Your dogs Origins

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Your dogs Origins Empty Your dogs Origins

Post by indigostaffs Mon Sep 26 2011, 23:31

As youve probably noticed im a very curious person and so was just wondering how every came to having their dogs, like the reason you chose the breed and what made you pick that certain indidvidual. Like for example i got :-

. Jasper (springer) because i wanted another springer and as a family friend took them on shoots and he was really good, i ended up using him as a stud dog.

. Cheetah (whippet X) because i wanted a companion for the retired Jasper and so we searched online and found her on preloved and fell in love with her picture. She was originally a stray when her last owner found her but as her alsation started growing up they started not getting on and sadly decided to rehome her and we have actually become good friends with her last owner.

. Niko (staffy) because we had both always liked staffies but never owned one and when a friend of the oh had a litter of pups we decided to have one and we chose her as she was the only female left.

. Logan (staffy) because he was Nikos brother who had been rehomed to a young couple but a month later the woman fetched him back after her partner had taken a dislike to him and had beaten him regularly and when we heard his story we just had to take him and when we first got him he was scared off his own shadow and wouldnt eat out of his own dish and even now hes still scared of certain things like loud noises but hes a lot better.

. Nyla (staffy) because we decided we would like a blue staffy and after searching for ages for one with a good pedigree and from good lines we found a breeder in bolton and went to look and we chose her because when we got there, there was only one female running round on floor when they had mentioned 2 before and when we enquired they said that there was 2 but the other had something wrong with her which meant that they thought nobody would buy her and they werent sure what they were gonna do with her but i asked to see her and instantly fell in love with the one eared dog.

. Colby (staffy) because my oh had heard of a woman who had just left her abusive bf and had nowhwere to take the dog and needed shut fast. he had had 2 homes before us. the first didnt want him because he had grown too big and then the woman had bought him for her bf but he had shown no interest in him and he had left the woman to see to him but she didnt have the time (or the strength) to look after him which led to him being shut in a crate alday for months on end and when he did get to go out it was on a lead. Which meant that when we got him although he was friendly towards people and animals he had lost all his manners and was a coiled spring of energy and it has taken him a while and a lot of hard work to get him to calm down and to realise that he wont be left in the crate alday and he will get daily walks.

. Tigra (staffy) basically we got her as my, oh saw her picture and wanted her and i didnt know anything about it till she walked in the door and i fell in love

. Tiamo and Vadre (staffies) because they were out of a friends litter and i wanted tiamo from the moment i saw her born and vadre because he was the runt of tiamos litter mates and was getting constantly bullied so came to live with us to get out of their way and hasnt left lol

Sorry for the essay lol
Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Location : Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Dogs Name(s) : Colby, Niko, Nyla, Logan, Tigra, Tiamo, Vadre
Dog Gender(s) : 4 Girls, 3 Boys
Join date : 2011-09-06
Support total : 3
Posts : 84

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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 08:25

wow it must be so busy in your house with all them dogs, lovely story though



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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by janey Tue Sep 27 2011, 09:19

What a lovely thing to be able to write Smile
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 14:58

well mine was not so much picking a certain breed or dog really i just didint want the hairs. our last dogs have all been GSD's so you can imagine the hairs we got. our last one Sabre died about 5 years ago (god bless him) and everyoine recently felt ready to be able to love another. i told them only if they learnt to use a brush and vac to which my son said staffies dont have lots of hair and dont really malt so they would be perfect. we read up on the breed and decided this was for us. we looked into rescue but they had all been badly treated in one way or another so with having so many little ones in the family we didnt feel we could trust an older dog and would rather get a puppy and bring it up ourselves with the kids so they were all used to each other and so started looking round. we saw an advertisement for staff pups but by the time we rang there was only one left and so we went to see him. needless to say we couldnt leave one lonely little pup so we brought him home. he was 8 weeks old. we got in the car and when my OH turned on the engine the CD player started up and was playing AC/DC so my OH laughed and said we should call him angus. i said no i would rather call him lemmy if he wanted a bands name (motorhead) and it stuck. that will teach me to be sarcastic in future LOL he wasnt from a breeder he wasnt from a back yard breeder either he came from a family whose male unfortunately caught the female before they had chance to have him done. we saw the parents and he looks just like his birth mother. they were both lovely dogs and we had and still have no reason to think ill of any of them and my lemmy is just a lovely little boy who is growing nicely and has a great personality is such a character and great addition to our household. we have just been to my mums and had to get the bus there and back so we went through the park and got an icecream on the way. he was lovely on the bus laid down hen told and stayed and sat nicely in the park eating his icecream and just looking round him at the people bussying passed and the kids playing. he is my 9 month baby


