Poor Tilly.

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Poor Tilly. Empty Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:09

There's a husky that keeps harassing Tilly and the owner could not give a monkeys. Eventually she comes and laughs and says they all have to learn.
Tilly will be on her lead and the husky will run over and wont go away and be all aggressive.The husky will even be aggressive to me but backs down to me eventually.

The other day, her and her friend were there at the local park.Her friend had a staff bitch.The two dogs came over and attacked Tilly(on lead, but I let her off to give her a chance).I got the two dogs off her.
She has a puncture mark on the left side of were head joins her neck and a bit of her ear is cut.

These two ladies came over after a few minutes and both put the dogs leads on and drag them away praise them because they're such good girls.They both said to me, referring to Tilly (they learn eventually).
The Staff had a spiked collar on so if Tilly had tried to defend herself she would have a mouth full of spike.

The husky has had a sheep and attacked a few dogs.The staff bitch her owner said was aggressive after the attack and showed me a fresh wound by the bitch's eye from were it had been fighting not long ago.

at wits end

Tilly is perfectly fine in herself I made sure those dogs knew not to mess with me.I never fear a dog.
Will Tilly ever try to defend herself.She has defended me from a terrier cross who launched him self at me.But the terrier was on a lead so all Tilly did was jump in-front of me and bark at him.

What would you do?

Why do these people have such * poor trained dogs? angry
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by giblet Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:14

if it were me i would report the dogs and the owners you cant have people and dogs like that i would of fliped hope tilly is ok and keeps her lovely nature
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:18

I would report them to the local dog warden, and I would also make a formal complaint to the police.

They think it's funny to set their dogs on youngsters - I bet they don't do it to a dog that's with a big, beefy builder!


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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:19

giblet wrote:if it were me i would report the dogs and the owners you cant have people and dogs like that i would of fliped hope tilly is ok and keeps her lovely nature

Police in my local town don't care.There was a robbed Staffy bitch and her robbed pups in one of the local flats not long ago everyone knew but nothing was done.
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Poor Tilly. Top_ra10

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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:21

In that case, carry some pepper spray with you & next time the dogs come over, give them a good peppering - and tell the owners they can have the same if they don't keep their dogs away!


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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:31

Caryll wrote:In that case, carry some pepper spray with you & next time the dogs come over, give them a good peppering - and tell the owners they can have the same if they don't keep their dogs away!

Think in the uk that it counts as a firearm.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Poor Tilly. Top_ra10

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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by janey Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:34

Poor Tilly, if it was me I would avoid walking there Sad but you and Tilly end up getting punished for others behaviour. Hope Tilly is ok and you for that matter Xx
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:35

Staffy wrote:
Caryll wrote:In that case, carry some pepper spray with you & next time the dogs come over, give them a good peppering - and tell the owners they can have the same if they don't keep their dogs away!

Think in the uk that it counts as a firearm.

I know, it's illegal over here. Try taking a citrus spray - won't cause any permanent harm, but will sting like hell!


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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:42

janey wrote:Poor Tilly, if it was me I would avoid walking there Sad but you and Tilly end up getting punished for others behaviour. Hope Tilly is ok and you for that matter Xx

I'm ok just my hate seeing my baby get hurt.
I also feel sorry for these dogs with such bad owners.
The Husky lady had two but let them off the lead where there are wild horses sheep etc.
She paid the farmer for the loss of sheep and gave the other Husky away.

Trying to stay positive at least Tilly is maturing well and now weighs 19kg.

Thank you all, just needed to vent.

Regards, Kev.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Poor Tilly. Top_ra10

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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Guest Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:46

Poor girl. It really isn't fair of some people to do this sort of thing..........they'll learn eventually, huh! All she'll learn is that she has to defend herself every time a dog comes near her. Easiest way to make a pup dog aggressive! angry


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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by janey Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:47

You end up loosing faith in these people, why have a dog if can't control it, its not hard.

She's the same build as my Moo Big Grin
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Fri Jul 29 2011, 20:58

janey wrote:You end up loosing faith in these people, why have a dog if can't control it, its not hard.

She's the same build as my Moo Big Grin

She is at the moment Big Grin.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Poor Tilly. Top_ra10

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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by gem Fri Jul 29 2011, 22:06

The owner would give a monkeys if you got a big stick and whacked it ,makes me mad stories like this some people are absolute morans im not condoning hitting the other dog but your priority is to protect your own.
She would be a bit more observent if she would have let it run over to mine cause he would of been in there first for sure Sad
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Daveb Fri Jul 29 2011, 22:37

my solution would be to buy a squirty spray bottle fill it with water and a good squirt of washing up liquid when the dogs approach give them a good squirt in the face it will sting there eyes and dogs hate the taste it will not harm them but will take the fight out off them.if the women complain just say you will learn eventually.
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Summerisle Fri Jul 29 2011, 22:53

Take a walking stick next time. If this happened to me I'd lay into those other dogs...
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by buster2011 Sat Jul 30 2011, 12:22

i am so sorry this happened to tilly and you

that type of owner is the type we do not need
people like that should not have dogs
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 30 2011, 12:35

yeah some people are just morons and unfortunately they spoil it for people like us who are doing the right thing angry

I like the bottle with water and dishwashing liquid idea... and then the "they will learn eventually" if any of the stupid women have the cheek to say anything.

