I feel terrible

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Crying I feel terrible

Post by four leaf clover Mon Oct 03 2011, 17:17

So, today we decided to drive the dogs down to the beach to make the most of the nice weather. A lovely time was had by all and the dogs seemed to enjoy cooling down in the sea.

We drove home and stopped to pick my eldest daughter up from school on the way back as my youngest had after school club. While sitting in the car waiting for the kids to appear, Clover kept barking and growling at passing males as she has had a problem with them lately. I was trying to distract her and make her watch me which was working but she was still obviously feeling tense. Then Diesel moved and was blocking her view of a passing man, so she decided to snap at him. He reacted very badly and grabbed her ear and wouldn't let go. Clover was screaming and it was horrible. Sad Obviously, we were in a confined space so it was difficult to separate them. Silly me jumped in to try and rescue Clover but ended up being bitten (Not sure who by). Anyway, my other half got out of the car and opened the passenger door. He pulled Clover out and her ear was bleeding in two places. It isnt a big cut but looks fairly deep. I decided that Tim could drive Diesel and Roxie home and I would walk with Clover.

Her ear seems very sore so I have given her some doggy painkiller that I had left over from her spay and put some antiseptic cream on it. I'm waiting til the morning to see if any veterinary treatment is needed, my guess is that it will heal just fine by its self.

I now feel very shaken up and guilty Sad If I hadn't have wanted to take them all to the beach then it would never have happened. They've always been fine in the car together before and travel very well.

What a horrible end to what was actually a lovely day.
four leaf clover
four leaf clover
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I feel terrible  Top_ra10

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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by Guest Mon Oct 03 2011, 18:57

Aw thats such a shame. Its not your fault though, its just one of those things. I hope Clover's ear is ok and they're fine together now.


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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by janey Mon Oct 03 2011, 19:06

Oh hun how horrible. This male thing seems to be a lot worse than thought. Sorry to hear that and I hope Clover is ok tomorrow. Have you poss thought of having a dog phycologist watch her behaviour, I just don't know but things like that are frightening. I hope your ok too.
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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by Guest Mon Oct 03 2011, 19:09

Hopefully she was just feeling stressed & things got too much for her. Just keep an eye on the two of them for a while. I'm sure they'll act as if nothing's happened!

Make sure the ear wounds don't swell at all, or become hot to the touch. Puncture wounds are notorious for becoming infected.


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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by Guest Mon Oct 03 2011, 19:16

Aww, poor pup! Just keep an eye on her and don't leave her unsupervised with Diesel for the time being. I'm sure she will be fine!


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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by Guest Mon Oct 03 2011, 21:27

That's terrible news. Hope you are okay.


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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by four leaf clover Mon Oct 03 2011, 23:20

Thanks guys.

The pair of them are acting as though nothing ever happened. Clover is a bit quiet because of her sore ear but otherwise they are behaving normally around each other.

I guess what I find the most upsetting is what peoples views on my dogs will be. I know my dogs and I know that Clover seemed stressed and tense. Others wont know them so well though and will judge them. My boyfriends mothers reaction was 'you will have to get rid of them!' I was like 'erm, no!' . I can tell that it has unnerved my boyfriend a bit too as he seems off with them. All 3 doggys are currently curled up with me on the sofa. Their long walk obviously wore them out!

Clover was fine when a large group of men jogged by us today. I think her problem with men seems to be when she thinks that they are approaching me or a threat to me :S

I'm keeping an eye on Clover's poorly ear and giving it a bathe in cooled boiled water before we go to bed.
four leaf clover
four leaf clover
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I feel terrible  Top_ra10

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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04 2011, 08:29

poor clover, hope she feels better soon

>Big Grin<


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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04 2011, 08:41

Hope clovers sore ear is better soon


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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04 2011, 08:50

Oh dear, how frightening for you all. I'm sure being in the confined space didn't help the situation if Clover was getting stressed. Hopefully she will settle and I really hope her ear is healing ok. >Big Grin<


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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by four leaf clover Tue Oct 04 2011, 18:19

Thank you. Her ear seems much better today Smile Might actually post some of the nice pics I took yesterday now all the panic is over lol
four leaf clover
four leaf clover
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I feel terrible  Top_ra10

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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by gem Tue Oct 04 2011, 18:22

Glad shes okay there are here to try us thats part of a stafford being a stafford Sad
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Crying Re: I feel terrible

Post by Guest Wed Oct 05 2011, 04:37

it must have been very scarey for you..especially when you are all in a car together!
glad her ear is better now..


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