Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by Sealpig Fri Feb 26 2016, 18:24

So it was time for Rio's walk, just me and him, we set off around 1635, we walked our normal route down to the park and walked across the park into the back field which is where he's always allowed off the lead so long as other dogs aren't around. His recall is good enough (whilst we're using his toys) if a dog comes into the area that we get him back and pop him on the lead.

I noticed there was a couple in the field before we get in with a young staffy off lead and a husky/ german shepherd mix on lead. So I wait for them to circle the field a bit more and we enter and go in the opposite direction, Rio is on his 5m lead which i was keeping at a medium/ short length. I kept my eye on where they were going and where we would've met going opposite directions, I made sure we cut across the field to avoid them.

We walk over to the part of the field where it meets the tide, which is out, and has a concrete block/ mini pier type structure, no more than 5m long. Rio loves sniffing around here as i think all the algae and pebbles smell different when the tied is out, so still on his lead, I let him do his thing and wonder around here sniffing and climbing on and off the concrete.

As I turn around from watching him, the couple's young staffy gallops right up to Rio, he freezes and and the staffy approaches again, Rio gets grumpy and has a bit of a growl/snarl. I pick him up (at 26kg, this is no small fete) and ask the guy to please call his dog back, this is what follows:

Him: "Why the f*** have you just stopped here???
Me: Sorry? I was just watching my dog when yours approached us, mine is on his lead
Him: You can see us f*****g walking around?! Why the f*** have you just stopped here?
Me: I didn't just stop, he likes this part of the field and I didn't notice you coming back this way, your dog approached us, you should call him back.

Basically imagine his delightful language as he said that he had been calling his dog back all around the field and got sick of it with me in there so just let her approach us. He said I shouldn't bring my dog here if it's aggressive, I mentioned Rio is a rescue and is still unsure of dogs, he said so f*****g what, his is a rescue from 2 days ago and that she's fine.
Don't I know this is a field for dogs to run around in, why am i bringing him here on a lead. Im so stupid, women are so stupid, I'm lucky he didn't tell his dog to go for mine. It's common courtesy to not bring me dog here, I could've caused something serious.

He did this extremely aggressive, getting closer and closer to me with his two dogs, as i was holding Rio, his other half did nothing but watch. I was so intimidated and scared, i was shaking and was convinced he was either going to hit me or hurt Rio, so i walked as fast as i could to the exit, as i walked across the park i could still hear him shouting. I couldn't stop crying, Rio kept making sure I was ok and the walk was ruined and I walked as quickly home as i could Sad
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by kirstyleigh Fri Feb 26 2016, 18:39

The bloke seems a irresponsible dog owner you have as much right to be in the park as him if anything his dog was in the wrong been as his dog was of the lead I wouldn't let it get to you carry on taking rio to the park your just as entitled to be the park as any other dog owner
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by AussieStaff Fri Feb 26 2016, 19:13

Oh what an absolute a$$hole he is!! Im really sorry this happened to you!! You did nothing wrong at all. Some people are just irresponsible rude and shouldn't be allowed to own. I have no advice other than to say you did nothing wrong, hang in there! x
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by Guest Fri Feb 26 2016, 19:56

I think my answer would have been 'any reason I can't stop here?'

Seriously, Kerry, don't let this dork upset you. He's not worth a nano second of your brain effort. With a bit of luck he'll get himself into trouble one day and get his come-uppance.

You carry on doing what you do. If you meet him again, ignore him. If you see him or his dogs, just calmly walk away. Don't let him see he's bothered you, just slowly walk away.



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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by -Ian- Fri Feb 26 2016, 20:02

He's a typical F****** bully. He was in the wrong and knew it but justified his actions by picking on you. I hope his partner watched and listened to every word because if he can treat a stranger in this way God knows how he'll treat her.

