Pulling Staffy...

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Pulling Staffy... Empty Pulling Staffy...

Post by smudge95 Thu Jan 03 2019, 08:54

Hi Buddy has started really pulling recently , I have had a behaviourist come over as he started being a bit aggressive to other dogs but it was intermittent so I was unsure what to do -she said that part of the issue was he was so over aroused when we go for a walk that he is not in a calm state when he meets a new dog. I have been doing the training to de-sensitise him from the lead and the open door and we set off now at a much calmer pace, but he only has to get a sniff of another dog on the grass or a tree and he pulls so badly, or if we go somewhere different again he pulls like made he tore the tendons in my hand before Xmas because of the way he jerks to the side and pulls so randomly . I stopped using a harness because it made him pull worse and rubbed him bald on both sides - I tried so many harnesses he is just an odd size to fit , even the perfect fit harness fitter gave up ! . I am conscious that he will hurt himself if he continues to pull on his collar - so does anyone think a halti or figure of 8 head collar would work - he is very close to the ground (little legs ) and loves to sniff so I am not sure if he would jerk his head and hurt himself or if they would even stay on his snout... The behaviourist will not come back until I can calmly walk him muzzled as she will be bringing her dog with her strangely enough the muzzle doesn't bother him at all - but she is saying the calm walk must come first.. I am happy to put in the time but dont seem to have much success I have tried turning him , I have tried stopping until the lead is loose , I have tried squeezy cheese/treats, the watch me command - when I swapped from harness to collar he was great but now he has gone back to almost puppy like ways - any suggestions as I really want to move on with his dog meeting behaviour and his pulling is holding it up - should I try a halti as the behaviourist suggests ??
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by gillybrent Thu Jan 03 2019, 22:26

A head collar may help, but I would worry about a sudden jerk hurting his neck.

Have you tried the Julius K9 power harness? You can get an add on that gives you a ring on the front of the harness which helps to turn the dog. There's also a 'handle' on the back for close control.

What have you done to stop the pulling? How old is he now?

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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by smudge95 Fri Jan 04 2019, 10:44

Hi -I have tried everything I know - turning him when he pulls, stopping when he pulls, figure of 8 walking , treating when he walks good , clicker training , i have had various harnesses including the Julius one , been to trainers in halls, outside trainers , home trainers - he walks fine some days and others a nightmare - yesterday nearly pulled my daughter (23yrs old) in the road - yet this morning with me walked as nice as pie a little fast till he toileted but no pulling at all - its such a shame as I have a lot of time I could spend with him out and about but it is just so tiring and people think he is out of control and shy away from him because of his breed - if he could only behave on a lead we would have such fun - he will be 4 in February- been trying to get this right since 10 weeks old he was good for a while but always reverts back no idea why nothing ever changes or happens .
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by gillybrent Fri Jan 04 2019, 10:54

Has he been neutered?

If not, his behaviour could correspond to a local bitch on heat being walked in the area & leaving her scent!

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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by smudge95 Fri Jan 04 2019, 11:04

no he hasn't been done yet - I keep thinking about it , but I had a previous dog done and it didnt make any difference to him liking the ladies LOL so I am not sure if it will help or not - I was thinking of trying the
chemical castration but have heard good and bad about it...Buddy doesn't hump or even like girl dogs - just wags his tail or growls no sniffing .. but he does mark an awful lot so maybe it is an issue ..
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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by gillybrent Fri Jan 04 2019, 12:31

Well, from my own experience, the reaction of an entire male to an in heat bitch can go from minimal right through to "I must get to that girl at all costs I don't care about my humans or any other humans but don't let another dog near me when I'm looking for her!"

By all means try the chemical castration - Supralorin - but it is pricey. About £120 plus your vet's consultation fee. However, you do get two implants which last around 6 months each, although the effects aren't apparent for about 4-6 weeks after it's implanted.

When I tried it (my dog, not me!) it definitely reduced marking & reaction to in heat bitches, although it didn't totally stop it. But it did lower his reactiveness in general, even when bitches weren't around. My only fault with it was that it made him less interested in walks, although I was told that doesn't happen to all dogs.

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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by Guest Fri Jan 04 2019, 15:38

smudge95 wrote:The behaviourist will not come back until I can calmly walk him muzzled as she will be bringing her dog with her  strangely enough the muzzle doesn't bother him at all - but she is saying the calm walk must come first.

This surprises me. Surely a good trainer/behaviourist should be helping you get to that point, not leaving you to work it out until you're sort of at the point that you don't need her so much? Because if you can walk him calmly then you've got half way there anyway.

I'm not keen on the halti. For me, relying on 'kit' is rarely the answer. The long term answer is in training, my thoughts are here:



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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by smudge95 Mon Jan 07 2019, 10:58

Luz, I think it was because iI told her I was already working on his pulling issu she watched me and agreed I was doing it correctly - she wanted to get me to get him calm before we leave the house which using her methods I can now do - so its just perseverance on the walking side, I am going to contact her at the end of the month and ask her to come back - at the end of the day if he behaves thats good if he doesn't she will see what happens and can hopefully help - Im not going to use the head collar I will put his harness back on and use a double ended lead on his collar and harness and see how we get on with that -the walking on the lead is an issue but not my main problem -the slight aggression he is showing to other dogs is what I want to sort - it is only since being in kennels - I think he got a scare and is now trying to get in first as it is not with all dogs that he behaves that way.
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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by Guest Mon Jan 07 2019, 17:27

Ok, I see.

Try taking either a long lead or long line and running it in front of his chest front the central clip of the harness. It'll give you an indication of whether that sort of system works. If it does, I've not found a harness to match the Mekuti.


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Pulling Staffy... Empty Re: Pulling Staffy...

Post by smudge95 Tue Jan 08 2019, 11:19

hi Liz - yes I keep looking at the Mekuti- - I have a double ended training lead so I will try it on him on the harness I have - the last time I tried the front clip he tried to chew the lead but he is a bit older now - will let you know - will try the weekend when I have more time so he is calmer
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