Mmm Spaying?

Inez Maria
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Mmm Spaying? Empty Mmm Spaying?

Post by DebsNZ Fri Jan 23 2015, 05:59

Hi All Ruby had her last vet check today and her final vaccination (yay) and the vet said to me she should be spayed before her first heat season which could be anytime before 10 mths? he said to do it because it can help prevent some cancers!! I have read different opinions on doing too early and im not convinced!! i have talked to the other half and said id like to do it after her first? any thoughts welcomed thanks Smile
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Mmm Spaying? Empty Re: Mmm Spaying?

Post by Inez Maria Fri Jan 23 2015, 18:51

Never had a bitch Deb but on listening to others opinons that best to let them have at least one season, as they go through the adolescent into adult stage. All personal choice I guess I think if I had a lady I would wait til had first season Smile

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Mmm Spaying? Empty Re: Mmm Spaying?

Post by -Ian- Fri Jan 23 2015, 19:41

My first Staff was never spayed and lived to a very good age. My Flo is but she came like that. I'm also under the impression that they should go through at least one season. Again, personal opinion here, I would leave until after the second. I think all this talk of cancer is scaremongering.

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Mmm Spaying? Empty Re: Mmm Spaying?

Post by Mia05 Fri Jan 23 2015, 20:07

I did read a few articles on and u are best to wait until the second season, mia came to me after 15 pups and previous owner didnt tell me she never mentioned till i had a week before the poor dog went into season again. As again it is personal choice.

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Mmm Spaying? Empty Re: Mmm Spaying?

Post by Jenc Fri Jan 23 2015, 20:27

I had Katy spayed after her 2nd season. I think its best to let them grow to their mature size before doing it. Katy also had a phantom pregnancy after her 1st season which was upsetting for her & for us but I know vets are overly keen on spaying before they've had a chance to mature >=P

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Mmm Spaying? Empty Re: Mmm Spaying?

Post by Lynn&Pete Sun Feb 08 2015, 05:29

I believe at least one season. I did read that the earlier you get them spayed the risk of breast cancer reduces, but after 3/4 there'll be very little reduction in the chances.
We have just booked Theia in for Friday.
You will have to wait 3 months from when her season finishes until the procedure can happen.
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Mmm Spaying? Empty Re: Mmm Spaying?

Post by ColinW Sun Feb 08 2015, 09:05

My vet said after her first season but i am waiting till her second is over, its just started now so get Iza done in another 4 month.
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Mmm Spaying? Empty Re: Mmm Spaying?

Post by Hannah&Michael UK Sun Feb 08 2015, 18:21

Ruby came in to seasom at 8 and a half months, I think in some senses it probably could prevent some cancers but if your dogs going to cancer it is no matter where spayed or not, my 14 year old springer was neutered at 6 months and he isnt very well yes his sister 13 was spayed at 3 and is as healthy as a 13 year old can get

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Mmm Spaying? Empty Re: Mmm Spaying?

Post by ditchy76 Sun Feb 08 2015, 20:01

I would wait until after her 2nd season. I agree with comments above that mentioning cancer can be a bit of scaremongering.

It is personal choice but I firmly believe in letting a dog go from puppy to adult and mature properly before spaying.
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