, you never know if she'll go out or not, it could be raining and windy and she'll go out, then it could be the exact same the next day and she won't go near the front door! But Bailey will go out in any weather! So far he's not batted an eyelid at snow, hailstone's, rain lol!
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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 21:34

Ah I am looking forward to Monty seeing snow (if we have it) .. looking forward to Summer more though so I can get him out in the countryside ! He slept a whole night with no issues in my bed last night ... he's in a crate tonight Laughing


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Scubasteve Mon Dec 12 2011, 22:07

Tinkerbell has been for a 15 min walk tonight and that's as far as I could take her before she legged it for home. She did a wee, but hasn't pooed yet. She is in her crate at the moment snoring...will be chucking her in the garden in 5 mins before I go to bed so if she won't go out then she will have to hold until the oh gets up for work in a few hours!
When I put her out before bed last night, she refused to move from her crate, despite me standing there like an idiot trying to entice her to the back door. She opened her eyes when I called her and blinked at me as if to say, "did you have to disturb my sleep?" Needless to say she held on until oh woke for work lol!
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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 22:31

lottie doesnt mind going out whatever the weather but lemmy hates getting cold or wet so he gets dragged down the drive and when he gets to the first bit of grass he squats then runs home even though he has his coat on


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by janey Mon Dec 12 2011, 22:34

Whilst on the subject, its Moo's last night time cause I want to go to bed!! Wish me luck Smile
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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 22:50

Suki doesn't like the cold so she will go out and run back into the house after she is done. If it's cold and wet she will still ask to go out but if we don't let her out immediately she will usually use a wee pad.


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 23:38

my dog lives outside (i have a disabled sister so can't have animals indoors incase she trips over them/they hurt her or knock her over), but her kennel is inside my indoor sand arena so she doesnt even need to go outside to pee/poo lol


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Chantel Tue Dec 13 2011, 05:05

Our previous dog also hated going outside when it was raining. He didn't even like stepping on wet grass for that matter (he was worse than a cat). We just got to the point where we would take him outside, even if he didn't "ask" and close the door behind us so he couldn't run back inside. We'd stand with him in the rain until he did his business. It became easier eventually, but on some days / nights with heavy rain he needed a lot of encouragement and lots of praise when he did what he needed to do. Good luck with it though
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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Tue Dec 13 2011, 07:49

Thank goodness Ty does not seem to mind going in the wet. I dont think he enjoys it though.


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Guest Tue Dec 13 2011, 08:27

billy hates the rain as well, not too bad with wind or cold


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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by Lizzie Tue Dec 13 2011, 10:51

Harry's no fool he goes out in the garden and runs straight in the greenhouse and goes in there! Surprised Rolling Eyes Laughing

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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by andyhickman Tue Dec 13 2011, 15:40

Normally I can lure Toby over the threshold with a piece of dog food when it is raining. If it is raining at night though, I have to carry him over htr

I feel so bad by the end of it because he is so soggy and cold, he ignores any treats I offer him to reward him doing his business!

"Screw the treats! I just want to get back in and dry myself on your rug!"
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Smile Re: Toileting and horrible weather.

Post by *Karen* Wed Dec 14 2011, 20:11

Mia was really bad for this I took her out once in the rain and she just jumped up at me and shredded my trousers we both got soaked and still no wee! she was only 3 months tho

now however she seems to have accepted that she needs to go so the quicker she goes the quicker she can get back in bed sounds sad but I was sooo proud of her last night for going out in the rain on her own lol
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