I don't blame you at all for being really angry! I would be too don't worry!


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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 30 2011, 12:44

I am sorry to hear this and am very thankfull that I've never had to deal with this personally. Is there any where else you could walk your dog?


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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Sat Jul 30 2011, 14:41

jstaff wrote:I am sorry to hear this and am very thankfull that I've never had to deal with this personally. Is there any where else you could walk your dog?

I can walk her somewhere else just that parks 3 minutes walk away.The husky women uses both the local parks.
The other parks is a 12 minute walk away fyi.

I'll wait tell the husky women is around again and on the phone then squirt the husky with the dish washing liquid solution.

"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by spuker1 Sat Jul 30 2011, 16:34

I would try and report it anyway, even if you think that police don't care. there may be someone there who actually cares, you never know. If the dogs will hurt any other dog or, even worse - an adult or a child, at least there will already be some history of these dogs being aggressive and owners not responsible.

It's sad to hear about such people. On the contrary, yesterday we went for a walk to the shops and saw a girl with a huge husky waiting outside the chip shop. She panicked when she saw as approaching, and waved at us to stop. I could see she was petrified. my OH waited with Mambo and I came over - she told me she's very sorry but her dog is aggressive towards other dogs and she was really afraid that he wil start a fight. I could also see that she wasn't 'the first' owner (if you know what i mean) because she was calling her boyfriend to come and help her (he was in the shop). Apparently she just wasn't confident with the dog but he was.
All in all, I said it's ok no worries and that it's good she shays her dog is like that in advance, because some people don't and then... you know what can happen.
I wish everyone would be like this... Sad

I can see that you live in Herefordshire that's really close to where we live, do you walk Tilly on Malvern Hills by any chance?
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Sat Jul 30 2011, 16:42

spuker1 wrote:I would try and report it anyway, even if you think that police don't care. there may be someone there who actually cares, you never know. If the dogs will hurt any other dog or, even worse - an adult or a child, at least there will already be some history of these dogs being aggressive and owners not responsible.

It's sad to hear about such people. On the contrary, yesterday we went for a walk to the shops and saw a girl with a huge husky waiting outside the chip shop. She panicked when she saw as approaching, and waved at us to stop. I could see she was petrified. my OH waited with Mambo and I came over - she told me she's very sorry but her dog is aggressive towards other dogs and she was really afraid that he wil start a fight. I could also see that she wasn't 'the first' owner (if you know what i mean) because she was calling her boyfriend to come and help her (he was in the shop). Apparently she just wasn't confident with the dog but he was.
All in all, I said it's ok no worries and that it's good she shays her dog is like that in advance, because some people don't and then... you know what can happen.
I wish everyone would be like this... Sad

I can see that you live in Herefordshire that's really close to where we live, do you walk Tilly on Malvern Hills by any chance?

I'm in the welsh side of Herefordshire so I don't I'm afraid.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Poor Tilly. Top_ra10

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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by spuker1 Sat Jul 30 2011, 16:54

ah OK. you mentioned husky hurting (killing?) a sheep and there's a lot of sheep on malvern hills so I thought maybe that's where you go... there's plenty of people walking their dogs there and most of the time off the lead, while some of these dogs are not necessarily good with meeting other dogs...

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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Aniemother Sat Jul 30 2011, 17:03

I would report it anyways, like spuker1 says. First of all - as long as no-one reports it it'll count as a first offense when someone does (and they're not likely to do much about that anyways), but if they get multiple reports something might eventually happen. You'll want these things to be on the record in case something worse happens.

I like the squirt bottle idea. Pepper spray is useless - an actually attacking dog isn't likely to care and your dog and you will get it in your eyes and cry the whole way home.
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Guest Sat Jul 30 2011, 18:20

I'd use the spray bottle method also If you could take a friend or someone with you next time and record it, so they can not say it was all you and then report it and keep on reporting it and if they ignore you,do a little research and go above their heads, make a few copies of video's as proof.


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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Sat Jul 30 2011, 20:38

spuker1 wrote:ah OK. you mentioned husky hurting (killing?) a sheep and there's a lot of sheep on malvern hills so I thought maybe that's where you go... there's plenty of people walking their dogs there and most of the time off the lead, while some of these dogs are not necessarily good with meeting other dogs...

This was up at Hergest Ridge.
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

Post by Staffy Sat Jul 30 2011, 20:40

spuker1 wrote:ah OK. you mentioned husky hurting (killing?) a sheep and there's a lot of sheep on malvern hills so I thought maybe that's where you go... there's plenty of people walking their dogs there and most of the time off the lead, while some of these dogs are not necessarily good with meeting other dogs...

This was up at Hergest Ridge.
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Poor Tilly. Empty Re: Poor Tilly.

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