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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Guest Tue Sep 27 2011, 19:35

Might as well do mine Smile

Harvey - staffy - Well we had moved into our new house a week before and we already new we wanted a dog just not right then, however randomly on the tinterweb and caught sight of a photo of harvey, last pup left, thought can't help to go look, but when i saw him i new i had to have him. We were told we had to decided if we wanted him by the end of the day as some dude the other side of the country wanted him without seeing any photos or wanting any details! which to me was very dogey so Harvey came home with us! Smile

Chance - ambull X staffy- I saw his photo on the rescues page and told my OH that i wanted to go see him, don't no why just wanted to, took Harvey along with us and when we saw them together i new we had to get him and the OH agreed Smile and two weeks later he's still here!


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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by i love leah and lois Tue Sep 27 2011, 21:58

Barney was my first dog hes just a scruffy mongrel my old boy.But hes addorable.I bought him for the kids when they were growing up.As they were always asking us if they could have a dog.Jessie my jack russell was found by my mum she had runaway from her owner on a walk to cut a long story short the woman and her partner was splitting up she was moving to spain so she asked me if i would take jessie.she said she wanted a good home for her and didnt want to take her to kennells so thats how i got jess.I had always wanted a jack russell.then i decided i wanted a staffy i had always loved the breed my heart would melt whenever i saw one in the street.So we decided to get milly,And at a later date im going for a rescue staff at some point
i love leah and lois
i love leah and lois
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Guest Wed Sep 28 2011, 02:07

after reading these it seems us women are suckers for the last pup in the litter Big Grin nice stories of how we got out dogs and they are all turning into well balanced ones too bless our little hairy friends


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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Nosipho Wed Sep 28 2011, 14:26

Feebee - Feebee was in quarantine at a boarding kennels where I worked, she was there for 6 months while we waited for her woner to pick her up. Then 6 became 7, 7 became 8 and it became obvious noone was coming for her. In that time I had fallen in love with her, my boss said that subject to all the legal side of things and clearing it with her solicitor she could come home with me!
My mum wasn't very impressed I was only 14 at the time! Shes 10 now and I still get asked if shes a pup.

Skibadee - Skibadee was a sort-of present from my mum and my ex-boyfriend after a long hospital stay. Shes my little peach, my angel I have never met another dog like her! Shes 6 now and never going anywhere even though shes a stroppy little madam!

Tali - After I did a bit of showing with Skibadee I wanted another pup to persue it with. Really I wanted another Skibadee so I set about looking for a stud to compliment her, after finding and meeting Charlie (arnhem stand n deliver) we waited three months and there was Tali. Her sister Brandy is actually the spitting image of her mum apart from the markings. But when they were all babies Tali had the same markings as Skibadee so thats why I kepy her. Shes a nutjob now and acts nothing like her mum but we still love her!
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Age : 35
Location : Bath, UK
Relationship Status : In a relationship
Dogs Name(s) : Skibadee, Tali, Kali-Mist, Nugget and Meg
Dog(s) Ages : 25/8/2005 - 01/10/2008 - 01/08/2012 - 23/10/2013992
Dog Gender(s) : All Girlies
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Scubasteve Wed Sep 28 2011, 15:56

My frst dog was a welsh sheepdog who I got when I was 16 of my friend who lived on a farm. She was on the animal care diploma with me and I had been nagging my parents for a dog for as long as I could remember. My mam eventually said yes, at the same time as my friends dog had a litter. My mam had a welsh sheepdog when she was growing up and so she loved the breed and so we ended up with Cadi.
I moved away to uni some years later and had to leave my boy at home because I was going into halls. Then after 3 years I met Ian and moved in with him, he already had a cat who was petrified of dogs and so I never got to take my boy. He passed away 2 years ago and I hugely regret this, because as much as I saw him and as much as he was loved by everyone at my parents house he was still mine and he knew it. But I upped and left him! Sad

Anyway we lost the cat a few years ago, and Ian had said no more animals so getting another dog was out of the question. However we moved house 9 months ago and now have a 4ft and 2ft fish tank with 20 odd tropical fish, and Tinkerbell. So Ian must be getting soft in his old age!

