thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03 2011, 18:40

Woody was at the vets tonight for his weekly ear infection appointment - turned out to be his last one as she is finally happy with it.

however when we arrived it looked packed and one of the nurses was stood at the door so you couldnt get in and i saw another owner being escorted out of a side entrance with her dog, knew some sort of drama was afoot. as i had just arrived a nurse came out to explain a staffy had gone over to a cat carrier just for a nosy - as Woody would have done - and the cat had gone absolutely mental, the owner of cat proceeded to open the carrier, stook her hand in (must be a few brain cells short)and the cat has ripped her hand to shreds a nurse tried to calm it and cage it and was also attacked. Owner was being packed off to hospital at this time and i swear the amount of blood on the floor was immense - i honestly didnt think a cat could cause that much damage. All dog owners had to stay outside whilst they attempted to get it crated and calm.

as usual Mr "i love the vets"Woody was just desperate to get inside!!! when we were allowed back in after the cat had been taken into a side room and the blood cleaned away he zeroed in on the cat treats that were on the floor to coax it back in and sat waiting to be fussed by the traumatised staff!!

all that were present at the time of the incident said the staffy had done nothing not even made a sound just being inquisitive but guaranteed that when the story is re-told by cat owner both her and "fluffykins" were savaged by one of them vicious staffs!


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Kathy Thu Nov 03 2011, 18:46

Yes I can just see the headlines. Very strange how these things can get blown completely off course.
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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Steve Thu Nov 03 2011, 18:46

I dont want to s

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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03 2011, 19:17

OMg you were so lucky silly woman


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03 2011, 19:55

stupid woman . glad to hear its the last apointment though thats great news. did he get a treat. can see the silly old @@@ now getting her blue rinse and showing off her war wounds


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03 2011, 20:18

Lol some people have no clue. Who puts their hand in a cat crate with a cat going mental!


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03 2011, 20:57

what the heck! .. surely a person with a brain cell would ask a member of staff if they can use a spare room for the cat to go calm down .. even cover the cage with a towel or something jeesh!.


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Scubasteve Thu Nov 03 2011, 21:44

What an idiot, but oh so true about the story that will now be told. Why would you think to open the cage in a room full of dogs?!

Glad Woody's ear is finally sorted now though!
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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03 2011, 21:49

Good to hear his ear's better now, but why on earth did the silly woman open the carrier's door? If the cat's that scared, opening the door is gonna make it so much worse!


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by janey Thu Nov 03 2011, 21:54

Never liked cats much anyway.

Pleased the Woodster is ok and that didn't have go through any of the stupid, uncalled for ordeal.

No more ear drops for you Smile just keep an eye cause Moo's seem to be reacurring Xx
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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03 2011, 22:43

Glad to hear his ear is better. Why on earth would she try to take the cat out Surprised


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03 2011, 23:12

What a silly lady!!!! I love my cat, she is very timid and wouldn't be too interested in having a go at another animal... she only hisses at Vlad, then runs away... but when she is spooked... I wouldn't be stupid enough to pick her up!!! Cats cause loads of damage when angry! Thankfully, mine isn't one of them lol... she's a sook! More interested in a cuddle, eating and sleeping.


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Fri Nov 04 2011, 00:24

OMG, obviously this lady did'nt think before taking action. WHY oh why would you open the cat cage in a room full of people and animals. Fair enough the cat was stressed, but c'mon.....seriously Surprised ( I love my cat, but would never open his cage in the vets waiting room, whether stressed, happy or otherwise. )

On a more positive side.....very glad to hear that Woody has been given the all clear


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Fri Nov 04 2011, 06:17

janey wrote:

Never liked cats much anyway.

Pleased the Woodster is ok and that didn't have go through any of the stupid, uncalled for ordeal.

No more ear drops for you Smile just keep an eye cause Moo's seem to be reacurring Xx

still been advised to put his eardrops in twice a week until the bottle has finished but yeh i'll keep an eye just in case!


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Fri Nov 04 2011, 08:15

OMG you have to wonder about some people raised eyebrows


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

Post by Guest Fri Nov 04 2011, 08:38

What a daft duck. I feel a little sorry for her and the nurse as nothing hurts as much as cats claws. Glad that Woody had a good visit though in the end.


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thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier! Empty Re: thank god vets appointment wasnt earlier!

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