I doubt there was anything you could have said to make the outcome any different Kerry. The law states that a type dog can be seized if it even looks as though it might cause harm, shame the same law isn't applied to aresholes like him angry

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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language B110
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by Mia05 Fri Feb 26 2016, 20:23

he was irresponsible i frequently f and lots of other words at these people

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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by dizzy Fri Feb 26 2016, 20:49

You did nothing wrong! Don't let nasty people upset you, they're not worth it.I know how you feel, as I've been in similar situations a few times now and weirdly, it's always been men that have tried to bully me. You'll feel better in a few days.
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by Mistys Mum Fri Feb 26 2016, 21:32

You were completely in the right. If anything had happened he is in the wrong as Rio was on the lead. It's easier said then done but please don't let this moron upset you. I know it's so upsetting when someone has a go at you but focus on how well Rio did.

I've had a man have a go at me before about Misty but you must try to not spend your time and energy thinking about him. Try to forget him and most importantly do not avoid that area. You have as much right as anyone to visit there so please don't let this idiot put you off. I feel terribly sorry for his dog if it's a rescue and he acts like that.
You are a responsible owner unlike him. Take care x

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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language B110
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by Rachel33 Sat Feb 27 2016, 20:19

Kerry, how awful! What a horrible man. I feel for his dogs if he loses his temper so quickly. I'm sorry that he upset you, you have every right to share the field, your dog is on lead and minding his own business! It is a public space, which you have as much right to as anybody else.

Hope you're feeling a little better today. Try not to give him another thought, as others have said, he's a bully! He must be a very unhappy person.
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by TexMex Sat Feb 27 2016, 22:25

I've been there, on New Years Day a man got very up close to me and shouted in my face about our Tex, even though she was leaded and muzzled. He tried very hard to intimidate me and even told me Tex deserved to be destroyed

It made me a bit nervous to go out again to the same spot, but these people are bullies, and don't hve a basic understanding of common courtesy. Hold your head high, you did nothing wrong

Hope you're ok
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by Sealpig Sun Feb 28 2016, 17:17

Thank you everyone for the kind words, it did bother me all Friday night and i woke up yesterday just angry at him and wish i put up more of a fight, but i couldn't stand the thought of anything happening to Rio.
I'm not the type of person to be intimidated or pushed around easily so I'm annoyed this situation has caused both, i'm not comfortable going back to that field on my own at the moment as I genuinely feared for both our safety and you can get cornered pretty easily in there. The OH is going back to Milton Keynes to visit his parents this Wednesday for a week and will take Rio with him, so he'll get a break with his walks in a new area there.

-Ian- wrote: The law states that a type dog can be seized if it even looks as though it might cause harm, shame the same law isn't applied to aresholes like him angry

Does that mean if he reported me they would take Rio?
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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by Guest Sun Feb 28 2016, 18:17

Not necessarily, Kerry. He would have to have clear justification for his complaint, more than just Rio having a bit of a snap because an off lead, out of control dog ran at him.

I don't think you should have put up more of a fight. That sort of idiot thrives on fights and it's probably exactly what he wanted. They are masters in the art and there would have been nothing you'd have said that would have made him understand the true situation. On the other hand, there is nothing more deflating than someone who doesn't fight, who just turns round and walks away. Keep you cool, don't even reply, just walk away.


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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by -Ian- Sun Feb 28 2016, 19:51

No it doesn't mean Rio could be removed Kerry, as Liz says, there has to be clear justification. My analogy was more to do with the clear & consistent aggression shown by this idiot.

I also totally agree that nothing frustrates bullies like this more than simply turning away and saying nothing, you'll often hear them jeering and such like but who looks the idiot, not the person walking away.

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Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language Empty Re: Incident in our field, very upset- censored obscene language

Post by feefeemc Sun Feb 28 2016, 19:58

I agree, he sounds like a total ass***. Don't let it put you off though. You meet all sorts when you're out on a walk, but you did nothing wrong here. Xx
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