Ian and I had been looking for a dog for a few months, but we didn't try the rescue centres as a lot of them round here specify that we need a 6ft high fence around the garden which we don't. So we looked on ads in papers, gumtree etc. We spoke about what breed would be best, what age etc. And we decided on an older dog, ie. not a puppy, and along came Tinkerbell. She was from the same street as us, and her pictures on gumtree were gorgeous. She grew up with kids the same age as ours, is not a chewer and has no behavioural or aggression issues, and after Ian saw her he brought her home that night! So that's why she is here and I am so glad she is here!
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by mr_tris Fri Sep 30 2011, 23:07

My girlfriend and I are both single parents with two girls each. We've been going serious now for two years and we both decided to have a baby boy!
Enter Spartan! We've never looked back, our kids have always pestered us about getting a pet and we've both always said no(this is due to our obsessive cleaning dissorders silly )! He's brought so much to our family already, I can actually confidently say that he's brought us all closer together in a way that I could've never imagined! showoff
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Floridian68 Sun Oct 02 2011, 21:20

we never had a dog. The kids always asked if we could get a dog. But we kept saying no. We both work, kids at school all day. That wouldn't be fair to the dog. Then our neighbours' dog died. And they really missed having a dog around. A friend of our neighbours' daughter came along with an adult staffy. My hubby checked it out and was in love with the breed. I never heard of it upto that day. Then he kept talking about the dog. My oldest son (13) was going to 'high school' so he would come home early. My daughter (11) was going home during lunchtime, so there would be enough time to have a dog. Both our neighbours and us checked the internet and we stumbled on a litter, in which only two girls were left. Just one town ahead from ours! We checked it out and fell in love. Now both Bindi and her sister are living in the same street, playing with eachother. Sometimes the breeder with bindi's mom will visit and her other sister. So from no dog in less then a month to a staffy!
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Charlene_Frank Wed Oct 05 2011, 13:43

I had been wanting a dog for a while, so went on line and come across a litter and went to see it on my lunch break, there was 8 in total, 4 had been sold but Frank was the smallest pup and was a lot quieter than the rest of the group.
But he has a little white patch on the back of his neck which is kinda like my cat FeeFee she is black with white socks and a white mark on her head – I knew then I wanted Frank.
Although like Julie and Lemmy, Frank isn’t from a breeder or a Backyard Breeder, their male Alfie managed to catch mammy Tess before she was spayed. But the girl I got Frank from was concerned about the pups and wanted to know they were going to good homes, and she encouraged us to visit as much as possible.
So much so I’m actually good friends with her now and visit a lot. She keeps in touch with most of the pups, I think it broke her heart re-homing them!

However said I love my little monster endlessly anyway. inlove
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Age : 36
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Dogs Name(s) : Frank and Tara
Dog(s) Ages : 19 Months and 21 Months
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Kathy Wed Oct 05 2011, 14:15

My hubby and I had been visiting WoodGreen Animal Shelter for the last few years but were never really seriously looking to home a dog. We live in a ground floor flat with a smallish garden so thought that we would not be given permission to home one anyway.(Social Housing property) Sad
Last year I suffered a painful miscarriage due to stress caused by amonst other things local youths banging on our door late at night. broken heart Since then we have wanted a dog. Strange how circumstances can change your mind about things.
About 2 weeks before Christmas last year we were over at Morrisons Christmas shopping and decided to visit WoodGreen again (Just looking honest). Wink
A small black dog stood infront of the fencing there just looking at us, not barking or making a sound. He was giving us the "Come to Bed Eyes" as they do. Rocky had chosen to come and live with us. Who are we to argue with him. Well everthing went OK. We had an inspection of our home, all OK and Rocky came to live with us on 22nd December last year. At last we are parents to the perfect hairy baby. >Big Grin< We all lived happily ever after. Laughing
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Age : 52
Location : Bedfordshire
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Rocky
Dog(s) Ages : 5 Years Old
Dog Gender(s) : Male & a bit of a tart
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Guest Wed Oct 05 2011, 14:58

A friend of mine had a staffie called Anzac who was a great dog and I was determined to find one of my own. A client had a great red staffie called Madutch, who went with him everywhere including when he came to our offices. Madutch was extremely well trained and a beautiful strong boy - majestic in fact. Dave promised me that I could some day when it suited me, have the pick of the litter from one of Madutch's off spring and so a good few years later, I chose Zulick on the day he was born and waited 10 long weeks for him to come home. His mother was Madutch's daughter Intombi. My boy Zulick was with me for almost 17 years. A loyal and constant companion whom I eventually did the kindest deed and sat with him while he went to sleep in my arms.

