Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy

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Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy Empty Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy

Post by Ilovemybixo Thu Nov 26 2015, 05:54

I'm in dire need of help. We have three staffordshire bull terriers.
We got Bosco-male (4) in December 2013, Bruno-male (9) in January 2015 and two months we introduced Molly-female (1). Neither Bosco or Bruno is fixed and Bruno is used as a stud. We had no problem with the males for the entire year they were together prior to getting the female. We had the female for about a month with no problems. One day, Bosco latched on to the back of Bruno's neck as an obvious sign of dominance. Over the past couple weeks they have fought a handful of times always with Bosco being the aggressor even when the female was removed from the situation. Is there anyway he's too will be able to coexist since they have already fought? We are getting Bosco fixed however I have heard once Staffys fight they always fight. I'm desperate and I have little kids so clearly this is something that needs to be resolved sooner rather than later. Thank you in advance

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Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy Empty Re: Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Nov 26 2015, 08:07

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Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy Empty Re: Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy

Post by Guest Thu Nov 26 2015, 08:28

I'm not sure there's an easy answer to this. Rather than 'staffy aggression', I'd say it's a case of two boys and one girl with hormones and instinct taking their natural course. Neutering may help, although I don't know that only doing one of them will be enough as many neutered dogs react against entire ones although they can be as happy as larry with other neutered males.

Even if you do neuter one or both, it will take time for hormones to subside. You will also have learned behaviours to contend with, their perception of their environment and the others in it is shaped by experience, which is harder to change. In other words, I'm all for castrating males when it is the right thing to do, but it's not a magic wand that will fix behaviour problems quickly and there is no guarantee it will fix them completely.

So rather than the boys not being able to live together because they've fought, I'm afraid I'd query whether they can live together because of the home environment, i.e. because of Molly, and because their hormones have now come into play.

Your priority clearly has to be your kids, and I fully understand that you need to do whatever it takes to keep them safe. I would normally suggest a behaviour trainer - and it's certainly worth seeing if you can find one to give you a hands-on assessment - but I fear that the solution is that you need to remove one of the boys from the equation. It's really hard for me to say this as I'm involved in rescue and am the last person to want to add another staffy to the list of those needing homes, but other than keeping the dogs separate all the time I can't think of another way at the moment. If I do during the day, I'll let you know!


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Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy Empty Re: Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy

Post by Mia05 Thu Nov 26 2015, 08:35

I agree with liz Smile

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Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy Empty Re: Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy

Post by -Ian- Thu Nov 26 2015, 11:22

Hi ya, welcome to the Forum.

I have to agree with the reply Liz has given unfortunately. As she says, you may find that fixing will quieten things down but ultimately it's dogs instinct to want the female attention so again as mentioned by Liz, a behaviourist might well be able to help too.

I wish there was other option that I could suggest but can't think of anything just now.

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Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy Empty Re: Help!! Staffy aggression with other Staffy

Post by Ilovemybixo Thu Nov 26 2015, 16:06

Thank you all for the help. I have suggested to my husband to remove the female which we did for a couple weeks while he was out of town and that seemed to work for a couple days but then they fought again. You're absolutely right, my kids are my first priority and for now only one male is out of his kennel at a time. I will look into the behaviorist in my area and hopefully we can come to a solution. I could re house any of these dogs no problem so they will always have a home. I just have a particular soft spot for the males since we have had them longer. If worse comes to worse, I'm hoping removing the female permenatly and having Bosco fixed will quiet the storm and we can work on, as you stated quieting down the hormones. Thanks again for the help and if you think of anything else, I'd appreciate the advice!

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