Argh people!

Mistys Mum
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Post by Debs01 Sun May 22 2016, 13:45

Walked Axl over the woods this morning we got sandwiched between two big dogs and Axl had a hissy fit /groan. Anyway he had his Baskerville on and we pulled him to the side on lead. One of the owners said very loudly "I don't know why people want one of those fucking dogs!" I was mortified Sad my dad was with us with their dog (an English Setter) and he told the man to mind his own business and carry on walking (go Dad!!). I'm a bit upset about it because Axl is getting so much better and we have put in so much hard work with him. In Axl's defence he's absolutely knackered after a stressful week sailing. He's so tired that when we stopped halfway around for a coffee he laid down and went to sleep so I think he is a little less tolerant today but I wish people would not be so judgemental it's heartbreaking!
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Haizum74 Sun May 22 2016, 13:57

"I don't know why people want one of those fucking dogs!"

"Because we're not breedist arseholes, pal"

Yeh annoys the hell out of me
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Debs01 Sun May 22 2016, 14:04

I was so upset because that's just 1% of his personalty the rest is 99% love! Also that attitude stops them being rescued because people spread that poison.
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Mia05 Sun May 22 2016, 14:53

sorry for this debs axl to me is such a loving dog like mia folk are judgemental . you are whats known as a responsible owner having him wear a muzzle its a tough jkb convincing folk staffs are loyal xxxxxx

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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Mistys Mum Sun May 22 2016, 15:17

I suppose the events in the news last week don't help our lovely breed. It's such a shame but I met a wonderful staff x the other day in the park and he was telling me about the abuse he gets, mainly from snobby uptight women with yappy handbag dogs.

All dogs can be a bit grumpy and this comment was totally unwarranted.

I refer people to what the kennel club say about Staffords and say that's the reason I wanted one of these dogs.

Don't let idiots get you down, sounds like you had a lovely holiday x

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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Niffer Sun May 22 2016, 15:24

So sorry to hear about what happened Debs - people who have never experienced the love a staff gives just want to paint them all with the same paintbrush. Ignore them and enjoy your boy.

Milo needs a muzzle now and again but he hates it and rubs it on the ground to get it off. I hate to see him so stressed with it & it upsets me so I give in to him & take it off. Did this happen to you or do you have some good tips? I've tried the treat int the muzzle thing & that works but once out the door he panics
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Debs01 Sun May 22 2016, 16:16

Yeah it did happen to us as well the key is not to give in and take it off it took 2 weeks to properly muzzle train him, the first week was when we just put it on him indoors for a little bit at a time and fed him treats etc. The second week was battle of the wills because he would refuse to move when we put it on him outside so I would just stand there with him whilst he was being stubborn. Don't pull Milo just stop when he stops and then eventually they do accept it. It's a hard long slog but worth it and remember you are doing it for their own good. Eventually they just give in and accept it like a collar and lead. Axl doesn't even act like he has one on anymore. It does take a while though to get to that point just persevere with lots of praise when Milo walks normally Smile
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Willsblueboy1 Sun May 22 2016, 18:49

Stupid people will not know the love our Staffies give us, you will always get the odd idiot who has the wrong opinion of Staffies and that unfortunately will never change, love our fur babies.
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by -Ian- Sun May 22 2016, 22:55

A classic example of how stupid people are is my Flo. My neighbor said why have you brought a devil dog home... She now loves Flo with a passion.

To make this even more stupid, imagine Flo over the park doing her own thing not bothering any dog yet those with preconceived ideas picking their precious pooches up. Now imagine the same owners seeing my Flo with a hi vis that says deaf on it and they say aww.

If I had a £ for every aww when she wears that hi vis I'd be very comfortable. Perception is incredible !

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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by AussieStaff Mon May 23 2016, 04:13

Ignorant flogs !! angry

Well done on being such a great dog owner & doing all the right things luv ! x
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Goblin Mon May 23 2016, 15:56

Aww, Debs! So sorry.

I did notice that the vast majority of comments about the playground dog were 100% blaming the owner not the dog. Made a change.

Lots of the dogs I meet that are nmuzzled it's because their dog is either a squirrel-killer or they eat crap off the floor.
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by ClareGilby Tue May 24 2016, 20:10

Don't take any notice, there will always be people like that. You learn to grow a very thick skin as the years go on. It used to upset me years ago but you have to forgive their ignorance, because that is all it is. You are a responsible dog owner and should be proud of it.
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Argh people! Empty Re: Argh people!

Post by Rupertsbooks Sun Jun 05 2016, 20:57

Part and parcel of having a Staffy - and I actually think this is one of the many, many benefits of having one - is growing a thick skin. When I first had Rupert, I was so paranoid or else actually hurt if other people didn't seem to like him or pulled their dogs etc away.

Now a) I am completely in a world - just happy having the complete pleasure of being out walking my dog - of my own and don't even notice it b) realise that a lot of people do actually like Staffies, or can be persuaded to like them, I was just too paranoid and apologetic to see it c) Some people are aggressive in general and, whether it's in an encounter like the one you describe or in a traffic jam, they are always going to want to let their anger out at someone. This does not mean that your dog couldn't do with a bit more socialising with other big dogs - or whatever you think he needs - but what happened could also have been a one off, and possibly even slightly triggered by the apprehensive feelings the other dog owner was sending out to his own dogs.

When that kind of thing happens, I think one just has to apologise and be nice as pie until the angry person just loses the will to live in the face of such graciousness. When these things happen, also, don't think - oh, no this is going to happen every time. It might also help to have something fun and distracting around when you know you are about to pass the kinds of dogs he doesn't like.

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