After two years, around November last year, I decided I was ready to let another staffie into my heart. I would not even consider another breed and set about finding just the right one. I looked in the papers, on the internet and called breeders. I came accross both scoundrals and reputable breeders and eventually heard about a littler that was almost ready being raised on a farm in Kwa-Zulu Natal in a home environment. I emailed the breeder and examined pictures and of the pups and parents and was getting ready to take a trip to see them when I started having doubts about having another dog given that I wanted to give as much time as possible to the new dog and I was in the middle of a huge consulting project.

The day I decided not to go ahead at this stage, the breeder phoned me and advised that she was driving up to Johannesburg on business and there was one male left, did I want him? Against better advice and good judgement I agreed there and then to this and she brought him round a few days later. The moment I met him it was love at first sight.

I promtly put completion of my project on hold for the next four weeks and spent the time with my little man Ty who evolved into Tyson due to a fondness for nibbling human ears. The rest is history as they say.


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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Guest Wed Oct 05 2011, 15:29

Kathy that's such a sweet story. >Big Grin<
I grew up with black labs (ours "Augy" doggy from a pup), uncles, grandparents all had one as well. He disappeared when I was 9 and we think he was baited as there were many dogs "lost" around our area and that was the common thought. A stray lab approx 2 yrs old found on the beach and never claimed (white this time, "Casper") came to live with us when we moved house when I was 10.
I went nursing when I left school (had to live in the nurses quarters), so no dogs for me for quite a few years.
I moved to Nth Qld in the early 90's and along came the ex with his APBT "Kruger" (not sure which I fell for most). He was stolen in our first year together and we said no more dogs for a while. Sad
One day I was in a second hand furniture shop and wandered further out the back to check some sofas. I sat on one and all of a sudden there was a thud next to me and the cutest dog I'd ever laid eyes on was sitting right beside me. I spoke to him and he then rested his head on my lap and I knew in that moment there would only ever be one type of dog for me for the rest of my life. The poor lady shop owner came charging through to where I was, calling this little monkey and nearly had a heart attack when she saw him laying there Surprised
I did my research and convinced the ex that we had to get a staff and eventually he agreed but decided we'd have two not one, his close mate used to breed white staffs, so we knew who to ask many questions. The ex went out bush working and the next thing I know we have a "Bull Mastiff X" puppy in our lives ("he needed a good guard dog at our bush property")- WTF where's my staffy Crying or Very sad
I refused to give up my plan of having a staff and even had to wait another 4 months after I was going to get one as the BM broke his back leg and had to have a plate in it (and removed) before I could get another pup. More time to research and ask questions. hurry up!
Finally I was ready, when a stupid cyclone decided to blow our way and I couldn't even ring the add in the paper that day angry . I know now - backyard breeder and neither had papers, but they lived next door to each other and I could view both parents. The following weekend was Easter and I was working in ED, checked the very tiny Sat paper and there was the add again. I went around after work and checked out the pups 4 boys (3 big ones) and one girl. I was looking for a black male, but the black brindle girl was being bullied by all 3 big male pups, she decided she'd had enough and rightly told them so (well that caught my eye), but I'd gone there to look at the black male pup. Both the girl and this boy were tiny compared to the other 3, but the poor little male just seemed so lost Sad
I couldn't decide if he was the one, so I drove home with visions of this fiesty girl in my head and by the time I got there I knew she was. I rang them back and there was no answer, so I spent an agonising night hoping no-one else had claimed her and rang them first thing the next day. The rest is history and that now 14year old fiesty girl is still the love of my life Love Struck
Sorry for the long answer, I got carried away with so many memories day dreaming


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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by indigostaffs Wed Oct 05 2011, 16:19

aww that story is amazing.

Glad you got your staffy in the end

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Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Location : Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Dogs Name(s) : Colby, Niko, Nyla, Logan, Tigra, Tiamo, Vadre
Dog Gender(s) : 4 Girls, 3 Boys
Join date : 2011-09-06
Support total : 3
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Your dogs Origins Empty Re: Your dogs Origins

Post by Guest Wed Oct 05 2011, 16:41

Thank you it was a bit long winded, sorry.
I wanted to get her a staffy mate when I moved back to my home state. As a single dog she was welcome everywhere, but I wasn't so sure how welcome I'd be with two. I already knew it would be so much more difficult on my own with two of them. Sad
My hubby had (when we met & then kept) his son's JR and Kita came to spend the age of 6-12yrs with this terrier, (or should I say terror) at wits end
Unfortunately last year we lost him and she lost the plot, so I was lucky enough that by now my hubby was totally smitten with her and will forever be owned by a staff as well, which is how my gorgeous, very much younger but very much bigger Izzy came into our lives and that's another story Big Grin


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