All Females?

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All Females? Empty All Females?

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14 2011, 01:36

I'v noticed over the last couple of month that Cassie no longer play with Taz or Blondy, they try to encourage her and will muzzle fence with them to tell she is not in the mood, I thought Taz and Cassie had "it" to be honest they were inseperable and still but they always played but Cassie just doesn't want to anymore she now Blondy and Taz play while she does her own thing which is either sit at my feet wanting attention , while on a walk off lead she will just wonder around alone and won't join the others in the bush like she used to. I know she has been through quite a bit what with ther seizure and all but she played afterwards for a few days.
At the moment Taz and Blondy are fighting/playing over a piece of material off their teddy and Cassie is in the other room lying on the arm of the chair just ataring at me >> she has also started licking only does it to material like their settee she will just lay or sit there and constantly lick it until she starts coughing either form dry mouth or fur on the settee.
I correct her and she stops so its not obsessive as of yet.
she is so cold all the time, her ears/tongue her whole head really.
she doesn't have epilepsy after all they just said chemical imbalance and they'll arrange medication for the near future.


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All Females? Empty Re: All Females?

Post by Scubasteve Wed Sep 14 2011, 07:09

I have no idea what to suggest, as I have only ever had one dog at a time. Sounds like she isn't right though to suddenly change behaviour, hope you find out the casue and she gets back to her normal self soon!
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All Females? Empty Re: All Females?

Post by Tys mummy Wed Sep 14 2011, 12:42

Aww poor cassie I cant offer any advice but I do hope you get to the bottom of why she doesnt want to play any more. I would also like to see what people say about the licking because Ty does this he either licks the couch or the floor and I have no idea why lol.
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All Females? Empty Re: All Females?

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14 2011, 18:47

Licking Is a sign of stress/nervous energy, it's good that she isn't doing it obsessively, but it may well turn out that way if the underlying issue isn't solved. Poor Cassie, it must break your heart seeing her so solitary now when you're used to her being joined at the hip with taz. Hope you can figure it out with her soon and she gets back to her normal, happy self.


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All Females? Empty Re: All Females?

Post by Guest Wed Sep 14 2011, 23:51

I'll take her back to the vets then i guess, see what they think. Thanks guys


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All Females? Empty Re: All Females?

Post by Nosipho Thu Sep 15 2011, 11:58

Poor Cassie does sound like shes a bit under the weather, maybe she gave herself a scare after that seizure!
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All Females? Empty Re: All Females?

Post by Guest Fri Sep 16 2011, 17:47

Thats what i don't understand she was fine after the seizure, but since coming into season and finishing something has seriousely changed, She is completely out of season now but all of a sudden she is starting to act like she isn't Taz is showing interest in her as well. I think her chemical imbalance is really playing up perhaps her behaviour Taz and Blondy towards Cassie. Their trying to rough play a little too rough, mounting, mouthing and pinning. So when the vet calls me back I'll have to ask for more tests and medication for her i guess


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All Females? Empty Re: All Females?

Post by belluca Fri Sep 16 2011, 21:50

It still could be hormones even though she has finished her season...
My female dane has phantoms after each season, she doesn't always get milk and never does any nesting or collection of teddies but she is different, sleeps more, grumpyish, not as playful, very picky with her food when she usually eats anything!!!
Im spaying her on monday !!! She comes in heat every 4 months and I only have my normal Melba a couple of months a year!!!
Hope Cassie feels better soon.
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