whats ur training regiemes

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whats ur training regiemes Empty whats ur training regiemes

Post by rico24 Sat Jun 28 2014, 00:20

Hey all
So just wondering what everyones training methods are and how often u practice.
Looikng for more to do with the diva aka tazmanian devil as shes known just now!!!!! as we have to wait til aug for classes to start again and with her been on very light walks after being speyed has decided to go from 15month old bk to 15 week old not listening n being nippy puppy!

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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by Rachel33 Sat Jun 28 2014, 08:20

Hey! How long ago was she's spayed? I had Bug back on normal walks after a week!

Generally Bug has little 5/10 minute bursts of trick training a day, and we train her on the raggy to with the leave command etc. She's still very much a work in progress with around men and other animals, but her focus command is spot on 95% percent of the time, and I ensure daily that she sees men/dogs from a distance. She can share a field with other off lead dogs now without reacting, providing they don't approach her. You can see Bug's full rehab plan in the Rehab section of the forum though, I've been training her for 3 years lol!!!
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by Sazzle Sat Jun 28 2014, 08:25

All the time, Daisy never gets a free treat  Laughing 
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by rico24 Sat Jun 28 2014, 09:37

Hey thats a week now. Shes due her stitches out on monday

I always do we trick training in 10 min bursts to. Shes good at sit, sit stay, down, down stay etc but keeping her focus outside is a nightmare.

How best to do the watch me, focus command?
Recall the biggest challenge and cos she goes all nutty off lead im worried she goes for someone and jumps on them or gives them a nip with her hyperness! And with other dogs shes like eh who are u when i shout her!
Iv been doin this all since she was 8weeks lol. Shes persistant at being naughty :-D lol

Currently been tryin to teach "quiet" command as she is always barking too but its not going too well.

She does this funny thing too where in house she wanrs to play and its too late or whatever il reach for her collar to give her a clap and calm her and she jumps back, sliding across the floor.....defos has wierd xmen powers haha!

My mums went slightly back into tht "oh my god what have we got here" attitude but i think just gotta start over like she a baby again.

Its this jumpin up n nipping wen she gets wild outside swinging off lead snarling its very frustrating and embarrassing :-(
Trying to do a wee schedule of things to work on so any suggestions on wee activitues would be awesome.

Il have a well behaved dog yet
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by Rachel33 Sat Jun 28 2014, 10:05

Ah okay! Bet you can't wait to get back out on proper walks! "Fiesty fido" by Patricia McConnell is my bible for teaching the focus command, picked it up on Amazon for a few quid, it's taken a while but I've just been out for an hour with Bug and she sat and focused perfectly even when 2 dogs were having a fight about 10 feet away from her!! Begin small and build distractions/distances between distractions. Have you got a long lead for her, rather than a flexi.

Personally, I think that you need to build your bond with her. Me and Bug go swimming together, climbing, hiking etc. We gel when we're working together and can read each other much better now, and know where each other is going next.

When you say that "you grab her collar and give her a clap to calm her down" what do you mean? I wouldn't be grabbing her collar at all, and if a clap means hitting her I would stop that right away also. She's never going to trust you, or listen to you if you're physically disciplining her. It certainly won't calm her down.

It sounds like it's going to be redirecting with her, which is where the focus will come in. Wish you were closer, would love to see her!
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by AussieStaff Sat Jun 28 2014, 10:06

Every day I make Koda (8mths) shake paw for a treat, put a treat down & make him wait til I say he can have it, have him sit on the corner when we are out walking the streets, make him sit til I say he can have his brekky/dinner etc. I also make sure I chase him with his ball, play tug with his rope, and chase his boomer ball etc.
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by rico24 Sat Jun 28 2014, 10:39

Awww i mean like il get on floor and call her calmly and when she comes i hold her collar and give her a clap like stroke her and talk calmly. I do this too wen she swings from her lead. I wouldnt hit her or anythin i know tht would ruin the trust.

Aw il defo check tht book out, i got some other ones from amazon too.

Awesome, i was looking at boomer balls they look good! Lol i taught paw too but to her its more a punch lol or a halfhearted "here take my paw and give me the treat"
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by Rachel33 Sat Jun 28 2014, 10:44

Ohh that's good haha I've never heard of clap for stroke before!!

It's a great book and goes into the command very thoroughly Smile

Ah boomer balls are great for some dogs, I've had dogs in kennels that have gotten so frustrated with popping them that they've cause themselves an injury and had to have them taken away! Bug doesn't like them either, but lots of dogs on forum love them! Just depends on the dog Smile I do use activity balls though, similar to a boomer but with holes in it that treats fall out of! Giving paw is Bugs least favourite command also, she doesn't like her paws being touched, so I taught her to wave or high 5 instead so there isn't as much contact lol Smile
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by AussieStaff Sat Jun 28 2014, 11:14

Koda LOVES his Boomer Ball, he goes nuts for it every chance he gets. As for the paw/shake hands, most of the time I get a decent shake - depends on the size of the treat (the bigger the treat the more distracted and paws at the air lol!). Great to keep them mentally stimulated Smile
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by rico24 Sat Jun 28 2014, 11:36

Lol il maybe try the boomer. I have an activity ball and the treat cylinder thing (name escapes me) that cant get knocked over and she couldnt care less lol shes not into working haha!!!

Lol sorry it sounded like i hit her. Some people say it alot here like give the dog a wee clap.

Jus ordered the book :-D i have 2 of her other books.

How do you feel about stagbars and bullbars????? Cali loves them ans i recomend them at work for chewers and for when they get a bit mouthy but i also know some dont approve as they can hurt teeth. The bullbars defo break up alot quicker
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by jola139 Sat Jun 28 2014, 16:20

We train all day long. We have to focus more on "watch me " command, but we getting better. Yesterday was walkin with Debo on the field, very narrow bushey path, he was of the lead. At some point he stopped, sat down and looked at me. And then I saw another dog with his owner. I called Debo he came, put him on the lead, stepped a side and did the "watch" command. I was really shocked that he sat and waited. On every walk we to lead walking ( which can be pain ), at home he do some 5-10min command/trick session. We learning every day, both of us.
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by jola139 Sat Jun 28 2014, 16:20

Oh and the stag bars are great!
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by rico24 Sat Jun 28 2014, 16:27

Yeah i really like them....well she likes them more! It was a customer tht moaned wen i suggested 1 for her mouthy dog.

Aw wow thts amazing i hope to get to that stage with her too!
What a good boy ! :-D

Cali now goes to her crate when we have dinner and she goes herself its so cute she sits in it like ok time for your dinner il just chill out in here.
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by jola139 Sat Jun 28 2014, 16:31

Well, you see I would love Debo to sit in his crate when we having super but noooooo, daddy showed him that there is always something nice for Debo on our plates >Smile 
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whats ur training regiemes Empty Re: whats ur training regiemes

Post by rico24 Sat Jun 28 2014, 20:31

Lol cheeky daddy.
She used to sit on our heads practically lol was very naughty. Iv been having lunch with her out and tryin to get her better at not bein so in our faces but dinner time she just pops in herself.
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